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This was harder than I thought it would be. The lesson for re-drawing a road was drag-and-drop. I could not insert an extra node in the Administrative Boundary in order to truncate the triangle.

I had to create a new Administrative Boundary and relate it to the existing boundary. Then delete the node at the top of the old boundary.

Requested review as I’m not sure that is the correct or accurate way to perform the task.


I’ve just found out that ~2k out of ~13M relations have no type tag, ~220 of which have the type tag with lifecycle prefix or date namespace suffix, so I’ve decided to review them manually, with the ones with no tags containing the word “type” being the first, correct some mistakes (e.g. missing type=multipolygon) and delete the unnecessary relations (e.g. with duplicate tags). In case I make a mistake, please point it out on OSM Community topic or comment my changesets.


Kamil Kalata

Posted by -karlos- on 5 February 2025 in English.

Panoramax is a rising star at the moment, for OSM, but not only; while Mapillary goes down, sold to Facebook. In my old, the key P showed a Mapillary picture near the actual position in the 3D rendered OSM world. As the API is gone, I replaced it with Panoramax. OSMgo was abandoned by me years ago but the server is still running. As I read more and more about Panoramax, I decided to dig out the old code and use it. First I asked in the Fediverse for help with the API and got a great and fast response, even a good example, thank you all!

There are almost to much pages about it. The real API was a bit hidden but well documented at last. The Idea of decentralised servers but a central directory is great, the Web-UI to see all pictures to. And the API got me a json list of the closest pictures, including a link to the pictures. After researching to define the radius (place_distance) and get the direction of the “shot” ([“view:azimuth”]) my old Mapillary could be modified to show the picture in the 3D view and move the camera to see it.

Try it out

Panoramix picture of London Houses Of Parliament

You may note, the controls of OSMgo are nasty. The whole project is outdated and incomplete. I consider to redo it, may be in Rust or Zig; someone interested to join in? One missing feature in OSMgo is roof-types like gabled. There are more OSM 3D renderers and I started to investigate how they solve my obstacles. A compact one is this building viewer Example: US Capitol

Before I will start with a new code, I want to have a detailed definition of how 3D rendering is done in the open source projects: OSMBuilding, OSM2World, plugins for JOSM and Blender. Do you know more There are some points to talk about in the OSM forum, like how to render a dome or an onion, circular or according to the way nodes it is tagged in. The OSM Wiki may get more details/pages. With this knowledge, OSMgo could get some improvements to.

A rust crate may be the next goal. It would take an area of OSM data and create a 3D scene, rather simple or good looking will be controlled by options. That Scene could be send directly to the GPU or stored in GLT-file

Location: Westminster, Millbank, City of Westminster, Greater London, England, SW1P 3JX, United Kingdom

– In English

Trajetória do YouthMappers UFRJ


O capítulo YouthMappers UFRJ é coordenado pela Profa. Dra. Raquel Dezidério Souto (em estágio pós-doutoral) e pelo Prof. Dr. Manoel Fernandes, ambos do Laboratório de Cartografia, da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (GeoCart-UFRJ), tendo sido constituído para desenvolver pesquisas em mapeamento colaborativo com OpenStreetMap e programas relacionados, envolvendo a comunidade, com integrantes internos e externos à UFRJ, residentes no Brasil e no exterior.

A iniciativa faz parte da rede internacional YouthMappers, projeto de longo prazo e abrangência global, fundado por professoras das Universidades do Arizonas e do Texas, com o apoio do USAID (EUA). Atualmente, são mais de 400 grupos, em universidades públicas de todo o mundo.

A temática escolhida para início do desenvolvimento das atividades de mapeamento no estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) é a redução dos riscos e desastres (RRD), com foco nas áreas de risco do estado. Outras temáticas, como o mapeamento de árvores, a avaliação das condições de habitações em áreas de especial interesse social ou o desenvolvimento de aplicações na Web, estão sendo contempladas por nós e nossos parceiros, ainda em estágio de desenvolvimento.

Nessa via, o capítulo YouthMappers UFRJ, em overview, visa desenvolver pesquisas, utilizando dados colaborativos e dados oficiais secundários, como meio de fornecer subsídio informacional para o estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), contribuindo para a tomada de decisão e outras finalidades. E contribuir para o desenvolvimento de outros capítulos YouthMappers no estado do Rio de Janeiro e em outros estados do Brasil.

O capítulo YouthMappers UFRJ faz parte do HUB YouthMappers Rio de Janeiro, consórcio dos capítulos da rede internacional, presentes no estado: UFRJ - UFRRJ - UERJ - UFF Niterói - UFF Campos (situação em: 31-01-2024), coordenado tecnicamente peloⓇ.

🗺 Primeiro projeto de mapeamento: infraestrutura para RRD em áreas de risco do município de Maricá, RJ, Brasil

foto areas risco Maricá RJ Mapa das áreas de interesse (AOI) do projeto de mapeamento da infraestrutura para redução de riscos e desastres em Maricá, RJ Brasil. Dados © contribuidores(as) do OpenStreetMap. Áreas delimitadas pela Profa. Dra. Alessandra de Freitas (POLI-UFRJ).

Nosso primeiro projeto é voltado ao mapeamento da infraestrutura para redução de riscos e desastres (RRD) no município de Maricá (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil). O município vem sofrendo com episódios de enchentes, movimentos de massa e erosão costeira, devido à ocupação irregular, o avanço em áreas pouco adequadas para localização das moradias, além do aumento da frequência e da intensidade dos eventos desastrosos na região.

No projeto, são utilizadas estratégias colaborativas, como o mapeamento com OpenStreetMap e a criação de mapas Web interativos com uMap, um projeto francês que mantém uma plataforma aberta, on-line, para o desenvolvimento de mapas Web interativos, com hospedagem em nuvem. Sem cobrança de anuidade, sem pedido para incluir add-ons, sem rastreamento do seu IP… utilizando o uMap!

Em pouco tempo… resultados significativos

foto desafio com MapRoulette Captura de tela do MapRoulette. Dados © contribuidores(as) do OpenStreetMap.

Para apoiar tecnicamente o capítulo YouthMappers UFRJ, o Instituto Virtual para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável -Ⓡ está incumbido da elaboração de material pedagógico em mapeamento com OpenStreetMap e a realização de treinamentos, além da criação de projetos de mapeamento colaborativo, que permitem o controle das atividades, de modo que não haja mais de um(a) mapeador(a) na mesma área, a fim de preservar os dados, que não são corrompidos. Adicionalmente, os dados são validados, no mesmo projeto disponibilizado, podendo ser configurados níveis de acesso, segundo a experiência dos(as) mapeadores(as): iniciante, intermediário ou avançado, o que evita erros comumente cometidos por iniciantes.

💻 Curso de capacitação em mapeamento com OSM

foto mapa curso Captura do mapa do, com o Brasil no centro. Dados © contribuidores(as) do OpenStreetMap.

Um curso completo de Capacitação em mapeamento com OpenStreetMap foi realizado em agosto de 2023, sendo publicado on-line (para aumentar o acesso ao mesmo) e tornado curso de fluxo contínuo (entrada em qualquer época do ano), tendo alcançado 384 inscritos, até 31/01/2025, residentes no Brasil e em países do exterior. O curso permanece on-line, como plataforma de self learning, com a emissão de certificados, a cada seis meses, mediante avaliação satisfatória dos resultados enviados pelos participantes.

💻 Oficinas de mapeamento temático com OSM

captura mostrando cobertura vegetal Captura da tela do, mostrando a cobertura vegetal, mapeada no ambiente on-line. Dados © contribuidores(as) do OpenStreetMap.

Em 2024, foram promovidas oficinas de mapeamento temático com OpenStreetMap, on-line, cobrindo o mapeamento em diferentes temas, como pontos de interesse (POI), hidrografia, cobertura vegetal, feições relacionadas à RRD, além da preparação e importação de dados oficiais, em pequenos lotes, para o OSM.

Somados o número de participantes das oficinas temáticas ao público das oficinas avulsas - aquelas realizadas com grupos locais, em diversas universidades, públicas e privadas, no Brasil e no exterior (México e Moçambique), cerca de 700 certificados foram emitidos peloⓇ, em um ano!

Para saber como agendar uma oficina avulsa na sua organização, entre em contato com

🦒 Participação no State of the Map 2024

presentation SotM 2024 first slide presentation Primeira tela da breve comunicação, realizada no SotM 2024, Nairobi (Quênia), pela Dra. Raquel Dezidério Souto.

O projeto de mapa interativo desenvolvido com OSM, uMap e WordPress, para o mapeamento da infraestrutura para RRD no município de Maricá, RJ (Brasil), foi apresentado no State of the Map 2024, a principal conferência global da comunidade OpenStreetMap, realizada em Nairobi (Quênia), nessa edição.

Seminário científico pelo Rio Grande do Sul

post seminario rs ©

Em 2024, o InstitutoⓇ conduziu o mapeamento colaborativo da região da bacia hidrográfica Taquari-Antas, Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil), como parte dos esforços brasileiros para produzir dados que apoiem nas fases de enfrentamento do desastre e de pós-desastre.

Para divulgar os resultados e promover o intercâmbio de informações entre os cientistas (todos com nível de doutorado), em setembro de 2024, o InstitutoⓇ realizou o Seminário Científico pelo Rio Grande do Sul, em parceria com os capítulos YouthMappers UFRJ, UERGS e Unipampa; além do apoio do Wiki Movimento Brasil (WMB), na realização das transmissões ao vivo e no patrocínio dos brindes sorteados.

Na página do evento, encontrará os resultados do Seminário, em arquivos PDF e em vídeo, das palestras com professores de três universidades públicas do estado - UERGS, UFRGS e FURG. Ou diretamente na Wikimedia. E também, alguns mapas Web, que foram gerados rapidamente com uMap, a fim de apoiar as ações humanitárias e de governo, durante o desastre.

20 Anos de OpenStreetMap!

logo 20 anos osm © OpenStreetMap

O InstitutoⓇ promoveu um evento para comemorar os 20 Anos de OpenStreetMap, em parceria com os capítulos do HUB YouthMappers Rio de Janeiro e apoio para a distribuição de brindes, da Tom Tom. Como parte da programação, foram realizadas cinco oficinas de mapeamento colaborativo com OpenStreetMap, com diversas temáticas, com a Unipar (Paraná), Unipampa (Rio Grande do Sul), COPPE-UFRJ (Rio de Janeiro) e UFF Campos (inauguração do capítulo YouthMappers da UFF, em Campos dos Goytacazes).

🌍 Conecte-se a esta iniciativa!

Para conhecer mais sobre o nosso trabalho, visite o portal do projeto YouthMappers UFRJ.

– Com informações da coordenação do YouthMappers UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, 01 de fevereiro de 2025.Ⓡ is a registered trademark. |



Posted by Raquel Dezidério Souto on 4 February 2025 in English. Last updated on 6 February 2025.

– Em Português

YouthMappers UFRJ Trajectory


The YouthMappers UFRJ is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Raquel Dezidério Souto (in post doctoral internship), and Prof. Dr. Manoel Fernandes, both from the Laboratory of Cartography, of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (GeoCart-UFRJ, Brazil), and was set up to prepare new mappers and develop collaborative mapping research with OpenStreetMap and related programs, involving the community, with members from inside and outside UFRJ, residing in Brazil and in other countries.

The initiative is part of the international YouthMappers network, a project founded by professors from the Universities of Arizona and Texas, with sponsor and support of the USAID (USA). There are currently more than 400 groups in public universities around the world.

The theme chosen to begin the development of mapping activities in the state of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) is Disaster disaster reduction (DRR), with the risk areas in the state of Rio de Janeiro as areas of interest. Other themes, such as mapping trees, evaluation of housing conditions in areas of special social interest or developing web applications, are being considered by us and our partners, who are still at the development stage.

In this way, the YouthMappers UFRJ chapter aims to develop research using collaborative data and secondary official data, as a means of providing informational support for the state of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), contributing to decision-making and other purposes. And to contribute to the development of other YouthMappers chapters in the state of Rio de Janeiro and other states in Brazil.

🗺 The first collaborative mapping project: infrastructure for DRR in risk areas in the municipality of Maricá, RJ, Brazil

foto areas risco Maricá RJ Map of the areas of interest (AOI) of the infrastructure mapping project for disaster risk reduction in Maricá, RJ Brazil. Data © OpenStreetMap contributors. Areas delimited by Prof. Dr. Alessandra de Freitas (POLI-UFRJ).

Our initial collaborative project is focused on mapping infrastructure for disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the municipality of Maricá (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). The municipality has been suffering from episodes of flooding, landslides and coastal erosion, due to irregular occupation, spreading to areas that are unsuitable for housing, as well as an increase in the frequency and intensity of disastrous events in the region.

The project adopts collaborative techniques such as mapping with OpenStreetMap and interactive mapping with uMap, a French project that provides a platform for developing interactive web maps, free of charge and hosted in the cloud. It also makes its source code available. No annual fees, no requests for add-ons, no IP tracking… using uMap!

In a short time… significant results

MapRoulette screenshot MapRoulette screenshot. Data © OpenStreetMap contributors.

To provide technical support to the YouthMappers UFRJ chapter, the Virtual Institute for Sustainable Development -Ⓡ is preparing educational material on mapping with OpenStreetMap, carrying out training sessions, creating collaborative mapping projects, which allows the control of mapping activities, e.g., impeding more than one mapper editing the same area. This arrangement makes it possible to organize the tasks, and therefore the mapping project as a whole, and to preserve the data, which is not corrupted. In addition, the data can be validated, from the same project made available, and with the configuration of access levels, according with the mapper experience - beginner, intermediate, advanced mappers, avoiding mistakes commonly made by beginners.

💻 Mapping with OSM training course

foto mapa curso Captura do mapa do com Brasil ao centro. Dados © contribuidores(as) do OpenStreetMap.

A complete Mapping with OpenStreetMap training course was published in August 2023, having become a continuous flow course (entry at any time of the year), and having reached 384 participants (data 01/31/2025), residing in Brazil and other countries. The course remains online, as a self-learning platform, with certificates being issued every six months, based on an evaluation of the results of the participants.

💻 Thematic mapping workshops with OSM

captura mostrando cobertura vegetal screenshot, showing landcover features. Dados © contribuidores(as) do OpenStreetMap.

In 2024, thematic mapping workshops with OpenStreetMap were held online, covering the mapping of points of interest (POI), hydrography, landcover, features related to DRR, as well as importing official data into OSM.

Added to the participants of the thematic mapping workshops and the public of the individual workshops held with local groups at various public and private universities in Brazil and in other countries (Mexico and Mozambique), and nearly 700 certificates were issued byⓇ in one year!

To find out how to schedule a one-day workshop at your organization, please,contact

🦒 Participation in the State of the Map 2024

presentation SotM 2024 first slide presentation First slide of the lightning talk, realized in the SotM 2024, Nairobi (Kenya), by Dra. Raquel Dezidério Souto.

The interactive map project, developed with OSM, uMap and WordPress, for mapping the infrastructure for DRR in the municipality of Maricá, RJ, Brazil, was presented during the State of the Map 2024, the main global conference of the OpenStreetMap community, held in Nairobi, Kenya, in this edition.

Scientific seminar for supporting Rio Grande do Sul

post seminario ©

In 2024, theⓇ conducted a collaborative mapping campaign for the Taquari-Antas River Basin Region (RS), as part of Brazil’s efforts to produce data to support disaster response.

In order to disseminate scientific results, in September 2024, the Institute promoted the Scientific Seminar for Rio Grande do Sul, in partnership with the chapters YouthMappers UFRJ, UERGS and Unipampa; and technical and gift support from Wiki Movimento Brasil (WMB).

On the event page, you’ll find the PDF and video files of the lectures with professors from three public universities in the State of Rio Grande do Sul - UERGS, UFRGS and FURG. Or directly on Wikimedia. Also, some Web maps were generated very quickly with uMap, in order to support humanitarian and government actions during the disaster and the post disaster activities.

20 Years of OpenStreetMap!

logo 20 years osm © OpenStreetMap

TheⓇ held an event to celebrate 20 years of OpenStreetMap, in partnership with the HUB YouthMappers Rio de Janeiro and with the support of Tom Tom, for the distribution of gifts. As part of the Agenda, five workshops on collaborative mapping with OpenStreetMap were promoted, with different thematics, with partnership of the universities: Unipar (Paraná), Unipampa (Rio Grande do Sul), COPPE-UFRJ (Rio de Janeiro) and UFF Campos (inauguration of the UFF chapter in Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ).

🌍 Connect to this initiative!

To find out more about our work, visit the YouthMappers UFRJ project portal.

– With information from the coordination of YouthMappers UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, February 1st, 2025. Translated with Deepl (free version) and with human validation.Ⓡ is a registered trademark. |



Posted by Qwajo OSM on 4 February 2025 in English.

Using OpenStreetMap (OSM) and JOSM (Java OpenStreetMap Editor) has completely transformed my perspective on places in Ghana. What used to be just names on a map are now vibrant locations I explore, analyze, and contribute to in meaningful ways.

With each mapping session, I am a digital explorer, uncovering hidden details about my country. While tracing highways, POIs, buildings, and rivers, to ensure that every corner of Ghana is well represented, I explore!. From the bustling streets of Accra to the serene landscapes of the Volta Region, my virtual travels take me everywhere without even leaving my seat.

As I explore and see places, I contribute data to solve real-world problems. Through OSM, I have contributed to flood risk assessments, improved accessibility to schools, and even helped emergency responders find critical locations. It’s amazing to know that my little edits can make a big difference in someone’s life.

Mapping is no longer just a hobby; it’s a passion, a responsibility, and a way to make a mark on the world.

One edit at a time! The journey continues!

Location: Pedu, Cape Coast, Cape Coast Metropolitan District, Central Region, CC-008-3586, Ghana
Posted by Im Fokus on 4 February 2025 in German (Deutsch). Last updated on 5 February 2025.

Die Praxis der Sperren-Festsetzung ist eine Farce!

Was an meinem Profil auffallen könnte, ist die Tatsache, dass ich schon mal gesperrt war. Der elektronische Pranger von OSM vergisst das nicht. Ob meine Strafen berechtigt waren oder nicht, darum soll es hier nicht gehen. Sondern darum, dass OSM zwar vieles gut macht, eine Sache aber wirklich schlecht: die Sperren. Die sprechen allen ansonsten hochgehaltenen Prinzipien wie Fairness, Transparenz, Teilhabe Hohn.

Sie werden frei nach Gusto von einzelnen Mitgliedern der sogenannten Data Working Group wie von einem deus ex machina ohne Anhörung der Beschuldigten, ohne Einspruchs- oder Verteidigungsmöglichkeit und ohne begründende Antwort auf eine Nachfrage verhängt.

Damit ist potentieller Willkür ein scheunengroßes Einfallstor geöffnet. Selbstherrlich wird zudem ein exponentielles Wachstum künftiger Strafen angedroht. Das hieße im realen Leben etwa, dass ein Dieb mit ein paar Vorstrafen bei der nächsten Tat, auch wenn er nur eine Flasche Schnaps hat mitgehen lassen, für Jahre in Haft käme. Justizterror als Modell der Abschreckung, wie man es aus autoritär regierten Staaten kennt. Als (untauglicher) Versuch der Herstellung einer Scheinlegitimität darf mithin die Verwendung des Personalpronomens im Plural (“wir”) durch einen Verantwortlichen in seinem “Urteil” gelten.

Natürlich ist das Vorgehen bei OSM in seinen Konsequenzen unvergleichlich mit demjenigen in den erwähnten Tyranneien. Aber das zugrunde liegende Denkmodell ist eben sehr ähnlich. Witzigerweise in meinem Fall angewandt von jemandem, der nach seinen Blog-Äußerungen ein Verfechter woker Kultur zu sein scheint.

Es ist und bleibt jedenfalls die undurchschaubare Festsetzung von Sperren und ihrer Länge ein dicker Schandfleck für OSM.

Wikipedia macht übrigens vor, wie so ein Prozedere viel demokratischer, inklusiver, transparenter, schlicht um Längen besser ablaufen kann!

Another one got ignored today, another road left unmapped, another place erased because it wasn’t profitable enough to exist on a corporate map. No one noticed, because no one was supposed to.

They don’t talk about the missing footpaths, the streets that don’t appear because they aren’t in a government database, the communities left invisible because they don’t generate ad revenue. They don’t talk about how your map—your view of the world—is decided not by truth, but by business interests.

They call us idealists, hobbyists, dreamers. They say the world has already been mapped. But they are wrong.

We are the ones who see the gaps. We are the ones who refuse to let our neighborhoods, our histories, our stories be erased. We are the ones who put the world on the map—not for profit, but for people.

Yes, I am a mapper. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is refusing to accept a world where only what is profitable is visible. My crime is knowing that no company, no government, no algorithm should have the power to decide what exists.

You may ignore us. You may try to replace us with AI, to wall off geography behind paywalls, to tell people that their contributions don’t matter. But you can’t stop us all. Because the world is ours to map.

After all, we are all alike. We are OpenStreetMap.

🤣 with apologies ++The Mentor++ (8 January 1986). “The Conscience of a Hacker”. Phrack, Inc. 1 (7): 3 of 10 - wikipedia

Posted by b-unicycling on 2 February 2025 in English. Last updated on 3 February 2025.

I’m back home! All the uploads done! Yeah!

Street-level imagery

As I had written about earlier, I was on tour with actually, to be precise, one of the bands I’m in under the title/ program “The Dubliners Experience” in the Netherlands from Jan 15th to Feb 1st. The GoPro Max was our constant companion on the roof of the tour bus. It covers mostly motorways and the areas around concert venues, of course. I also walked around the campsite we stayed at (band life isn’t as glamorous as they make it out to be in the movies after all) with it, but that imagery is not super useful, I’m afraid. How much can you map in a fen, when there are not even leaves on the trees to map species…But still, the area got covered.

I was especially keen to upload to Panoramax, because the coverage was quite poor which does not mean to discredit the people who have already contributed, of course!

I’ll give you some before and after screenshots, some of which I had already shared on Mastodon yesterday.

Before I started, this was the situation in the Netherlands for both flat and 360° images. screenshot Panoramax Netherlands

And this was yesterday: screenshot Panoramax Netherlands 2025-02-01

This was the state of 360° coverage on Jan 14th 2025: screenshot Panoramax 360° Netherlands

And this yesterday: screenshot Panoramax 360° Netherlands 2025-02-01

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I tracked where we were going and what I had captured using OSMAnd, so I could prevent duplicate sequences. There are still some duplicates, because of the foggy conditions during the first week and because I didn’t want to risk the camera turning off while inactive on a long drive. OSMAnd screenshot with tracks marked

As I had mentioned in the previous diary post, I “lost” (i.e. deleted) sequences where the camera had tilted, because I did not know how to correct that. Stupid me. If anyone knows how to or knows of a tutorial, please comment. I don’t even know what to search for.


While on the way to concert venues, I added a couple of notes along the way to be resolved after the show. Some were resolved by other people in an amazingly short time. So, dankewell you to those folks!

Thatched buildings

I have an interest in thatched buildings, so that was something I mapped being driven and walking using roof:material=thatch. I added a couple more last night, bringing the total to 101. While mapping that, I noticed that many of the buildings are not squared off. Is there any good reason for that? It made adding building:part=yes for roof:material=thatch a bit awkward. Of course, I also added a couple of missing buildings (mostly sheds or maybe car ports, hard to tell) which had not been covered in the last import by the Dutch mapping community.


Around the theatres, quite a few defibrillators were missing, even though the mapping density of them in general seems to be good in the Netherlands. Many a time, I got OSMAnd out to map one only to find that it was already mapped. But maybe mappers don’t go to the theatre much, so it’s good I came along. I added 25 in total, some also just spotted from the band bus.

Backstage prefix

I continued on with the backstage prefix to map amenities (showers, washing machine etc) for artists found backstage. I don’t expect this to take off in general, but we map amenities for babies, wheelchair users , why not also this. I know it’s not easily verifiable, but there is no harm in doing it imho. And to be fair, I added nappy changing tables wherever I saw them. I made a point using every bathroom I could to survey that. ;-)

Loading ramps and artists’ entrances (name=artiesteningang) into the venues were also added to make it easier in the future to know where to go, because there are a lot of one-way systems and pedestrianized areas around the venues.

Obviously, I added missing shops, pubs, street lights, street cabinets, details on restaurants and whatever else I fancied.

I must say, I really appreciate always having a mission, so the waiting around doesn’t get too draining and you “force” yourself to explore your surroundings, if time permits. I wish I had had more time during daylight, because we mostly played in small towns which probably don’t get too much attention from mappers on a regular basis, but we usually arrived for soundcheck at 16:00 with the sun setting around 17:00, so it was quite limiting.

And I made it to #56 in the statistics for the Netherlands on neis-one!

Location: Wissel, Epe, Gelderland, Netherlands, 8162 RK, Netherlands

Hi OSM folks,

Yesterday I finished mapping West Virginia’s forest landcover for OSM in 5 years! It was a big project and definitely the next one will be a bigger one but because of that I’m gonna do it in a pace that I can maintain. If I have to stop, then I stop. Well, it’s just a hobby for me. As I announced on Mapping USA, I’m mapping Pennsylvania from now on. I’m really interested in the history of that state, The Keystone State.

And yes, I just wanted to try myself out how I could map forest landcover outside of Europe. It seems everyone seems hyped and I like this!

I’m not a robot so I can’t work on it 24/7 due to my personal life and I know i’m not making a 100% accurate landcover, but hey, I learnt some tricks which I’m taking advantage of! Sometimes I also criticise the quality I do but well people usually improve as time flies.

I’d like to thank everyone in the OSM community for giving me help and guidance, and I’m sure I’ll still have questions if it comes to specific areas. :)

Posted by Jiri Podhorecky on 2 February 2025 in Czech (Česky). Last updated on 3 February 2025.

Jak už jsem napsal dříve, tak k mapování mého města jsem se dostal z konkrétních důvodů.

Online mapa OSM byla tenkrát nedostatečně zakreslená a mnoho informací bylo zastaralých nebo chybějících. Trápilo mne to. Druhý důvod byl, že jsem se opakovaně setkával s návštěvníky a turisty, kteří něco hledali a na jejich mapě to nemohli najít. Neuměl jsem jim to rychle ukázat. Bylo to pořád dokola.

Jiné mapy tu existovaly, ale kromě komerční varianty tištěných map, nebo mapových cedulí místního mapového vydavatele, nenabízely turistům dostatečně přesné informace. A to jsem chtěl zlepšit.

Rozhodl jsem se pro OSM.

Teď po několika letech by bylo fajn napsat, co se podle mé zkušenosti u uživatelů map změnilo a co ne. Nakonec pár slov, co by se dalo vylepšit.

Předně musím říci, že povědomí konkrétně o mapě OSM, je u bloudících turistů velmi slabé, protože znají a používají většinou jiné online mapy. Pokud je vůbec používají. Mají k tomu své důvody. Málokdy dokáží použít offline mapového klienta. Takže pro mapy musí mít aktivní datový tarif, což je pro cizince v ČR trochu drahá záležitost. A tak první co hledají, je free wifi.

Co dál víme

  • turisté rádi používají Google maps, protože jsou trvale přihlášeni k účtu přes svůj Android mobil. Proto mají nejblíž k Google Maps a vůbec je nenapadá, že by mohli používat jinou mapu. Fajn. Když jsou zvyklí dívat se na slepou mapu, která ukazuje svévolně jen to, co se jí chce ukázat od platících zákazníků, tak budiž jim přáno. Ti, co neplatí, tak na mapě vidět nebudou. To je byznysmodel v kostce.

  • anebo jsou z dalekých asijských zemí, kde by použili jejich mapy s jejich názvy míst, ale to se v Evropě moc nedá, tak druhou volbu zvolí Google Maps. Google před lety udělal silný marketing pro své produkty a těží z toho dodnes. Přestože se mnohé změnilo.

  • Znají a používají mapy Apple, což je podobný případ. Apple je nabízí v základním vybavení telefonů iPhone, včetně integrace do dalších služeb telefonu s iOS. Zajímavou drobností je, že Apple začal používat základní mapová data od OSM, protože jsou globálně nejdetailnější. Apple na tuto vrstvu pouze umísťuje své POI.

  • uživatelé automobilových navigací, tj, řidiči. Ve svých vozidlech mají integrované palubní počítače, které nabízejí buď vlastní navigaci (možná nějakou derivaci OSM přes podávané navigátory, nebo jiné zdroje) Nicméně auto-navigátor vyžaduje občas aktualizaci a tu řidiči někdy nedělají. Bez aktualizace základní mapy pak mnohdy nemá mapa přesné ulice, protože v ní prostě vůbec neexistují.

  • Uživatelé Waze jsou tací zvláštní uživatelé, kteří se začali stoprocentně spoléhat pouze na Waze a dávají přednost především jejím dopravním funkcím. V těch skutečně může Waze navigátor dobře pomoci, ale řidiči si pak neuvědomí, že navigátor nedokáže zprostředkovat mapové informace, které s dopravní navigací nesouvisí. Jenže na tom právě uživatelé Waze ztroskotají a vůbec neví proč. Waze jim to totiž neřekne.

  • Znají a používají (jde především o Čechy, kteří považují za jediné a nejlepší mapy) V Čechách nabízí opravdu nejobsáhlejší mapová data, která pečlivě shromažďují, přibírají je i od jiných zdrojů (například zdroje studánek) a přidává ke geografii svůj obchodní model s komerčními objekty provázanými na Mezi námi, samozřejmě že bývají někde i neaktuální. Nedokáží včas zachytit různé změny a stěhování firem, nebo dopravní situaci.

  • Naprostá většina uživatelů netuší, že za hranicemi ČR používají mapová data od OSM, která jen vykreslují ve svém mapovém stylu. Uživatelé si tedy myslí, že umí v Austrálii zobrazit každou pěšinku v trávě. Ano, umí to právě díky OSM.

Právě z výše zmíněných důvodů se lidé rychle dostanou do situace, že něco někde nemohou najít, nebo realita není úplně taková, jak si jí ve své mapě našli.

Co v mapách nenašli

  • proč nelze pár kroků přejít z této ulice do druhé ulice? No protože tudy žádná cesta nevede, je tam sráz, zeď a soukromá zahrada. Ale na mapě která takové věci ani nechce mít, to nikdy neobjeví.

  • proč na ulici není restaurace XYZ, kterou si našel v mapě? Protože už se dávno odstěhovala a vložený bod na mapě nezanesl majitel, ani žádný místní mapovač, ale označili ho nějací náhodní lidé, kteří už nikdy tento bod zájmu opravovat nebudou.

  • proč má podnik zavřeno? Protože nemusí mít otevřeno. Ale spíše je na místě se ptát, proč nemá bod na mapě viditelnou otevírací dobu, nebo odkaz na web firmy, která by poskytla dobrou odpověď.

  • jakto že je tato ulice neprůjezdná, nebo zavřená? To se stává většinou, když jde o místní dopravní omezení, které je přechodné v řádu měsíců. Přesto na ně žádná mapa typu Waze, Google, nebo Apple nedokáže včas zareagovat a data o průjezdnosti doplnit. Ale řidiči na svou navigaci spoléhají a pak jsou překvapeni.

O co se tedy zajímat?

  • kde jsou místní specifické body zájmu, které se na žádné mapě ani zaznamenat nedají. Například pěší průvodcovské trasy vedoucí cestou-necestou, propojující unikátní místní zajímavosti. To vědí právě místní průvodci a proto byste je měli následovat i bez mapy. Znají své město a krajinu opravdu dobře.

  • možná citlivě zaznamenat do mapy i prvky, které místo dělají specifickým a zajímavým. Mohou to být domovní znamení, drobné památky, nebo nekomerční komunitní centra, přírodovědné zajímavosti v otevřené krajině.


Přes prakticky nepozorovatelné používání aktuálních map OSM zahraniční i tuzemskou turistickou veřejností, si myslím, že u některých jiných uživatelů mají dobrý smysl. Vlastně jsem přesvědčen, že výborně slouží u lidem, kteří se na cestu neptají a svůj cíl cesty, nebo turistickou zajímavost naleznou sami, i díky dobré mapě.

Informační zkušenost s OSM se dá vylepšit zpřesňováním dat. Hodnotný výstup pak dostanou prakticky skrz nabídku různých uživatelských aplikací, i mobilních klientů, které data od OSM přebírají. Mohou to být navigátory pro automobily, cyklisty, běžce, i pěší turisty. Nikdo z uživatelů vlastně neřeší, odkud se mapová data berou, chtějí je pouze hned a přesná.

Český Krumlov, 2024

No a tak je mapuji a nelituji.

Location: Český Krumlov, okres Český Krumlov, Jihočeský kraj, Jihozápad, 381 01, Česko

Penamaan Melayu

Kira-kira tag name:ms-Arab apakah harus sama dengan standar Bahasa Melayu Malaysia? masih bingung mau nambahin name:ms di tulisan-tulisan Arab Melayu di Pekanbaru, kaya danau kan di Bahasa Melayu Malaysia harusnya tasik ya, tapi overall lantak aja tulis Arab Melayu sesuai nama dalam B. Indonesia di Riau, kecuali memang ada nama lokalnya yang beda

Location: Kelurahan Sungai Ambang, Kecamatan Rumbai Timur, Pekanbaru, Payung Sekaki, Riau, Sumatra, Indonesia

这次回美国, 我每处专门都用OSM比较, 发现即使在OSM的诞生地, 以及大量互联网使用者, GIS从业者的美国, 非盈利性质的OSM其细化也远远比不上商业化的谷歌地图. 之前我觉得OSM详细, 是因为目光都聚集在了主要公共设施, 比如广场, 公园, 车站, 知名景点. 这些地方OSM的编辑者自然多, 但是下至中小型乡镇, 其覆盖率是真不高. 不过话说回来我在之前看OSM的热点上, 美国也不是极高值. 绘制最多的那块在德国, 瑞士, 意大利, 法国, 波兰等中西欧国家, 不知道那里等实际情况如何.

Location: Fort George, Manhattan, 纽约县, 纽约/紐約, 纽约州 / 紐約州, 10040, 美利坚合众国/美利堅合眾國
Posted by watmildon on 31 January 2025 in English.

About me

A photograph of the mountains near Gold Bar Washington. A range of rocky peaks are in the distance with nearer hills covered in green trees. A river winds it's way through the middle of the photo

I started mapping in June 2020 as a way to find parks and trails near my home in Redmond, Washington. My daughter loves adventures and provides huge motivation. I am a former compiler engineer and bring a passion for great tooling. I love being able to work with others on an expansive, vivid, and important project.

My mapping

A map of the North America  with a heatmap overlay. The heat map has high density across the entire lower 48 states with additional patches over Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Alaska

Mapping continues to provide joy and satisfaction. I am astounded by the number of passionate, clever, and kind mappers that I have had the pleasure of collaborating with over the last two years. Most of my editing remains in the United States but who doesn’t love a little “vacation” every once in a while?

As a board member

OSM-US has achieved so much in the past two years that it’s difficult to list everything. More conferences, expanding working groups, even more hiring and fundraising.

It’s been an enormous pleasure to work with my fellow board members and our Executive Director to continue the upward trend of this amazing organization. I hope to continue that work.

I have learned so much over my two-year term but I remain committed to the principles in my original position statement:

Great organizing makes contributing easier and more engaging. The working group model continues to grow and pay dividends. It remains one of the best ways to identify, engage with, and solve some of our biggest issues. The Education Working Group will soon be able to roll out sandboxed instances of OSM so that our newest mappers can safely play and learn. Our newest working group is tackling pedestrian infrastructure and has been hugely successful at bringing together various parties to help us all move collectively forward.

I believe the most successful map is the one we ALL build together. I have continued to engage productively with folks across the OSM-US Slack, Mastodon, community board, Discord, etc. Over this time I was asked to be part of the moderation team for the OSM Mastodon instance and have taken on the “helper” role in the OSM Discord. We don’t all need to be in the same spaces to make great maps but it is often helpful in my role as board member to have an expansive view of the community, even those outside the US.

The map today is great but the map tomorrow will be even better. It can be intimidating and difficult to know what work “needs” to be done. There are a million things to do and lots of energy to do them. Over the past two years I have facilitated numerous efforts to help folks direct their energy.

Some projects I will be working on this coming year to achieve a better map:

Please reach out if you have questions/concerns/just want to chat, I love to collaborate with and support the goals of other mappers. Nothing is immovable when we all work together.


complete guide of uploader

Insta 360 X3 (但我用X2)


Location: 福沃村, 南竿鄉, 連江縣, 209, 臺灣
Posted by TrickyFoxy on 31 January 2025 in English. Last updated on 2 February 2025.

Today I will talk about the new version 0.8 of userscript that adds several useful features to

You can view existing features of the script and install it on GitHub or in the OSM Wiki

⚡️ Faster rendering

My first PR was merged to openstreetmap-website code, and now the Map Data layer loads instantly. Be sure to try it. Thanks to the maintainers for help!

For the script, this means a huge acceleration in rendering large relations and GPS tracks (yes, tracks, read more!):

icon 👥 near relations is clickable 😉

📸 Photos from Panoramax, StreetComplete, Wikipedia Commons

Now they are displayed directly on the website. In notes, in tag history, and in changesets.

🏃‍♂️ Rendering of GPS tracks

Finally, by opening the starting coordinate of the track, you will be able to see the entire GPX track on the map:

Let me remind you that the Z key allows you to fit an object on the screen.

The track is also drawn when opening notes from StreetComplete

The rendering of tracks is still very simple, if you have any examples of successful visualizations, please share them.

💬 Comments on changesets

Now you don’t have to open the changesets to understand if there is an interesting discussion or if this is another revert of vandalism.

by the way, long links like * replaced by *

🫂 Edits of friends

upd: this feature was recently renamed to Followings. Now there are no friends in OSM (:

Did you know that OSM has a friends feature? You can even follow their edits here:

better-osm-org can now filter changesets on this page. The script also tries to show around the username that it’s your friend.

Let’s be friends :)

🛰 Satellite image Switch (Firefox only)

Satellite images could be switched using the S key, or using the button on the side of the note. But what about Firefox for Android? And how do I find out about S? Now there is a button in the right panel for this.

Pressing the Shift key will show you the ESRI Beta images. But be patient, because they take longer to load.

📄 Experimental files viewer for geotagged photos, .gpx and .geojson files

If we can now quickly render data, then why not be able to open it from files? Just drag them onto the map:

p.s. for now, it’s more of a PoC, feel free to suggest your ideas.

⌨️ Hotkeys

Where without them? :)

  • ` — hide the geometry of the changeset from the map
  • T — toggle between compact and full tags diff mode
  • F — filter changesets
  • Hotkeys on user profile Page (H — user changesets history, T — tracks, D — Diary, C — comments, N — notes)
  • U — open user profile from changeset, note, …
  • Shift + U — open your profile

By the way, do you know about the new feature of the site?

As well as about the previous versions that I wrote about on the forum.

v0.7: 📝 Templates for comments on changesets and notes

so that you have the necessary link from the wiki at hand:) Buttons for commenting on changeset will only add text to the input field, without submitting.

🔍 In the list of relation members, you can now see ways on the map

In order not to clutter the map, relations are shown only on hover. Now the relation can be pinned.


  • shift + Z to zoom to bbox without taking into account relations
  • Q key to close the sidebar
  • C key open changeset from object version
  • In the settings, you can enable overzoom for the Map Data layer

0.6.1: ⏬ Display intermediate versions for ways

Now, when you click ⏬ on the way history page, all changes will be displayed, including in the tags and coordinates of nodes of the way

If there are too many versions, you will see the versions filter. The K/L combination also works, but I recommend you try it ScrollAnywhere to navigate through the map with the middle mouse button

⚠️ there may be problems if some nodes are hidden by moderators.


  • When you hover over the tag table, the number of tags is now displayed
  • Improved HDYC colors in the user profile (thanks @LouisXIV)
  • Fixing the color of human-readable wikidata extension cells in a dark theme
  • More tooltips
  • A small Easter egg. Try to find a New Year’s tree in your city (or map it!) (It’s open only on New Year’s holidays)

v0.5.7: 🔦 Dark theme for iD

⚔️ Edits wars detector


#️⃣ Clickable hashtags in comment of changesets

p.s. The script also fixes broken links to Overpass Turbo on, if there is a space in the country or region name.

👁 Redactions bypass

Bypass Redactions (so far only tags) (even for edits before 2012! Data that is hidden is uploaded to GitHub

↩️ Shift+click for revert via JOSM. And clickable IDs in comments:

⌨️ New hotkeys:

  • shift + L — go to your location
  • shift + N — create new note (if some object was opened, his link wound prefilled in note text)

한국에는 아직 오픈소스 및 사용자 기여에 대한 활발한 환경이 갖추어져있지 않다. 하지만 그러한 문화에서도 여러가지 변화가 있는데, “나무위키” 서비스이다. 한국어와 한국 사용자 위주로 갖추어져있는 나무위키는 대부분의 사용자가 간단한 로그인만으로 위키 글에 기여할 수 있는 온라인 플랫폼이다.

오픈스트리트맵에 기여하는 한국인 사용자로서, 한국에서 더욱 활발한 사용자 참여가 있도록 여러 가지 방법을 생각해보고 있다.

그 중, 내가 처음 시도하는 것은 위치 기반 서비스 어플 출시이다. 필자는 연세대학교 학생으로,

연세대학교 서쪽 구역인 소위 “서문” 지역을 기반으로 하는 앱을 제작하고 있다.

이 앱은, 학생을 위한 카페 및 음식점 연결, 학생끼리의 소개팅이나 미팅 주선, 나아가서는 지역 사회를 기반으로 학생 창업 문화를 증진시키고자 하는 목적을 가지고 있다.

오픈스트리트맵을 활용하므로서, 모두가 기여하며 효과를 받을 수 있는 오픈소스의 가능성을 연세대학교에서 시작하고자 한다.

(ios 기반으로 앱을 제작중이며, 2025년 2월 중순 이내로 앱스토어에 등록할 예정이다.)

Location: 신촌동, 서대문구, 서울, 03722, 대한민국