In Brittany and particularly in the north coast we have a nice heritage of old railway bridge. I use to tag, these bridges as Railway = abandoned, bridge = yes and layer = 1. I was wondering whether we could redraw the complete railway net on OSM without interference with current highway.
What could be the best solution in the case a street was built on this abandoned railway?
Draw a way parallel to the street and tag it railway = abandoned?
Over the street but on a new layer?
Not to draw this abandoned railway at all in current OSM project?
Comment from Gnonthgol on 23 September 2010 at 10:00
If the rails are removed to accommodate the road then you should not tag the abandoned railway at all as it is no longer there. If however you have a case of a railway on a road (like a tram) then you can tag the way as both a highway and a railway at the same time.
Comment from RussNelson on 23 September 2010 at 12:00
I tag disused railways as railway=disused if the rails are still there. Otherwise I tag all historic railway routes, even if now a road, as railway=abandoned. If the roadway follows the railway exactly, no need for a separate way. I also tag the location of an old bridge if there remains any evidence of it with bridge=abandoned.
Comment from Remiguel on 23 September 2010 at 20:12
Many thanks both for your answers. I will definitely not, tag the complete railway net. But your hint RussNelson is a great idea: by tagging a way "even if now a road, as railway=abandoned". So I could leave my knowledge of these areas, in OSM avoiding any confusion.