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Done With Chiapas Corner!!!

Posted by Sunfishtommy on 1 September 2015 in English.

So as I predicted, i was able to finish mapping all major roads in Chiapas Corner which I explained in my last post is what i have been calling this area

I continued mapping for a little while in the Chiapas area, more to the west, and was able to add a significant amount of town names using the data. But as i expected, i started to get a little tired of mapping in Chiapas. After all i have done a lot there. So I have moved go Guerrero Mexico, where there is almost no mapping at all besides town names. Since I love mapping roads this is perfect. With a blank canvas I am going through and mapping major roads and am going to work my way down to smaller roads as time goes on.

As I have said in the past, I just let the flow of the mapping take me where i want to go, it helps to keep from getting tired. So for now it is Guerrero and the rural areas where there is almost no roads.

Cant wait to turn blank map into something full of data!!!



Comment from RCPanzer0 on 1 September 2015 at 17:29

Great! Thank you.

Comment from Alan Bragg on 2 September 2015 at 00:00

Nice work. I got interested in your project and added some detail to the hamlet of Puerto del Varal

One day, someone in that place will see his home on a map and add some more detail.

It’s fun to look in depth at places all over the world.

Thanks for motivating me to take a look around Guerrero.

Comment from Sunfishtommy on 2 September 2015 at 03:36

That is awesome I’m glad I could give you some inspiration and that town you added looks great, you put so much detail into it.

Mexico is just a great place to map, the imagery is of good quality, and there is still much stuff to map there.

I am currently drawing this secondary road here

I think I am just going to go around the area of Guerrero I downloaded and saved in JOSM and just keep adding secondary, tertiary, and residential roads until they are all there. Should be a nice little project for a while.

Thanks again for that link to that page is a godsend full of so much data especially town names.

Keep me updated on how things go. It nice to know there is someone else out there mapping in Mexico.

Comment from joost schouppe on 3 September 2015 at 15:45

I also like mapping like that. Just tracing roads on an empty canvas. The corner of the world I keep finding myself is around Coroico, Bolivia. Recently, I’ve been improving the huge woods there, still picking up some missing roads and hamlets there. After a while, you start noticing other people improving on your work - that is the most fun of the whole thing.

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