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edvac's Diary

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We just restarted yesterday the import of the health facilities. UNICEF import for CAR was stopped for more than a month due to some tagging problems.

I’m importing data from the area around the city of Berberati, West CAR.

Some facilities are in areas with the secondary or tertiary roads that lead to them not yet mapped, so it takes sometimes hours to fix the access to them.


Gracias a Jan Tappenbeck, podemos corregir 656 rotondas erróneamente mapeadas en España y Portugal. La mayoría de ellas tienen la dirección en el sentido de las agujas del reloj, cuando debe ser al contrario.

Podéis descargar el fichero gpx aquí.

Si usáis JOSM, sólo tienes que abrirlo y luego moverte por la geografía ibérica para empezar a corregir las rotondas.


Thanks to Jan Tappenbeck, we can fix 656 wrong roundabouts in Spain and Portugal. Most of them have the clockwise direction, when they should be anticlockwise.

You can download de gpx file here.

If you use JOSM, you just have to open that file and then go around and start fixing those roundabouts.

Up to now, I fix most (if not all) of the roundabouts in Galicia, all the roundabouts in Illes Balears, and many other in Catalunya and other areas of the N of Spain.