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assanges's Diary

Recent diary entries

This article is also available in Taiwanese Mandarin (台灣華語) and Taiwanese Hokkien / Taigi (台文)

The OpenStreetMap (OSMTW) is pleased to receive the Wikimedia Alliance Fund for procuring two Insta360 One X2 (and accessories), as well as holding at least six Expeditions and Post-expedition Mapping Workshops from March 2022 to February 2023. OSMTW members will initiate surveys to the street-view terra incognita with a 360-degree-camera-mounted vehicle, then edit on OpenStreetMap and upload media taken throughout the exploration to Wikimedia Commons.

The path of this expedition differs from last time and headed south for Yingge, Sanxia, and Daxi rather than the Northern Coast (Keelung, Jingshan and Wanli). The “Street view car” dispatched this time also departs differently. (The vehicle author droves kick off at Hotai Easyrent Xindian, so he took a photo of the unphotographed Exit 2 of MRT Xindian District Office Station and uploaded to Wikimedia Commons before departure.)

Exit 2, MRT Xindian DIstrict Office Station
Exit 2, MRT Xindian DIstrict Office Station 新店區公所站二號出口

The route of these three street view cars also diverges, still, they meet up at Hsin Hsiu Kong (Hsin Tian Kong, Sanxia Branch) in Baiji Mountain halfway.

Hsin Tian Kong, Sanxia Branch
Hsing Hsiu Kong (Hsin Tian Kong, Sanxia Branch/ Xinxiu Temple) in Sanxia 三峽行脩宮

Being an expedition member is not easy, we still face technical issues like last time and some lessons to learn. Don’t ever mount a 360-degree camera on a thin selfie shtick; it just won’t work and wobbles. Mount it on the car rig. And… One does not simply reformat the SD card prior to departure. Its free spaces are occupied by more than just Bytes. There is Imagery that does not spare, and the Great Eye is ever shortfall. Remember to transfer data from the SD card before surveying, or you will need to delete files during the survey all the time.

The dashboard used for tracking this Street-view Expedition on Wikimedia Programmes is available over here, and the OpenStreetMap edits are available here.

(I've been printed out too much. Time for a zesty drink.)

About the Wikimedia Alliances Fund

In 4Q 2021, the Wikimedia Foundation announced a new grant program: the Wikimedia Alliances Fund, which supports the projects proposed by mission-aligned organisations contributing toward the strategic direction of the Wikimedia Movement.

About OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community

The OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community (OSMTW) comprises passionate mappers who are interested in Taiwan. Since 2010, mappers have transformed Taiwan from a coterie of individuals to a local community that gathers increasing public to participate in co-editing map projects. OSMTW is currently co-hosting monthly gatherings and aperiodic expeditions with the Wikidata local community in Taipei. Feel free to check out and join us!

Ends/ Friday, July 8, 2022
Issued at CST 18:15
Last updated at Sunday, 10 July, 2022 CST 13:35


This material is released under CC-BY-SA 4.0 International License, translated from original work 2022年臺灣街景踏查團-第二次踏查團心得感想 by s8321414 in Taiwanese Mandarin. Special thanks to Supaplex for proofreading in Taiwanese Mandarin and Taiwanese Hokkien translation, and assanges for English translation.

Location: Xinde Village, Xindian District, New Taipei, Taiwan

This article is also available in Taiwanese Mandarin (台灣華語) and Taiwanese Hokkien / Taigi (台文)

Yes, you heard it right. It’s about the 2nd mapping workshop. Shouldn’t it follow by the very first workshop, since the last article is about the first expedition? Let’s not get bogged down with the series ordinal, that’s another story for another time lol. Some say that it’s possible to notice from the last article, and we can chit-chat about it physically at the next meetup if some insist… All we know is, it's not called the Stig!

2nd Mapping workshop in MozTW Space Taipei

In brief, OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community (OSMTW) utilised data collected from surveying in the 2nd mapping workshop at the MozTW Space Taipei after the junket tour maiden survey expedition. Oberserved physical attendance has dropped due to the recent increasing communities infections of the Coronavirus Omicron variant. Be that as it may, the workshop warmly welcomes two enthusiastic geography teachers to join.

A big shout-out to the enthusiastic geography teachers!

The workshop begins with an introduction to OpenStreetMap and Wikidata (Mapillary and KartaView and other Wikimedia projects also). Supaplex, one of the hosts, then demonstrated 1) a live edit on creating a convenience store node in the Yangbei Redevelopment zone on OpenStreetMap, using Mapillary 360 imagery taken in the last expedition; 2) reuploading photos from Mapillary to Wikimedia Commons and 3) creating Wikidata item, New Taipei City Youth Social Housing (新北市青年社會住宅).

Afterwards, on-site participants start to edit the website as mentioned freely. Some problems related to 360-degree images were also found during the editing process. For example, in order to let Wikimedia Commons fully recognise the photos taken by the 360-degree camera, the {{pano360}} template must be added. To the same extent, some arguments must be included while uploading 360-degree photos to make KartaView recognise them correctly.

OSMTW will tweak our workshops to a more practical approach by optimising the task difficulty and minimising detailed instructions from experience. After a short briefing by the hosts, senior mappers were to assist neophytes with their tasks and edits.

Needless to say, all edits with applying our April survey outcomes are welcomed, try to add a business or residential construction project by referencing the street view anytime and anywhere! Regrettably, littlebtc, one of the heavyweight contributors in Taiwan, could not attend the workshop. Still, he later contributed edits on completed constructions and the planned road network for the second phase of redevelopment in the Yangbei Redevelopment Zone.

The National Human Rights Museum

Promenade Coffee anyone?

The image resources from the 1st survey expedition and the results of this mapping workshop are available as follows:

And, of course, not to mention the image records of the workshop/ meetup. The following expedition is scheduled for June 19, 2022. Come to join us!

Moutain Ocean Sun

About the Wikimedia Alliances Fund

In 4Q 2021, the Wikimedia Foundation announced a new grant program: the Wikimedia Alliances Fund, which supports the projects proposed by mission-aligned organisations contributing toward the strategic direction of the Wikimedia Movement.

About OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community

The OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community (OSMTW) comprises passionate mappers interested in Taiwan. Since 2010, mappers have transformed Taiwan from a coterie of individuals to a local community that gathers increasing public to participate in co-editing map projects. OSMTW is currently co-hosting monthly gatherings and aperiodic expeditions with the Wikidata local community in Taipei. Feel free to check out and join us!

Ends/ Monday, June 13, 2022
Issued at CST 13:50
Last updated at CST 15:40


This material is released under CC-BY-SA 4.0 International License, translated from original work 2022年臺灣街景踏查團-第二次編輯工作坊心得感想 by s8321414 in Taiwanese Mandarin. Special thanks to Supaplex for proofreading in Taiwanese Mandarin and Taiwanese Hokkien translation, and assanges for English translation.

Location: KuanHua Market, Meihua Village, Zhongzheng District, Huashan, Taipei, 100013, Taiwan

This article is also available in Taiwanese Mandarin (台灣華語) and Taiwanese Hokkien / Taigi (台文)

The OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community (OSMTW) is pleased to announce that it has secured an alliance grant from the Wikimedia Foundation, which has been used to purchase two Insta360 One X2 cameras with accessories, and to support related workshops scheduled from March 2022 until February 2023. OSMTW is dedicated to organising at least six street-view expeditions and six edit workshops. OSMTW members begin their journey to terra incognita of street-view by self-driving and documenting with the 360-degree camera on the rooftop. Afterwards, members will enhance OpenStreetMap data and upload photos to the Wikimedia Commons, a multimedia repository, with the post-edited expedition media.

OSMTW initiated the 1st preflight workshop on March 19, 2022, at the MozTW space in Taipei, following the maiden street-view expedition on April 24, 2022. Departing from Yangbei Redevelopment Zone (央北重劃區), the 11-people expedition team head for multiple locations in 4 vehicles, including Keelung, Jinshan, and Wanli, and recorded the sections of National Highway No. 3 having insufficient street view data. The team dropped by at the Xiandong Tunnel (仙洞隧道) to take photos at both entrances since the tunnel is currently inaccessible to the public.

Next, the team is split into two, bound for Xiandongyan (Deity’s cave/ 仙洞巖) and the Sprial Ramp (迴車塔). Xiandongyan is a Buddhist temple in a sea cave with designated Cultural Landscape status; however, the outcome is somewhat disappointing due to poor indoor illumination. The latter is a unique artificial driveway slope in Taiwan. The team later rendezvoused at the Dawulun Fishing Harbor (大武崙漁港) for replenishments; crowds were observed on the beaches even under the COVID-19 outbreak.

Following surveys and lunchbreak in Shuiwei Fishing Harbor, the team continue their trip to Jinshan Old Street (金山老街) and other places. After a quick break at Jinshan Old Street to taste the local delicacy of taro balls, the team disbanded and returned to downtown Taipei.

OSMTW is expected to hold the 1st Post-survey Editing Workshop on the 22nd (May 22, 2022) at the MozTW space. The workshop will edit OpenStreetMap by utilising the information uploaded to open street view websites such as Mapillary and KartaView (changesets with hashtag #streetsurveyTW). In addition, the workshop is set to upload media to Wikimedia Commons for those without any photos or have not been updated for a long time in Wikimedia projects. Thereafter take advantage of these photos to enrich Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia, Wikivoyage, and Wikidata. Join us at the workshop!

OSMTW look forward to Open content projects such as OpenStreetMap and Wikimedia to make a difference in sharing knowledge with increasingly high-quality materials.

About the Wikimedia Alliances Fund

In 4Q 2021, the Wikimedia Foundation announced a new grant program: the Wikimedia Alliances Fund, which supports the projects proposed by mission-aligned organisations contributing toward the strategic direction of the Wikimedia Movement.

About OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community

The OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community (OSMTW) comprises passionate mappers who are interested in Taiwan. Since 2010, mappers have transformed Taiwan from a coterie of individuals to a local community that gathers increasing public to participate in co-editing map projects. OSMTW is currently co-hosting monthly gatherings and aperiodic expeditions with the Wikidata local community in Taipei. Feel free to check out and join us!

Ends/ Saturday, May 21, 2022
Issued at CST 13:00
Last updated at CST 22:00


This material is released under CC-BY-SA 4.0 International License, translated from original work 2022年臺灣街景踏查團-第一次踏查團心得感想 by s8321414 in Taiwanese Mandarin. Special thanks to Supaplex for proofreading in Taiwanese Mandarin and Taiwanese Hokkien translation, and assanges for English translation.

Location: Datong Village, Jinshan District, New Taipei, Taiwan

[OSMOpinion] OpenStreetMap must not be the petri dish of political-driven nonsense

Posted by assanges on 3 September 2021 in English. Last updated on 4 September 2021.

OpenStreetMap must not be the petri dish of political-driven nonsense

Yet here we are again, the Chinese Commies just spit on everything they thought was rightful. Yes yes, I explicitly use the term 'Commies' as gallantry since I came from 'the Taipei and environs' by their courtesies. BTW, 'Taiwan' or 'Formosa' is the place if you can't recall.

I was rather indolent to express any political views on the OpenStreetMap as it should be a site to record facts, not a place to be poisoned by political flim-flam. However, the landscape has changed too much from a niche and friendly environment to a colossal and somewhat hostile one.

OpenStreetMap is not and shalln't be the sacrifice in the political struggles

More and more Chinese mappers joined as China rises, but many rather acting irrationally and nonconstructive. These mappers can mainly be categorised into 4 major doctrines:

  1. OSM datasets exploiting: denying the existence of Xinjiang internment camps, the de facto status of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, nor the territorial dispute on the South China Sea and Pinnacle Islands;
  2. Invalid notes abusing: creating notes unrelated to data qualities and asserting Chiese political view;
  3. OSM wiki vandalising: improper editing on the page ‘Taiwan’ and clearing OSMTW community early discussions;
  4. Heavily mapping on unrealistic constructions in a foreseeing future: e.g. Beijing-Taipei Expressway, China National Highway 319 (Kaohsiung-Chengdu)

Unfortunately, all of them were never cared to listen nor discuss, while the community members try to be friendly and sagacious. Which let me rethink the need to embrace or cope with such gibberish, rather.

Relentless attempts from these resentful Chinese users tried to assert their perspective on the maps and wikis, of which I think were bêtise and nescient, mostly had been reverted time by time with a huge amount of effort. The community now must confront the inconvenient truth for that we were amassed at the centre of a political tug-of-war, action needs to be taken to prevent collateral damage.


Changesets vandalising TW

Changesets claiming the disputed territories or waters as Chinese

Changesets covering up Xinjiang internment camps

Invalid notes asserting political views claims Taiwan is a part of China

Vandalising OSMwiki

Wonderful poppycock from zh-CN users (no offence but yes poppycock)


Location: Station Front, Taipei, 10018, Taiwan