Combat with the final 50 feet /ラスト50フィートとの戦い
Posted by higa4 on 7 August 2019 in English. Last updated on 7 December 2019.English/Japanese
Aren’t you tired of mapping endless number of buildings and roads?/建物や道路のマッピングもきりがないですよね? OK, I will give you an interesting mapping mission /そこでこんなマッピングはいかがでしょう:
Map your neighbourhood in detail /ご近所の詳細マッピング
It will help for the completement of the final 50 feet for /こんなことの役に立つかもしれません:
- unmanned/automated vehicles /無人あるいは自動運転の乗り物
- wheelchair drivers /車椅子利用者
- postmen /配達人
- detailed routing for on demand bus / caregiving bus /オンデマンドバスや介護バス向けの詳細な経路案内
Typical mapping objects seen around residential area in Japan /日本の住宅街でよく見るマッピング対象
Road objects /道路関連
- residential road (highway=residential)
- service road (highway=service)
- alley (highway=service, service=alley)
- driveway (highway=service, service=driveway, noexit=yes)
- track (highway=track)
- path (highway=path)
- access=*
- surface=*
- width=* (can be measured from background imagery if it’s clear enough/ 鮮明な背景画像であればiDなどで測れます)
- oneway (oneway=yes)
- curve-mirror (highway=mirror)
- pole (power=pole)
- roadside tree (natural=tree)
Around houses /家屋の周囲
- barrier (barrier=fence/wall/chain/etc)
- letter box (amenity=letter_box)
- percel pickup (amenity=vending_machine, vending=parcel_pickup)
- gate (barrier=gate, access=private)
- carport (building=carport)
- planter (man_made=planter)
- hazard=watchdog :)
Walkway from the nearest road to the home door /最寄りの道路から玄関口までの通路
- footway (highway=footway)
- path (highway=path)
- pedestrian (highway=pedestrian)
- steps (highway=steps, step_count=*)
- handrail*
- surface=*
- incline=*
- access=private
- entrance (entrance=home, door=, automatic_door= )
Mapping example (not completed yet) /マッピング例(未完成です)
Note /メモ
- I recommend taking photos using Mapillary or OpenStreetCam at first. /まずマピラリやOpenStreetCamで写真を撮ることをオススメします。
- Be careful not to infringe privacy. /プライバシー侵害にご注意。
- Indoor/3D mapping may be necessary partly on a large building. /大き目の建物などでは部分的に3Dマッピングが必要な場合もあるでしょう。
Good luck ;-)
image from Wikimedia Commons / FCS Demonstration / public domain