
.Innovative, eccentric, fragile, hopefully avoiding another suicide attempt

Posted by solongago on 7 July 2020 in English. Last updated on 8 July 2020.

.I give you:

Accurate footprints of buildings. Addresses of buildings. Identities of commercial structures. Landuse as per county records. Exact boundaries as per county records. Wetlands as per National Wetlands Inventory. Precice delineation of roadways as per ESRI, public/private status as per county records, and correct road names as per USPS. Garages, sheds, swimming pools, fences. Anything else of general interest I can find.

You give me:

Complaints. Threats of banishment.

Seems like a fair deal.

Note: I try not to read OSM messages, as they send my anxiety and depression level into dangerous territory.


Comment from SomeoneElse on 7 July 2020 at 23:35

Are you perhaps trying to reply to ?

That’s just a message to let you know that lots of people have commented on your changesets. You can see these at . To reply to each one, click in the comment box on the changeset, type in your reply, and click “comment”.

Best Regards,

Andy Townsend, from OSM’s Data Working Group.

PS: As the other message says, if you have any questions, you can email us at .

Comment from Sanderd17 on 8 July 2020 at 05:57

Hi solongago,

I think most issues are with the naming of features. When you give a name to something, it should be an actual name. Preferably a name that’s visible in real life (on a sign).

You should not name things like “swamp and marsh” (see as an example). That is part of the descriptive tags wetland=marsh, not of the name.

Comment from skquinn on 28 July 2020 at 05:08

In general, contributions to OSM that are license-compatible and otherwise follow the rules are welcomed. However, there are rules for imports and where you can pull data from, and how to use tags. You cannot use data from Google Maps; it’s specifically against their terms of use as well as incompatible with OSM’s licensing (and don’t assume USPS data is license compatible, some of it isn’t). You cannot just do an import without consulting with the community and following the rules for imports. name=* is not for describing the feature (e.g. do not use things like name=”Swimming Pool”). It’s bad form to redraw the same object over an existing version and then delete the original, as this loses the original object history. Even when upgrading a node to a building outline I will keep the original node in the outline with tags removed to help preserve the history (though I may be the only mapper that does this).

Good intentions are good, but non-conforming data polluting the database really doesn’t help a whole lot, and may even make OSM data less useful to everyone in that area, at which point some will say “let’s just use Google Maps” (or Bing, etc).

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