
Tokyo Road Improvement

Posted by pratikyadav on 9 November 2015 in English.

As part of the Japan Road improvement series, we just completed the most important project of aligning major roads in Tokyo to orthorectified imagery from GSI using the tasking manager.

screen shot 2015-11-09 at 2 46 13 pm

The project included: - Realigning and merging major highways (motorway, trunk, primary and secondary) - Create dual carriageways on divided highways with link roads and correct oneways

Compared to the previous road improvement projects concluded in Japan (Kyushu , Osaka , Mito , Fukushima , Ishikawa , Beppu-Oita , Aomori and North Mutsu ), Tokyo was in better state in terms of road alignment with GSI imagery.

screen shot 2015-11-05 at 2 04 35 pm

The project included 630 task blocks and had a total participation of 31 mappers from both the Japan OSM community and the Mapbox Data team which supported the project with the entire team of 19 mappers.

screen shot 2015-11-09 at 3 23 04 pm screen shot 2015-11-09 at 3 22 41 pm Students from Aoyama Gakuin University took part in the task using id-editor and posted there progress on the mapping ticket

To make it easy for non English contributors, the instructions have been made available in Japanese, Spanish and Russian.

Join us in the next project of realigning roads in the Nagoya region

You can read more about the Data issues in Japan (Japanese version) and keep a track of the data cleanup progress on our public Mapbox mapping project tracker.


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