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Posted by b-unicycling on 20 January 2025 in English.

Street-level imagery

Since last Thursday, I’m touring the Netherlands with the band I’m in. I brought the GoPro Max sponsored by Meta, because I thought it would be a great opportunity to get lots of footage for Panoramax which has little coverage in the Netherlands so far. We’re staying in the same place all the time, near Epe in Gelderland and fan out for the gigs almost all over the Netherlands. We’ll be playing until the 31st of January.

Unfortunately, it’s been very foggy since we arrived, so the imagery is not the best. It is also very cold, and the third trip (to Zutphen, if I remember correctly), the metal on the holder hinge shrunk and the camera tilted back, so that footage was fairly useless.

I upload the images to mapillary first, after all, they sponsored the camera, so it takes a while to get them onto Panoramax, and the internet at the accommodation doesn’t seem as quick as what I’m used to.

Here’s a link to the footage gathered footage on Panoramax, but it’s still a work in progress, of course.

Mapping by survey

Of course, I can’t stop myself from mapping from the van window or walking around that little bit between sound check and gig. I’m mostly adding bicycle parking (I know it’s a clichee that the Netherlands are great for cycling, but good Lord, are they!), post boxes, defibribrillators, missing shops and whatever else. I’ve also added a bit of roof:material=thatch, because I find it fascinating how much is still around, compared to Ireland. Even though I was told by our sound engineer that some of it is made of plastic. Disgusting. But since I can’t see that from afar, I’ll still map it as roof:material=thatch.

Mapping theatre details

Every night, apart from when we’re off like today, we’re in a different theatre, and usually we don’t know what to expect in amenities. Some of them are fairly large theatres with a corresponding large backstage area with many amenities like showers, microwaves, washing machine and tumble dryer, games etc. We don’t have a self-service washing machine at the accommodation which I had expected, so I would personally like to know beforehand what to expect at a theatre. For future reference, I have started adding the facilities with a backstage prefix such as at Het Kruispunt in Barendrecht: OSM Screenshot with backstage tags I know this is very niche micro-mapping, but why not?

Mapping from satellite imagery

If you follow my journey, you’ll know that I have a big interest in history. How interesting to find that the start_date of the houses is mapped everywhere! From what I could see, there was a huge import of buildings (only the larger ones, no sheds or garages) with their addresses and start date in 2014. Needless to say, that has become quite outdated. I’ve added a couple of the cabins, static caravans or whatever they are around where we are staying. But it must have made such a difference for OSM Netherlands to have that open data. Something we can still only dream about in Ireland, but it goes to show that there is always work in catching up to do.

Location: Zuuk, Epe, Gelderland, Netherlands, 8161 RE, Netherlands

Bei meiner gestrigen Wanderung am Thayatalweg navigierte ich wie immer mit Handy und Komoot. Diese Methode benötigt bekanntlich sehr viel Strom. Dahner hatte ich eine 5000 mAh Powerbank und ein USB-C Ladekabel lose in eine Außentasche (!) des Rucksacks gepackt.

Powerbank und Ladekabel bei Kälte körpernah transportieren

Nach rund 12 Kilometern war der Handyakku erwartungsgemäß am Ende. Ich steckte die Powerbank ans Handy und beides in die äußere (!) Jackentasche. 2 Fehler mit 2 Ergebnissen: * Warnmeldung am Handy: Sehr schwache Ladeleistung! * An beiden Enden des Kabels, direkt hinter dem Knickschutz brach die Isolierung und mehrere Kupferlitzen brachen. Kurz darauf schaltete sich mein Handy wegen Energiemangel ab.

Dann stehst du bei dichtem Nebel, einem leichten Lüftchen und minus -2° (gefühlt -6°) ohne Navigation, ohne Verbindung zur Außenwelt und ohne Rückfahrtickets irgendwo auf einer kleinen Landstraße im Waldviertel!

Plötzlich ist man, ganz alleine, in einer echt gefährlichen Situation!

Erschwerend waren noch Hunger und Durst.

Mein Glück war die Landstraße als einzige Orientierungshilfe. Als ich an den Bus 875, der mich nach Hardegg brachte, wurde mir bewusst, ich hatte ja nun auch keine Tickets nach Hause mehr! Doch, diesmal nicht „Gott“ sondern Dank einer guten Planung /Vorbereitung hatte ich einen „Notgroschen“ + einen 500 kcal YFood Riegel + genügend Polster an Tageslicht.

Das A und O lautet:

Planung – Vorbereitung – Ausrüstung

Location: Merkersdorf, Hardegg, Bezirk Hollabrunn, Weinviertel, Niederösterreich, 2082, Österreich
Posted by InfosReseaux on 19 January 2025 in English. Last updated on 20 January 2025.

OpenStreetMap is now 20 years old. Its community is contributing to complete a geographical database which fuel many activities, for instance useful for energy transition and power grids asset management. The increasing impacts of extreme weather phenomenons like storms or wild fires disrupt power grids and expose them to wider outages. Operators have to reinforce and adapt their assets for those upcoming challenges.

Overhead power grids asset management had suffered from disinterest since early 1990s for instance in France. It remains at least a significant challenge in developed countries. Important decisions that had been made to bury them and more generally because they are “highly visible infrastructure” don’t bring value to accurate knowledge about existing infrastructures. Nevertheless, several decades are required to completely hide a very capillary distribution grid. So we need to better describe them for sake of maintaining remaining overhead power grids, particularly ones that couldn’t be buried. In particular, very high voltage transmission lines will remain mainly overhead.

Producing and maintaining knowledge about utility networks assets is tedious and expensive without appropriate tools. I already had opportunity to explain how the “OpenStreetMap way” is helping for power transmission grid knowledge, back in 2020. Operators now face other challenges and are busy with bigger investments for transitions. Yet lesser time left for knowledge management as projects pace accelerate. Power grids inventory started early after OpenStreetMap birth in 2004. It began with most visible transmission grids. Tagging improvements are continuously made since 2010 and 15 years later we reach another step with a deeper experience in such activities.

Rita storm damages in Texas, 2005 - Bob McMillan / FEMA Photo Rita storm damages in Texas, 2005 - Bob McMillan / FEMA Photo

Power grids adaptation to climate change

Climate change raises new challenges and force us to adapt our lifestyle and infrastructures. Disasters occurs more often and requires more accurate risk exposition studies to preserve resilience at an acceptable level.

In western Europe, Lothar and Martin storms at the end of 1999 had reminded us the power grids vulnerability to windy or snowy weather. French transmission grid operator (TSO), RTE, published an interesting retrospective of outages following those two storms. More recently in France, Ciaran (2023, 1.2 milions of subscribers off grid) and Caetano storms (2024, 600 000 subscribers off grid) had significantly damaged overhead distribution grids on shores. Enedis, the main distribution grid operator (DSO) set up a strategy to restore and prepare infrastructures to similar events in the Future. It notably requires to manage a detailed knowledge to identify parts of networks that require to be improved the most.

Overhead power grids are vulnerable to storms or wildfires and they could cause them as well (see how Pacific Gas & Electricty lack of maintenance was involved in the Camp Fire disaster in 2018). Lastly, power distribution grid operation was also questioned at Pacific Palisade. OpenStreetMap allows highly detailed description of power lines with their supports. It should be possible to compare this knowledge with one maintained by operators to reach completeness more quickly (on both OpenStretMap and Operators sides since both still misses some parts of it even today). Back in 2021, OpenStreetMap France concluded a strategic partnership with French DSO Enedis to collaborate on asset knowledge accessible to OSM contributors.

Power grids ontology and tooling

Producing a business-grade useful knowledge needs a readable and comprehensive ontology. It enables contributors to sustainably cope with transitions and challenges. Back in 2015, community was busy building a more detailed tagging for power grids and it still supports interoperability today, between many OpenStreetMap tools and with operators or business focused ones as well. OpenStreetMap was already able to map visible parts of power grids and particularly got focused on power supports (towers and poles mainly). OSM tagging that covers towers and poles today relies on three main attributes. They’ve been reviewed in three proposals:

  • line_attachment (2019, 23 pros) describes the way power lines are attached to their supports
  • line_management (2020, 20 pros) describes particular topology situations around power lines supports
  • line_arrangement (2023, 11 pros et 2 cons) describes the shape of conductors in a given power line

Learn more in this other diary published in 2020.

Open source software

Our tools are also a game changer to encourage people to contribute and value data they produce.

StreetComplete has got two additional quests. They regard the material of power poles and the attachment of power lines on them. Those quests ease the contribution from ground since those properties are poorly visible on aerial imagery.

StreetComplete quests for overhead power lines

Secondly, we make a great use of quality insurance tools to maintain an acceptable quality level and not get lost in years-lasting refinements. For instance, several Osmose analysis search and warn for inconsistent or missing features and are based upon publicly available datasets in as many countries as possible.

Osmose analysis dedicated to overhead power lines has been online since september 2020. It acts as a demonstrator of what OpenStreetMap data make possible about overhead power grids asset management. Available data about towers and pole in France in OSM are directly rendered on the website’s map. example with transmission and distribution power lines

Software and ontology represent an original way of collecting and processing asset management data for power grids. They are available under licenses that preserve interests of both contributors and consumers. The journey to improve and innovate is not over and it’s still possible to contribute in one of several projects we had in this field of knowledge.

Open data and asset management

OpenStreetMap community knows how to produce knowledge virtuously by reusing available open data. We aim to enable people involved to give feedback to operators with their own ground surveys. It’s first of all static topology data and it doesn’t intend to describe the status of a network at a given date. Contributors on 5 continents now use the tagging used for power supports. This show a fast adoption rate, replacing historical properties that had to be refined.

In the beginning of 2025, the 3 main attributes of power towers or pole show 450 000 usages (line_attachment 309 000, line_management 124 000 and line_arrangement 17 000) although millions of power supports remain to be discovered.

It was necessary to inspect existing objects to move tagging to the new one and then to continue to collect efficiently data on ground about new features. Several campaigns occur in parallel, both on distribution and transmission grids, started on the initiative of contributors. This ongoing refinement provides consumers with data of ever-increasing consistency and completeness. It has been noticed by some researchers and software modelers for power grids. They make an increasing usage of OpenStreetMap data to feed their software with topological knowledge of power grids.

Focus on France

French community had recently been busy with transmission power grid. We aim to improve knowledge about power towers and implement tagging explained upside. At least one contributor review each of 255 000 towers supporting the overhead transmission power lines, since 2017. Some locations have been refined and some attributes have been added.

Particularly about the 30 000 of towers supporting the highest voltage power grid, towers designs shapes have been surveyed on ground or from aerial imagery since mid-2023 (absent from open data) and described with help of design:ref key. This initiative could be extended to lower voltage transmission grids with the help of AI and Lidar data that accurately show most of towers.

We are now able to render some summary and looking forward to get feedback from grid operator to know where our mistakes are:

French 400 kV power towers summary French 400 kV power towers summary - François Lacombe CC BY-SA 4.0

Distribution grids also got attention from the local community as we reached the symbolic step of 1.5 millions poles supporting lower voltage lines. More than 2 000 people has been involved since 4 years. The public platform running is useful to understand how tremendous this effort is.


As we regularly get results from a long-term work started many years ago, we show that OpenStreetMap is relevant to produce very specific knowledge, particularly about overhead power grids. This knowledge is necessary to ongoing efforts to adapt our infrastructure to climate change and energy transition.

Good wills allowing to reach consistency and completeness goals anywhere in the world are always welcome. Produced data are available on standard OpenStreetMap access points under ODbL license. We see many industrial or scientific initiatives which require high quality data to operate but a very few take time to provide us with the knowledge they produced about the underlying infrastructure. This lack of sharing will possibly lessen our common efficiency to adapt and finally tackle this century challenge.

Here are some ideas if you want to get involved to help:

  • Developers, have a look to Osmose power issues, JOSM power issues or even iD power tagging to help us solve them
  • Contributors, have a look to local power projects. Some may match the country you are located in.
  • Consumers, give a try to OpenStreetMap data in your area and provide us with feedback on what improvements could be made.
  • Operators, also give a try to OpenStreetMap data as to compare with internal data and find useful feedback

This diary has been translated from French, original publication is available on OpenStreetMap France website.

Posted by AngocA on 15 January 2025 in Spanish (Español).

F4 es uno de los pocos visores de OpenStreetMap que ha estado en servicio ofreciendo renderizado en 3D por muchos años. Han habido otros servicios, pero cuando se muestra F4 cualquier persona se descresta. He empezado a mapear en 3D, y muchas de las grandes contribuciones, principalmente en Denver, en este ámbito han sido de chachafish. Lo quise contactar para obtener algunos tipos de un experto, pero dejó de mapear desde 2020 (en plena pandemia :( ), entonces me tocó buscar otras opciones.

En el wiki, en communities, hay información dispersa, pero no muestra todas las posibilidades que tiene esta herramienta. Entonces, decidí indagar en la misma página de F4 map, y encontré 2 páginas muy interesantes: render y changelog. En ellas se describe en cierto desorden todo lo que puede hacer esta herramienta.

Entonces, decidí darle un orden, extraer las etiquetas que usa y ahí tener una mejor idea de cómo debo hacer 3D mapping. Fue ahí cuando recordé Taginfo, y decidí listar este visor en este directorio, por lo que creé una entrada:

Además de lo anterior, es necesario manejar los colores para que se visualice más cercano a la realidad. Para eso se puede usar esta guía de nombres de colores.

Esperemos que esto sea de ayuda para que más personas se aventuren en el mapeo 3D, sobretodo teniendo un poquito más de documentación.

Yo comencé con un pequeño ejercicio en el norte de Bogotá, y estoy muy contento con el resultado del Centro Comercial Plaza Norte:

Location: Centro Comercial Plaza Norte, Localidad Usaquén, Bogotá, Bogotá Distrito Capital - Municipio, Bogotá, Distrito Capital, RAP (Especial) Central, 110141, Colombia
Posted by mapmeld on 15 January 2025 in English.

For years, an issue with Kurdish language, Arabic script, and OpenStreetMap tiles has been on my radar. In 2023 I got OSM to update Noto fonts on the tile server, but Google has moved their latest changes to individual repos.

I’m continuing to workshop a PR for that.. but in the meantime, I thought to check if OSM needs more of the language-specific Noto fonts. Back in spring 2019 I did a mini survey of where Unicode blocks were used around the OSM world.

Today I added Python scripts to check Planet PBF files (specifically name and alt_name tags on nodes) and find usage across Unicode blocks.

There are names with Latin alphabet and frequently associated characters (superscripts and subscripts, dingbats, diacritics, IPA, half-width, old italic, runic, spacing modifiers, punctuation, emoticons/emoji, and symbols from math, music, currency, and maps).

  • Africa has: TIFINAGH, ARABIC (supplements and presentation forms), CYRILLIC, ETHIOPIC, NKO, HEBREW, CJK, HANGUL, and GREEK.


For the Americas, OSM already includes fonts for Cherokee and Canadian Aboriginal Symbols.
Those two scripts and OGHAM, TAGBANWA, and BAMUM were misused in Asia. The instance of TAGALOG script was a little uncertain. I removed an Apple logo because it’s from the Private Use Area.

The current font download script is pretty good, and includes additional fonts (Adlam and Tai Viet) which aren’t actively used.

The one alphabet which I will recommend adding is Glagolitic. Stone letters have appeared in several locations around Baška, Croatia (street view , street view 2), but also get misused on tourist site binoculars (assumedly using Ⰹ to represent its shape) and I’d previously seen it in the Canary Islands.

I am considering setting up a script checking weekly edit downloads for common errors and suspicious Unicode blocks.

Location: Zarok, Baška, Općina Baška, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, 51523, Croatia
Posted by GerardSharp on 15 January 2025 in English.

so the beach town is seeing growth again, after the primary developers went bust in 2007/8. A large amount of blank land between the shops and the harbour has been cleared, and given asphalt roads, concrete footpaths, and brackish ponds for the mosquitoes to grow in! I hope the new holiday home owners like mosquitoes!

My GPS accuracy is not great and my note taking while walking is worse; but I’ve drawn some new ways on the new footpaths; and verified some of the existing paths from Kenwood Drive to Waimarie Ave are still approximately where my GPS says they are. Good fun.

Need to go back with a laptop next summer to add/tweak more. Hopefully LINZ has updated by then to provide even better coverage

Location: Winton Beaches, Matarangi, Thames-Coromandel District, Waikato, 3592, New Zealand

The State of the Map Asia 2024 conference wasn’t held in a main travelers’ hub like Thailand but rather chose a much, not that well-known country Bangladesh, and its previously unsettled political situation, which ended with the Prime Minster fleeing to India. Summarizing all these factors might discourage most people from visiting this country, ended up most of the attendees are domestic, and plus someone like me who is a foreigner is lucky enough to obtain a VISA to pay a visit.

Bangladesh is a young country, during the conference we saw many attendees were students, who might help those international aid projects to gather map data. We can see teachers bring their students to attend the conference. And there are also various student clubs, like all Youthmappers in Bangladesh, publishing their project results. One day we might see when the country is prosperous, and students grown up, there is a chance that they will map shops and buildings in the city where they live.

I want to write something about the general participant situation here in the Asia Pacific area. In developed countries like Taiwan, there are individuals who launch interest groups to map specific map features or netizens with enough motive to contribute to OpenStreetMap project. There are other countries that rely on aid projects to map local map data, and sometimes there are sone who will map modern map features. I have heard a talk about solar pannels in Dahka.

The State of the Map Asia splits its session into quite strange 10-minute parts. I accidentally submitted two talks, and did not get rejected. I had to give a talk on the first and second day, one I introduced the community in Taiwan, and the other day I introduced some interesting projects hosted by individual mappers.

I almost can’t fly into Dahka due to the immigration office having some questions about my visit. Finally, the host came to the airport to rescue me and took the connecting flight to Cox’s Bazar. Besides the conference, I had a walk every day on the beach, listening to the sound of the waves of the Indian Ocean. When I recalled the memory of my Bangladesh trip, there was a challenge to get a VISA on arrival. I take the chance to visit Bangladesh when attending a conference and add Bangladesh to the list of South Asia countries.

Location: Hotel Motel Zone, Cox's Bazar, Cox's Bazar District, Chattogram Division, 4700, Bangladesh

這改 State of the Map Asia 2024 大會,毋是佇逐家愛去𨑨迌的旅遊勝地泰國舉行,顛倒是佇民風較祕思,國家較封閉的孟加拉舉行。而且佇落尾的時,確實有人簽證問題無法度入境到位會場。閣加添孟加拉政局無穩定,進前總理流亡,共頭前講的原因加加起來,予世界各國的人無想欲來。這个大會會當講是孟加拉人為主,極加加添我這款會當入境的外國人。

孟加拉是少年人的國家,一般看著的參與者是學生,幫贊國際援助計畫累積基礎的地理圖資。閣有參與的老師𤆬學生,有各種的社團,比喻講孟加拉各大學的 YouthMappers 組織攏有參與,發表𪜶參與的計畫。應該是有一工社會發達,一陣學生較有歲,相信下開始畫四箍圍的店頭佮都市的建築。


演講的部份,𪜶用較奇妙的十分鐘為一个單位進行,家己無細膩投兩份演講,著勉強共平常時紹介 OpenStreetMap 的簡報拆做兩份,第一工紹介台灣的社群,進行的計畫佮未來展望,第二天就是講個別台灣社群成員的計畫。

當時欲入境孟加拉拄著挑戰,予移民官擋咧留話,愛主辦單位出面解釋,才予入境。落尾到位 Cox’s Bazar,除了佇會場發表,嘛聽捌人的經驗,體驗孟加拉旅遊勝地,會當講是孟加拉的墾丁𨑨迌踅踅。我逐家會當到海沙埔散步,體驗印度洋的海風佮海波浪。這馬回想一逝旅行,對孟加拉落地簽申請的難題,趁大會佇孟加拉舉辦的機會來到孟加拉,解鎖一个南亞國家的成就。

Location: হোটেল মোটেল অঞ্চল, কক্সবাজার, কক্সবাজার জেলা, 吉大港, 4700, 孟加拉国

這次 State of the Map Asia 2024 並非在旅遊聖地泰國舉行,而是比較封閉的孟加拉,光是簽證就很容易搞死人。而在最後關頭,的確是有很多人就無法到場,簽證沒過無法入境。再加上前陣子孟加拉政局動盪,總理流亡,綜合以上種種因素,導致各國的人不大前往參與。孟加拉人為大宗的大會,再加上能有辦法進來的外國人

在會場觀察參者的人好有活力,很多援助計畫在協助積累當地基礎的地理圖資。另外參與的人口年輕,像是老師帶著學生參與,各種年輕團體組團,例如孟加拉各大學的 YouthMapper 組織都有參與,發表相關的計畫。當社會漸漸發達,大家年紀變年長,相信應該會有人轉為畫生活活動範圍的商家與都市地帶的建築。



儘管移民官還有機場設施不是那麼友善,但我順利到達 Cox’s Bazar,除了在會場發表還有聽別人的經驗分享之外,也趁機到這個孟加拉的渡假聖地遊覽,每天到沙灘走走,體驗印度洋的浪與風。回想這一切,孟加拉簽證難申請,趁這次大會在孟加拉,解鎖到這一南亞國家遊歷的成就。

Location: হোটেল মোটেল অঞ্চল, কক্সবাজার, কক্সবাজার জেলা, 吉大港, 4700, 孟加拉国
Posted by spwoodcock on 14 January 2025 in English. Last updated on 15 January 2025.

See pt1 of this series here.

See pt2 of this series here.

See pt3 of this series here.

How Does This Relate To OSM Again?

If you have been following the articles listed above, you will know the Field Mapping Tasking Manager (FMTM) is a tool developed by HOTOSM to improve the quality of field verified data associated with geometries.

In the OSM world, this means adding and improving tags for OSM geometries.

A key element of this work flow is conflation of newly collected data with existing data in OSM. Some preliminary work was done on this, but for now the team decided to pivot and focus entirely on improving the usability of FMTM from the perspective of mappers.

The conflation work will be continued further down the line.

Currently, Rob Savoye is also continuing some work in parallel for conflation of roads in the USA, with OSMUS’s osm-merge project.

The roadmap for FMTM can be found here.

Easier Field Mapping

Since release 2024.5.0, we have be focusing on what we have dubbed the ‘Mapper Frontend’.

Our primary goals:

  • Mapping should be as intuitive as possible for users, requiring minimal training or existing knowledge (with prompts).

  • The application should be fast and responsive, tailored to field mapping needs.

  • Data should load real-time, significantly improving the collaborative team experience. Joe wants to know where Jim is mapping currently, to avoid overlap.

  • A secondary goal is the potential to package it up in a mobile app wrapper, allowing for easy distribution via mobile app stores.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4

Mapped Buildings Should Turn Green

  • This was one of our first feature requests, and most important from the mapper perspective.
  • When a feature is mapped, it should turn green on the map to indicate that it’s done!
  • We have implemented this feature in the new mapper app, with further improvements to real-time sync of mapping status coming in the next release too.


Future Work

So, Sam, when can we use FMTM on iOS devices I hear you cry!

This is long overdue, and an essential feature to increase the reach of FMTM.

Over the next two / three months we are working on this as part of a larger push to integrate ODK Web Forms into FMTM.

Once complete, the requirement to install and switch to the ODK Collect app for survey data collection will no longer be present.

Instead, we will have a full field mapping solution built into a single streamlined web application!

Follow progress here, where this is part of the requirement for an ongoing mapping project of informal settlements in Brazil 🎉

Ongoing Campaigns

A project mapping settlements in the Tokha municipality of Nepal is about to commence!

We have also recently had projects mapping informal settlements in Ghana and Tanzania.

See the FMTM timeline with some additional projects listed here.


A Question To Our Users

The name ‘Field Mapping Tasking Manager’ (FMTM) was created quickly, showing an obvious link to the Tasking Manager.

However, we realise it’s probably not the most catchy name, and often creates confusion with the FMTM acronym.

Two possible suggestions have been made for a name change:

  • Field-TM (consistent with other tools, e.g. Drone-TM, references TM).
  • FieldTasker (describes the tool better, but does not reference TM).

Please comment with name suggestions, feedback, or other ideas!

Future Posts

I plan to make future posts about developments, technical deep dives, and usage of FMTM’s features.

If you liked this article and want to support the development of FMTM, please read the contributing guide here.

Show some love by adding a ⭐ to the FMTM Git Repo.

See you next time!

Location: Ely, East Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, England, United Kingdom
Posted by AngocA on 12 January 2025 in Spanish (Español).

El mapeo de interiores no es muy popular ya que requiere conocimientos de la distribución de los espacios dentro de un edificio. Normalmente esto se hace por medio de un plano, que puede ser el de evacuación. Aunque aquí empieza el problema de permisos de uso de datos para mapear en OpenStreetMap.

En Colombia estamos comenzando esta labor, pero quise listar lo que se ha hecho en Latam, y reconocer a los mapeadores:

  • 들어가기에 앞서, LuxuryCoop님의 기존 제안을 보고 영감을 얻어 새로 올린 글입니다. 아래 글을 읽어보기에 앞서, 해당 글을 먼저 읽어보시는 것을 추천드립니다.

본 게시글에서는 지역의 label 태그를 위계별로 어떻게 사용하여야 할 지에 대하여 특히 주목하여 작성해 보았습니다. 기본적으로 OSM Wiki에 명시된 대로 각각의 place 태그에 대한 원론적인 위계에 주목하여 한국의 행정 구역 라벨 위계를 새로이 구성해 보았습니다.

공식 행정구역


  • place=province - 도(道), 특별시, 광역시, 특별자치도, 특별자치시에 사용

해당 태그는 일반적으로 주나 도 등 국가의 1차 행정구역을 나타낼 때 사용되며, 언급한 자치단체 모두 동일하게 대한민국의 1차 행정구역을 나타내므로 모두 ‘province’로 동일하게 표현하였습니다.


  • place=city - 시(市)
  • place=county - 군(郡)

시와 군의 경우는 현행 유지되는 태그를 그대로 사용하였습니다.

  • place=district - 특별시, 광역시 등의 자치구
  • place=borough - 자치구가 아닌 구; 일반구

자치구의 경우 시, 군과 동등한 위계에 있는 기초자치단체로써, 지방 정부에 의해 자치적으로 운영되는 행정 구역이라는, OSM Wiki에 설명되어 있는 district과 그 사용례를 같이 한다는 점에 착안하여 district로 제안해 보았습니다.

일반구의 경우, 자치구와 마찬가지로 구(區)라는 명칭을 공유한다는 점은 존재하지만, 자치구와 달리 별도의 자치권이 없는 시(市) 내부의 하위 행정구역이라는 점을 고려할 때, 자치구와는 다른 태그를 이용하여 이를 표현해야 할 필요성이 있다고 생각하였습니다. 이러한 점을 고려할 때, 일반적으로 도시 ‘내부’의 구역임을 나타내는 ‘borough’ 태그를 사용하여 달리 표기하는 것을 제안하는 바입니다.

  • place=subdistrict - 행정동

현행에서는 place=quarter가 동을 표현하는 데 사용되고 있지만, 해당 태그는 행정 구역을 명시한다기보다 도시 내 특정 구역을 태그하는 데 이용되는 점을 고려해보면, 거주 규모와는 별개로 행정구역임을 명확히 명시하는 subdistrict 태그를 이용하여 행정동을 표현하는 것이 좀 더 합리적이지 않을까 제안합니다. district와 연계하는 경우 구와 동의 계층이 명확해진다는 점도 존재합니다.

  • ? - 법정동

‘법정동’의 경우는 일부 명칭을 제외하고는 지적 사무 외 행정적 사무와 실생활에서는 거의 쓰이지 않는다는 점을 고려할 때 지역적으로 잘 알려진 몇 법정동명을 제외하고는 법정동 relation의 name으로만 존치하고 label은 삭제합니다. 또한, 잘 알려진 몇 법정동명의 경우에는 규모에 따라suburb/quarter/neighbourhood로 구분하여 남기는 것을 제안합니다.

사실 법정동의 경우에는, 제가 제안하는 위계 구조 상에서 명확히 처리하기에는 애매한 바가 있어서, 혹시 이와 관련하여 좋은 의견 있으면 남겨주시면 감사하겠습니다.

  • place=town - 읍(邑)/면(面)

기존 방식대로 읍, 면의 경우는 town으로 태그합니다. 소규모 면의 경우도 town으로 묶여 과대표기될 수 있다는 우려가 존재하기는 하나, 읍과 면 둘 다 동일한 행정 위계를 갖는다는 점을 고려하여 town으로 동일하게 태그합니다.

  • place=village - 법정리(里)
  • place=hamlet - 행정리/자연부락

현행대로 법정리의 경우 village로 표기하고, 법정리에서 행정 편의 상 더 잘게 쪼개진 행정리 혹은 자연부락의 경우 hamlet으로 표기합니다.

공식적인 행정구역이 아닌 지명

공식적인 행정구역에는 포함되지 않으나, 국지적 혹은 전국적으로 통용되는 지명에 대해서는 다음과 같은 태그 방법을 제안합니다. 각 place 태그 별 예시는 이해를 돕기 위한 단순 예시에 불과하다는 점 참고하시면 되겠습니다.

  • place=suburb - 신도시, 신시가지, 혹은 택지지구 등의 대생활권 (예: 분당, 일산, 목동, 동탄 등)
  • place=quarter - 중간 규모의 잘 알려진 상권, 혹은 중생활권 (예: 홍대, 성수, 서면 등)
  • place=neighbourhood - 단일 거리 단위 상권, 근린 단위의 소생활권 등 (예: 목동 로데오거리, 해방촌 등)

도시의 내부 구역, 특히 생활권을 구분하는 데 있어 suburb>quarter>neighbourhood의 삼분법이 널리 활용된다는 점과, 행정동과는 무방하게 지역적 지명을 자유롭게 표기할 수 있다는 점에서 이 방식을 제안하였습니다.

  • place=locality - 단순 자연지명 등

일반적인 거주 지역과는 외따로 떨어진 지역이나 단순 지명만 남은 지역 등을 표기할 때 사용합니다. 한두 가구 등을 표현할 때 place=isloated_dwelling을 사용할 수도 있겠지만, 한국에서 한두 가구 외따로 떨어진 지역의 지명을 일반적으로는 따로 부여하지 않는다는 점을 고려할 때는 굳이 이용할 필요가 있나? 싶긴 합니다.

해당 제안에 대한 다양한 의견, 피드백 환영합니다. 긴 글 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

Нам нужно больше пользоваться сервисами для панорам, такими как Panoramax.

Яндекс это конечно отличный сервис, но он все же не самый дружелюбный к OSM’у, и права на его панорамы могут отозвать в любой момент. Призываю всех неравнодушных людей у которых есть файлы уличных панорам (или даже фотографии уличных объектов) зайти на и загрузить их туда. У iD есть отдельный слой для панорам с этого сайта, и у людей которые картируют с него будет больше открытых данных с которых можно будет удобнее брать информацию.