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Damn load testing for the third time

Posted by qeef on 3 September 2023 in English.

The damn deploy repository of the Divide and map. Now. has been refactored. And that’s a great opportunity for another round of load testing.

This is the third round of load testing, see the first and the second one if you are interested.

The load testing is a bit different from the last time. I performed load testing of new, freshly deployed damn project instance on $6/month VPS with 1 GB RAM, single 2.5 GHz vCPU, and 25 GB SSD. (The changes from the last time are that there is no more load testing of the “production” server, the price increased by $1/month, and shared_buffers is now 256 MB instead of 409 MB.)

The preparation for load testing on the server’s side, when the damn project is deployed, is just to run

docker-compose -f damn-deploy/gen.yml run --rm prepareloadtest

to create 1000 test users and 10 (load) testing areas in the database. For each run of load testing, the database has been deleted and created again with

systemctl stop damn-http.service
docker volume rm damn-deploy_damndb-volume
systemctl start
docker-compose -f damn-deploy/gen.yml run --rm prepareloadtest

commands. For each run of load testing, log the server’s utilization with

sar -o load-test-100 -A 15 $((4 * 61)) 1>/dev/null 2>&1

Then, from that file, you can generate data series and plot the graphs with

./ 100

where the content of the corresponding files is

set -eu


sar -f $F | sed 's/  \+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f1,3 | head -n-1 | tail -n+4 > cpu-user.$U
sar -f $F | sed 's/  \+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f1,5 | head -n-1 | tail -n+4 > cpu-system.$U
sar -f $F -r | sed 's/  \+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f1,5 | head -n-1 | tail -n+4 > cpu-memused.$U
sar -f $F -b | sed 's/  \+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f1,3 | head -n-1 | tail -n+4 > io-read.$U
sar -f $F -b | sed 's/  \+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f1,4 | head -n-1 | tail -n+4 > io-write.$U
sar -f $F -n IP | sed 's/  \+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f1,2 | head -n-1 | tail -n+4 > received-datagrams.$U

set grid
set xdata time
set timefmt '%H:%M:%S'
set format x '%H:%M'
set yrange [0:100]

plot 'cpu-user.100' u 1:2 w l t 'CPU %user' lc 'blue', \
     'cpu-system.100' u 1:2 w l t 'CPU %system' lc 'green', \
     'cpu-memused.100' u 1:2 w l t 'MEM %used' lc 'red'
set terminal png
set output 'cpu-100.png'

set grid
set xdata time
set timefmt '%H:%M:%S'
set format x '%H:%M'

plot 'io-read.100' u 1:2 w l t 'I/O reads/s', \
     'io-write.100' u 1:2 w l t 'I/O writes/s', \
     'received-datagrams.100' u 1:2 w l t 'NET received/s'
set terminal png
set output 'io-100.png'

On a computer to be used for (the server) load testing, clone the damn server repository, set the JWT_SECRET in the damn_server/ file to the same value as is on the (load tested) server, and create virtual environment and start load testing with locust as described in the README (but don’t forget to change the URL of the (load tested) server accordingly).

cd damn-server
python3 -m venv tve
. tve/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.loadtest.txt
locust -f tests/ -H https://current.DOMAIN_NAME -u 100 -r 10 -t 1h --headless --only-summary --html load-test-100.html

Load testing is performed by simulating a mapathon event for one hour. Given the number of mappers (e.g. 100), there is 64 % of newbie mappers, 16 % of advanced mappers, and 20 % of reviewers. Every mapper maps for 30 to 60 seconds and then waits for 30 to 60 seconds. Newbie mappers only map (recent, oldest, random, or nearest) squares. They may mark the square for review, or yet needs mapping, or split the square. Advanced mapper may in addition also merge the squares. Reviewers review the (recent, oldest, random, or nearest) squares and for each square decides if the square is done or needs more mapping. This logic is described in the locust file.

Well, I know, it’s probably not how the mapathoners do their mapping, but hey. It’s at least something. The following are the results.

100 mappers

  • Average response time: 75 ms
  • Average requests per second: 2.5
  • 95 percentile response time: 200 ms
  • The worst response time: 1.3 s

CPU and memory utilization I/O utilization Total requests per second Response times

200 mappers

  • Average response time: 100 ms
  • Average requests per second: 5
  • 95 percentile response time: 310 ms
  • The worst response time: 7 s

CPU and memory utilization I/O utilization Total requests per second Response times

250 mappers, first time

  • Error occurences: 1
  • Average response time: 190 ms
  • Average requests per second: 6.2
  • 95 percentile response time: 410 ms
  • The worst response time: 31 s

CPU and memory utilization I/O utilization Total requests per second Response times

250 mappers, second time

  • Error occurences: 0
  • Average response time: 100 ms
  • Average requests per second: 6.2
  • 95 percentile response time: 310 ms
  • The worst response time: 5 s

CPU and memory utilization I/O utilization Total requests per second Response times

300 mappers, first time

  • Error occurences: 16
  • Average response time: 3.5 s
  • Average requests per second: 6.8
  • 95 percentile response time: 800 ms
  • The worst response time: 323 s

CPU and memory utilization I/O utilization Total requests per second Response times

NOTE: Do not forget that shared_buffers is set to 256 MB from the total of 1 GB, so 80 % of the MEM means there is no free memory left.

300 mappers, second time

  • Error occurences: 3
  • Average response time: 190 ms
  • Average requests per second: 7.4
  • 95 percentile response time: 470 ms
  • The worst response time: 35 s

CPU and memory utilization I/O utilization Total requests per second Response times

And the conclusion? The most important is that a mapathon of 200 mappers still could have been handled.

Divide and map. Now. – the damn project – helps mappers by dividing a big area into smaller squares that people can map together.


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