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Who maps every day (without fail)?

Posted by bryceco on 20 January 2023 in English. Last updated on 29 January 2023.

Harry Woods posted a diary entry a couple days ago about his attempt at editing every day for a year, and I started wondering what the records are for the most number of consecutive days that people have contributed to the map. I already had some code lying around for parsing the changeset history file so it was pretty easy to mine that data. It turns out there are some super dedicated mappers! Here are all the people who have editing for at least 1000 consecutive days:

Edit: Fix an error in table calculation (Thanks Aurimas Fišeras!)

Consecutive Days First Day of Streak User
3189 2014-04-03 Aurimas Fišeras
2810 2014-08-09 vichada
2256 2016-10-22 ika-chan!
1894 2014-06-15 roschitom
1860 2017-04-13 looniverse
1773 2018-02-17 LidaCity
1668 2018-06-02 thetornado76
1629 2018-06-26 phiphou
1623 2018-07-17 Algebre gama
1542 2018-10-06 fx99
1519 2018-10-29 BCNorwich
1501 2014-06-26 RoadGeek_MD99
1467 2017-11-04 dvdhoven
1460 2018-12-27 hendrik-17
1450 2018-02-16 alkushi
1354 2019-04-12 bxl-forever
1346 2019-04-21 JJIglesias
1292 2017-12-11 vincent_95
1272 2019-07-03 Sammyhawkrad
1211 2015-01-28 lodde1949
1191 2019-09-22 Zrop
1159 2017-02-05 futurumspes
1158 2019-10-25 marczoutendijk
1153 2019-02-10 jmapb
1148 2019-11-04 mstock
1092 2019-03-21 mmahmud
1070 2016-06-15 mindedie
1064 2018-08-12 ikiya
1063 2017-12-02 下り専門
1055 2019-07-22 Nesim
1026 2015-09-25 Nesim


Comment from Baovola on 27 January 2023 at 07:43

Wouw! Very interesting! My hope is to join them!

Comment from frozenrabi on 28 January 2023 at 16:39

I made it to 420 days and left the streak.

Comment from Ygramul on 29 January 2023 at 12:20

Made it over a year and then spent an evening in August 2022 pondering over and contributing to playground detail tagging and forgot to make a changeset. Activity on OSM takes many forms … from changing the map, to commenting/closing notes, editing the Wiki, participating in community and mailing list discussions. So in that sense I’m still in a streak that’s now almost two years long ;-)

Comment from Aurimas Fišeras on 29 January 2023 at 14:00

There is some kind of error in your data, since I definitely edited on 2017-06-18 ;)

Comment from DaveF on 29 January 2023 at 14:21

How many of these are auto-bots?

Comment from bryceco on 29 January 2023 at 19:20

@Aurimas Fišeras You’re right, and your streak is incredible! Table is updated with improved data.

Comment from JJIglesias on 29 January 2023 at 23:16

1346 days, not bad for me. Thanks for the data

Comment from stevea on 30 January 2023 at 03:58

I freakin’ love stuff like this! What dedication! Go, OSM!

Comment from ika-chan! on 20 November 2023 at 04:01

I wonder if you could list the users who have mapped for every single day since the day of registration, for at least 1,000 days?

Comment from JJIglesias on 18 April 2024 at 03:25

Could you please try to update the list, as soon as practicable?

Comment from bryceco on 28 April 2024 at 00:58

Updated list here!

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