- Mapper since:
- May 02, 2009
- Last map edit:
- February 15, 2025
Although I use the nickname edvac, my name is Rafael Ávila Coya. I am from Galicia, Spain, and have been happily contributing to OSM since spring 2009, when I bought a Garmin eTrex to collect GPS tracks and startet mapping my surroundings.
I really love mapping everywhere, from my neighbourhood up to places where mapping help is needed, always with lot of care and respect to each of the local OSM communities.
I am member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) since 2012, the OSMF Data Working Group (2021), the Humanitarian OSM Team (2014) and the Espace OSM Francophone (2017).
When, and only when, the import of third party data could be beneficial to the OSM project, I organize (most of the times crowdsourced) imports of data into OSM.
In the past I’ve done paid OSM mapping for some organizations, like eHealth Africa, CrowdCover, HOT, the Katmandu Living Labs and the United Nations Unite Maps Project, but since March 2021 I am not engaged with any paid OSM mapping.
You can see here my contributions.
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