
OSMF Board candidates: Ryan Peterson

Posted by pnorman on 28 November 2015 in English. Last updated on 30 November 2015.

In preparation for the 2015 OSMF board election I am gathering basic info and question responses by candidate, to help people be better informed about their choices.

I’ve added annotations in italics where I felt they would be useful.

Ryan Peterson


Where do you currently participate in the OSMF?

I’m happy to participate or help recruit relevantly-skilled participants.

Which contributions to OSM should I consider for my decision beyond your data edits at OSM?

From my Candidate Introduction, “I’ve been an active member of OSM since 2011 contributing in a variety of ways including: editing data locally, editing data remotely for humanitarian efforts, training new users, funding numerous events and efforts, speaking and attending many OSM conferences around the world amongst others described in the Candidate Introduction.

Do you use OSM at work for business purposes?

Yes, my passion for OSM has led me to create roles where I do OSM related activities at work. Candidate Introduction has detail.

Conflicts of Interest

Yes, but in the unlikely event there is a COI, I’ll recuse myself from the related discussions.

Ryan works for Apple

Who should the OSMF serve?

The electorate/OSMF members, and secondarily, but extremely importantly, the OSM contributors, of any contribution type.

Role of the board

:I agree with the role as defined in the OSM Mission Statement.

Communication with the community

I subscribe and regularly read many mailing lists, the diaries, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook groups, I communicate regularly with OSM contributors.

Community involvement in OSMF

Yes, growing the community of contributors and members is a focus for me. Candidate Introduction includes some models that have worked well. Some additional thoughts: enhance discoverability of opportunities to participate in OSMF such as give acknowledgment to OSMF members in their user names (e.g. append an asterisk to user names who are OSMF members with a link on asterisk to sign-up for membership), post scheduled working group meetings in one location and post a subtle banner on notifying of membership drives, fundraising activites or need for WG volunteers.


I’m a strong believer in capacity building around the globe and have supported such efforts. My teams have always been geographically, gender and ethnically diverse.

Paying People

Yes, when volunteers needed to fill a necessary skill set are not available. Preference is for service providers and/or contractors as opposed to full time employees.

Board term limits

Yes, it is always healthy to have new voices on a board, especially in a growing project where there are plenty of well-qualified candidates.


Open as much as possible, but confidential when required by issues at hand.

License violation enforcement

I believe current process is working. I have personally reached out and requested attribution in several instances with astonishingly quick resolution. An escalation should be handled first by the LWG, then in consultation with the board and counsel.

Imports and remote mapping stance

Yes, if handled carefully and in conjunction with noted procedures and good training.

Commercial and Organized Editing Policy stance

From my extensive experience, finding employees who are passionate about OSM produces amazing results. For me personally, I’ve created my OSM-related career out of my passion for OSM (as opposed to the other way around) and seen the same success with many and all others I have worked with on OSM. I would rather identify problem areas and discuss the issues with the relevant party and provide education and/or training to correct issues since such simple measures normally work very well.


Added answers after Ryan responded to candidate questions.


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