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JOSM : Update Java

Posted by rtnf on 11 November 2022 in English. Last updated on 14 November 2022.

You are running version 1.8.0_351 of Java. JOSM will soon stop working this version. We highly recommend you to update to Java 17.0.5 Would you like to update now?

Whoa. Scary.

I immediately opened my Java updater, update the java, then relaunch the JOSM.

But it’s failed. The message is still shown. What’s wrong?

Then I clicked the “update Java” button on the JOSM’s warning message. But I got redirected to definitely-not-Java website.

Whoa. What’s wrong?

Well, actually I already know the context behind all of this. Due to recent Java’s license change, JOSM might be incompatible to the official Java release. That’s why JOSM redirected me to Azul Open JDK instead of the official Java site.

Still, it’s quite confusing, even for me who understand the context.

Okay, now I downloaded Azul Open JDK. Extracted it. But unfortunately, there is no installer at all. Uargh. Another headache.

Okay, so I got java.exe inside “bin” folder. So I just have to run the josm-tested.jar against this brand new java.exe. That means I’m gonna need some command prompt hackery here and there.

Create a new shortcut, “type the new location of the item”, then :

%comspec% /k C:\Users\LENOVO\Downloads\zulu17.38.21-ca-fx-jre17.0.5-win_x64\bin\java.exe -jar C:\Users\LENOVO\Downloads\zulu17.38.21-ca-fx-jre17.0.5-win_x64\bin\josm-tested.jar

Finally I got a working JOSM windows shortcut. No more nagging “pls update” warning notification. Yey!

Update from the comment section : There’s actually a (windows) installer. Choose “msi” instead of “zip” on the download page.


Comment from vorpalblade-kaart on 14 November 2022 at 15:01

[…]JOSM will soon stop working[…]

Whoa. Scary.

soon stop working is kind of open to interpretation. In this context, it means that future josm-tested.jar downloads might not work with Java 8, not that the current jar file will stop working.

I’m hoping that we’ll be able to move off of Java 8 by end of year, but that kind of depends upon how many of our users move to Java 11 or later.

But I got redirected to definitely-not-Java website.

I tried to make it as painless as possible – I know most people are used to the being the “official” Java distributor, but for Java 11+, it no longer is one. So we have to send users to one of several different Java distributors. We wanted users to have JavaFX (since it is required for some plugins), which decreased the options available. Essentially Bellsoft’s Liberica distribution or Azul’s Zulu distribution. With OpenWebStart, we are preferring the Zulu distribution, so I made the decision to link to Azul’s Zulu page. We are also building our installers using Azul’s distribution.

Well, actually I already know the context behind all of this. Due to recent Java’s license change, JOSM might be incompatible to the official Java release. That’s why JOSM redirected me to Azul Open JDK instead of the official Java site.

It is more a case that doesn’t provide Java Runtime Environment installers for Java 11 or later, and we want to move to Java 11 or later. So we can’t link to

Okay, now I downloaded Azul Open JDK. Extracted it. But unfortunately, there is no installer at all. Uargh. Another headache.

Stupid question: Why didn’t you use the MSI installer (I’m assuming you are running x64)? It should have appeared as an option (albeit the second option).

Comment from rtnf on 14 November 2022 at 15:29

Oh, sorry, i didn’t realize that the .msi installer is actually exist.

I personally don’t really familiar with msi as a file format. I chose the zip because (1) it’s listed as the first option, (2) it’s a really popular format, (3) i’m kinda expecting an .exe installer inside that .zip file, (4) i’m now using a not-so-fast, metered bandwith internet connection and i dont want to let this 73.42 MB go wasted.

To be honest, there are tons of possible choices on the Azul download page. Zulu, Core, Prime.. STS, LTS, MTS.. Major Java version, minor java version.. ZIP, MSI.. x86, ARM, 32bit, 64bit.. All of these options is quite intimidating for novice user who don’t really understand all of these terminologies.

That’s why i wrote this diary entry. A rudimentary attempt to explain “how to update your JOSM”. I really loved JOSM, that’s why i’m willing to spend a considerable effort to update my own JOSM instance and write this diary entry. :)

Comment from vorpalblade-kaart on 14 November 2022 at 15:33

Fair enough. For the link from JOSM, it should have prefilled most of those fields based off of the currently running system, and gone directly to the download area.

I tried to make it as painless as possible. Obviously I failed. :(

Comment from Fnordson on 20 November 2022 at 14:45

There are more JDK Releases out there. Here is a good overview over the situation right now:

I use Adoptium for example. It’s easier to install as it has an installer.

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