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KingVik's Diary

Recent diary entries

I thoroughly enjoyed my involvement with the FMTM testing team, where I gained invaluable experience in data collection within Shyira Sector, Nyabihu District, located in the picturesque western province of Rwanda. Working alongside a remarkable team from Rwanda, I was inspired by the diverse and enthusiastic individuals I had the pleasure of collaborating with. The Rwandan terrain, delectable cuisine, and engaging interactions with members of the HOT community left an indelible mark on my memory.


I particularly treasure the connections I made during this experience. Geoffeery Kateregga, with his multifaceted talents, stood out as an exceptional individual. Rebecca Jeannette’s unwavering determination resonated with me, serving as a motivational force. Engaging with the OSM Rwanda Community member further enriched my learning journey. FMTM2

Exploring the realm of social networking was an added dimension that I relished. Through my involvement with FMTM, I not only acquired knowledge about the tool itself but also gained the practical expertise of utilizing it for field data collection. I encountered challenges along the way, each of which provided an opportunity for growth and problem-solving.

FMTM 4 Building relationships was another highlight of my FMTM journey. The innovation brought forth by HOT through FMTM is truly remarkable. I had the privilege of meeting Ivan Buebdia Gayton, whose wealth of knowledge left an indelible impact on me. His insights further deepened my understanding.

FMTM - 4

In essence, my time with FMTM was a profound learning experience, fostering personal and professional growth while allowing me to contribute to a transformative innovation.

Thank you OSM Rwanda, Humanitarian OpenstreetMap Team for such a memorable opportunity to learn, Grow, Impact and network

My Journey of a Thousand Miles- Its been 5!

Posted by KingVik on 5 December 2022 in English. Last updated on 4 July 2023.

My 5 years celebration with OpenStreetMap

Down My (OpenStreetMap) Memory lane…

I was just a Geo-informatics and Surveying Polytechnic student at Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Unwana, Ebonyi State. We used to have practical sessions using Surveying instruments but with time I realized that we are doing the same thing over and over without any data being stored. We would just acquire, use and trash! I then decided to form a team of 4 with my fellow students who I convinced of my vision – we would collect the data, save it and be updating it later to make data available to all and easy to access. We set objectives to achieving our aim and being close with my Head of Department and my lecturers give us access to instruments at any time. We decided to pick every existing feature within the school - it was a difficult experience for months but my passion for data kept me going. At the end of the struggle, we had the data and I then created a unique map for my school which is currently serving as the base map for the school even up to this day. The result got applauded by the department as I made it easy for anyone who may need data for a particular section of the school they can get it easily, saving time and eliminating use and trash. Since that day, I started keeping any data I collected and saving it for reuse. Initially I wanted to pursue Computer Science and Electronic Engineering because of my love for computers and I wanted to change the world as my strength could carry me but alas, I found myself in Geo-informatics and Surveying and completely fell in love with it. More like it was meant for me.

How I met OpenStreetMap

It was at University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 2017, I was walking around campus and I saw about 7 people gathering around Mr. Victor N. Sunday, my eyes were glued on the laptop they had placed in front of them with imagery background of Bing. I stopped just to observe for a couple of minutes then after they were done, I nicodemusly approached him and I inquired of whatever they were doing. There it was! OpenStreetMap! I shared my story from the Polytechnic. He taught me how to use the platform and how to make edits. I left my dream of having the geospatial database since I had discovered a platform that housed my dream. I started off with mapping my village completely before proceeding to other places, I admit I received many emails on mistakes I made but I did not give up. Unfortunately, Mr. Victor N. Sunday’s left for Port Harcourt which is about 300 km from Enugu and there I was helpless without even his contact. After some months, he showed up again. I was so overwhelmed and I showed him all the work I had been doing during the last couple of months and straight away he made me the Media/Technical Director of LionMappersTeam Enugu Campus. Now that I was part of the Chapter leads I needed more information to pass to others, I kept mapping and that’s how I improved in my skill. I became the President of the chapter -Team Leader/Chapter President. There I had the greatest of the tasks, organizing students, training them and all. Apparently, I am an introvert and at one point was stuck and had no idea where to start with the little information about OpenStreetMap that I had, fortunately, I sailed through and crossed the bridge.

Training image

My Motivation

  1. I am passionate about Geospatial Data and having met a platform where I can contribute to a global mapping initiative and humanitarian service that helps respond to resilient communities I became highly motivated.

The New Leaf

New Story After Meeting OpenStreetMap
  1. OpenstreetMap gives me the opportunity to showcase my skills, passion and talent by providing data that solves various problems, it makes my self-driven passion for Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technology come more true.
  2. I am thrilled that OpenStreetMap gives me the opportunity to train others as well as the opportunity to map and place many communities on the global web map leading to more opportunities to impact more people and collectively contributing to this global geospatial database to solve the world’s special needs.
  3. I dream of becoming a Remote Sensing and GIS expert, to help people quench their curiosities and better understand the world around them- contributing to OpenStreetMap and witnessing the solutions it provide makes that dream wholly true

My Contribution on OpenStreetMap

I had an opportunity to bring many OSMite and train them on OpenStreetMap which enables my growth, expand the community and get it sustained. I have learnt so much and I am still learning which is really impacting my Geospatial Industry and beyond - especially the opportunity given to me by HOT as 2022 HOT Data Quality Intern. I am learning a lot from experts on tools and data quality, data and data use cases, I also learnt Team Management and Human Management.

My Mapping Contribution So far
  1. HOT Tasking Manager
  2. Missing Map
  3. How Do I Contribute To OpenStreetMap
  4. OpenStreetMap
  5. HeatMap
  6. Recent Changes on OSM

My Dream|Goal|Aspiration

This is one thing I want to do for the rest of my life because I love the solutions it provides. If Ralph Aytoun can say at his old age that as long as His Sight Can Carry him and Strength, he will never stop contributing to OpenStreetMap. I want to provide a safe world using Remote Sensing and Geospatial Techniques. Sign up to and let us together solve problems globally.

Thanks to :
  1. Mr. Victor N. Sunday For Introducing me to OpenStreetMap and Youth Mappers / Mentoring, Inspiration and Believing in Me.
  2. Ralph Aytoun Inspiring and Serving to me as a monument/BenchMark on OpenStreetMap
  3. Becky Candy through her I learnt tools and skills during My Internship with HOT
  4. Unique Mappers Network Nigeria- There I grow and Keep growing
  5. To Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Family- Together we will continue humanitarian action and community development through open mapping.

My Week 1 as HOT Data Quality Intern 2022

Posted by KingVik on 10 October 2022 in English.

My Excitement

It was really a good and great feeling being part of the HOT interns for 2022, I am really excited about it and can’t really express it well. The internship has given me the opportunity to learn from experts, network and meet different people across the globe to share ideas, learn and impact our community through OpenStreetMap by providing quality data, I am becoming better day by day, I am gradually Improving on my mapping skill in another dimension with just few hours of kick off, Imagine me in couple of coming weeks, I am super excited about my Improvement.

I was Nervous too

I was nervous about not getting things right, it is really great and awesome, I am better than the way I came but mapping Project 12062 was a bit hard for me in Identifying building features. In my conventional mapping, any task I start mapping, I MUST finish it no matter how hard the task is but project 12062 challenged me because I found it difficult marking a task complete because I keeping thinking if that is building or not because the Imagery is coarse but I am gradually defeating my fear of not getting it right because I am improving and Validators feedback is really building my confidence.

I Learnt

  1. Learnt old way of Multi polygon
  2. Why turning Expert mode is important on JOSM
  3. Learnt more about Important of quality data

Week 1 Challenges

I never know it was hard somehow using iD editor because I used iD editor for 2 years before switching to JOSM and I have been using JOSM expect on training New OSMites in my local community which is just for demonstration. using it in mapping during my first week of internship was hard, stressful and funny as it is, I was even using JOSM Shortcuts on ID Editor

Courage and Relieving

The Validators feedback is really relieving and encouraging, I think i Will adopt the method of giving feedback. Validators feedback boost my morale and inspired me to do more, I will be using such feedback in future to inspire OSMites

Social Media Post for Week 1 on Twitter

My first post on my internship is on Twitter Can be accessed here

Kingsley Chika CHUKWU Week 1 Internship Post

MapMyVillage Mapathon Campaign For Social Good in Nigeria

Posted by KingVik on 30 April 2022 in English. Last updated on 10 October 2022.

Unique Mappers Network Nigeria MapMyVillage Mapathon Campaign For Social Good.

Time: Apr 30, 2022 12:00 PM West Central Africa

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 4479 2348 Passcode: BfDJTGkeYs

Event Link: .

Event Flier:

In the session, our objectives are to:

  • Gain an understanding about OpenStreetMap (OSM)

  • Discover various use cases or applications of OSM and its data.

  • Introduction to ID editor

  • Mapping with AI (RapID)

  • Use of JOSM

The Training Covered How do I contribute in OSM like;

  • Going out and surveying (Fieldpapers, gpx traces, etc)

  • Use of Mobile application (Mapillary, MapSwipe,, etc)

  • Digitizing with computer software editors (iD editor, JOSM, Potlatch, etc)

Unique Mappers Network, Nigeria JOSM Webnair Training

Posted by KingVik on 1 March 2022 in English. Last updated on 2 May 2022.

UMN Nigeria Carried out online Webinar Training which last 3 times a week on how to use JOSM

JOSM is a free software desktop editing tool for OpenStreetMap geodata created in Java, The editing tool contains advanced features that are not present in OSM’s default online editor, iD. we train UMN Nigeria Members how to Use JOSM Ranging from how to Download it, Map using JOSM on Task Manager, Shortcuts, upload after digitizing, etc

UniqueMappersTeam National Webnair Training

Posted by KingVik on 25 April 2020 in English. Last updated on 2 May 2022.

UniqueMappersTeam Nigeria had Webinar training so that we can learn while staying safe.

Held Time: 3PM

Topic: Mapping with field paper and OSM

Date: 24th April 2020

Venue: UniqueMappers Nigeria Zoom Room

Zoom ID: 4602723253

Trainer: Chukwu Kingsley & Anointing

Organizer: Unique Mappers Network Nigeria

It was really nice training where the attendees learnt how to use Field Paper when there is no drone for mapping.


Ogrute Enugu Ezike Mapping Task

Posted by KingVik on 24 April 2020 in English. Last updated on 2 May 2022.

Ogrute Enugu Ezike Mapping Task.

Ogrute Community is the epicenter of Ugwu Eru Hill that produces more than 13 edible mushroom seasonally in Enugu Ezike ,Enugu State ,Nigeria. Open Data mapping for this community would provide critical geospatial data to drive global open data access for agriculture and nutrition . Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition(GODAN) ,government agencies and agricultural stakeholders requires data to measure the targets of SDG 2 for Zero hunger and food security.

Unique Mappers Network is a Community NGO for OpenStreetMap Project in Nigeria driving Open data mapping for Humanitarian Disaster Response and Economic Development.

This project provides community engagement led by Victor N Sunday as national coordinator of UniqueMappersTeam

I, Chukwu Kingsley Chika as Team leader of LionMappersTeam Enugu of UniqueMappersTeam Nigeria

Nnaedozie as UniqueMappersTeam Yola

Chidubem, Kelvin and Chisom from UniqueMappersTeam Pot Harcourt

And UniqueMappers members in different parts of Nigeria to Map for #SDG2 Food Security in Nigeria.

The Mapathon took place on 17th February 2020 Barely less than 48 Hours of launching Ogrute Enugu Ezike task, we mapped it 99%.

Open Data Mapping is critical to driving a measurable target of #SDG2 for Agriculture and Nutrition. Without free and accessible Open Data ,food security at local and global level cannot be achieved !!

Task ID:

International Women's Day and Open data day celebration

Posted by KingVik on 23 April 2020 in English. Last updated on 17 November 2022.

Event for UniqueMappersTeam International Women’s Day and Open data day celebration

Venue:UBA hall of fame, University of Nigeria Nsukka

Time : 11 am

Date: 7th march 2020

Attendance: more than 150 participants

Organizer : UniqueMappersTeam Nigeria led by National Coordinator Victor N Sunday

Chapter: LionMappersTeam Enugu Campus and Nsukka Campus

As LionMappersTeam leader Worked with Unique Mappers Network,Nigeria National Coordinator(Victor N.Sunday) to Faciliate IWD2020 to Reactivate

UniqueMappersTeam National Webnair Training

Posted by KingVik on 23 April 2020 in English. Last updated on 24 April 2020.

Mapping with Mappilary

Date: Mon. 20th April 2020

Time: 3pm

Trainer: Chukwu, Kingsley Chika

Moderator: Chukwudubem

organizer: Victor N Sunday Venue:

Meeting ID: 460 272 3253.

I Trained more than 15 Webinar Attendee on How to Map with Mapillary -Unique Mappers Community Webinar Training -#COVID19Nigeria We learn while staying safe. It was really great experience.

Mappilary! Making better maps, Access street-level imagery and map data from all over the world. Fill in the gaps by requesting new coverage or capturing your own.

Thank You @Uniquemappers Nigeria for #COVID19 April Community Webinar Training

UniqueMappersTeam National Webnair Training

Posted by KingVik on 23 April 2020 in English. Last updated on 24 April 2020.

Mapping with Maps.Me and MapSwipe

Date: 17th April 2020

Time: 3 pm

Moderator: Lillian

Trainer: Nkechi

Organiser: Victor N Sunday


Meeting ID: 460 272 3253.

Trained more than 10 Webinar Attendee #COVID19Nigeria Thank You @Uniquemappers Nigeria for #COVID19 April Community Webinar Training

UniqueMappersTeam National Leaders and members Meeting on Mapathon held on 14th February 2020 by 8:40-10: 40pm

Agenda 1. Review of the ongoing Mapathon. 2. Preview of Ogrute Mapathon

Meeting ID: 460 272 3253.

The ongoing Mapathon for mapping vurnerable community of oil spilage in River state was reviewed. LionMappersTeam Enugu Campus have 832 Edits UniqueMappersTeam Yola have 298 Edits LionMappersTeam Nsukka have 109 Edits While the rest of the teams have no edit. The national coordinator pleaded that our best is not yet enough. He asked all to go back and do the needful.

The preview on the Ogrute Mapathon which will hold on 15th to 23rd February was done by the coordinator and he stated that the following must be done to qualify you for the Mapathon

Register the Eventbrite You must have at least 50 edits from task 6909 (oil spilage) to be qualified You must be an advanced mapper who knows how to digitise.

Questions, answer and Suggestion session. Chukwu Kingsley of LionMappersTeam Enugu Campus suggested that the team leader should be monitoring and check up on their members because from his observations on task 6909, many mappers are not doing the right thing. The national coordinator emphasizes more on it and tell the house why it is important to do it the right way.

Mrs Ifunanya Obim asked for the Hashtag that will be used for the Ogrute Mapathon. The national coordinator explained to her.


The National Mapathon update of UniqueMappers Nigeria is done via zoom…..

Summary of the meeting hosted on zoom by the National Coordinator UniqueMappers Nigeria on 12th February 2020 by 8- 9:40pm

  1. 6 Persons attended the meeting from 5 States representing 6 Chapters.

  2. The progress of the Mapathon in each state was analysed.

  3. The National Coordinator gave instructions to State Coordinators and Team leaders to motivate the mappers in their states and Chapters to map more consistently and efficiently.

  4. The National Coordinator gave updates of ongoing mapping events and informed all about the JOSM Beginners Training/Webinar which will take place on 29th February 2020.

  5. Questions and Answers session

Mapathon Training

Posted by KingVik on 10 February 2020 in English. Last updated on 11 February 2020.


Mapathon Training Saturday 8 February 2020 at A109 SURVEYING CLASS BY 11 am- 4pm

In the training, we learn how to digitize We also explore other packages like; Osmfight Hashtag OSM dairy How do you contribute to OSM Leadership board Train our new members and sign them up. Etc

Chukwu, Kingsley Chika Team leader LMT

Uniquemappers meeting on zoom

Posted by KingVik on 10 February 2020 in English.

10 feb 2020 8-9:30pm

The National Coordinator highlighted the progress of the ongoing Mapathon exercise…..


Enugu mappers are doing well, having their Team leader as the number one Mapper on their leaders board… They are encouraged to do more….

Kogi Mappers to take off and start their mapping exercise…..

UniqueMapper Yola is doing well with only two mappers on their leaders board… They should involve more mappers and ensure consistency in mapping as only only one has a mapping record today while the second mapper mapped for the last time two days ago Q and A session


Posted by KingVik on 6 January 2020 in English. Last updated on 21 January 2020.

On 21/12/2019 we had meeting with UniqueMappersTeam Uyo and other leaders of UniqueMappers across Nigeria.

Meeting time :9:30pm Meeting ID 755 993 243 Zoom


1.Introduction of attendees 2.Introduction of Leader of UniqueMappersTeam Uyo Mr Victor 3.OSM Community Structure 4.UniqueMappers-Uyo 5.Annuual OSMites Diary Record/Reports 6.Mappy Chrismas and UniqueMappers 2020 7.AOB


*Victor N Sunday- Convener- leader UniqueMappers Nigeria *Knigsely Chukwu-LMTEnugu *Victor Ezeugwu- UniqueMappers Kogi *Victor -UniqueMappers Uyo *etc

The End with more passion to reach the un-reached across the country from 2020


Posted by KingVik on 30 September 2019 in English.

Team leaders across NIGERIA had meeting organised by Mr Victor N Ndubuisi (UNIQUEMAPPER LEADER AND DIRECTOR) We discussed many issues burdening the team, result so far and way forward.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 755 993 243

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The meeting End about 12 am with satisfied Resolution .

CHUKWU Kingsley Chika KingVik Team leader LionMappersTeam Enugu Campus