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At HOT, we are working on a collaboration with communities in informal settlements in Sierra Leone as part of the Know Your City project led by Slum Dwellers International.

The remote mapping of the settlements is hard, even with the excellent drone imagery flown by OpenStreetMap Sierra Leone. The environment is really dense, roofs overlap at different heights and structures that look like one from the sky actually include multiple buildings.

However, we have found the use of 3d and 2d imagery renders in parallel to be a bit of a game changer for this mapping activity. The mesh produced from the drone images allows us to angle and tilt in a way that we can better see how roofs interact with each other, what height they are and even sometimes how buildings are divided inside. We think this has vastly improved the accuracy of what we are able to do remotely.

3d mesh of Kolleh Town, Freetown, Sierra Leone

3d mesh of Kolleh Town, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Kolleh Town on OpenStreetMap

The mapped area on OpenStreetMap

The remote mapping will be followed by comprehensive field mapping and surveying by the local community and the team at CODOHSAPA using the Field Mapping Tasking Manager, so it is important to get the basemap as accurate as possible.

A big thanks to OSM Sierra Leone for their support and collaboration on this project as well as our partners at SDI, CODOHSAPA, Freetown City Council and Catholic Relief Services.

Location: 8.486, -13.251


Comment from Tommy G D Charles on 22 May 2024 at 09:41

I believe that this is a reliable method of mapping remotely. It also gives the opportunity to combine both filed and armchair mapping, thereby giving mappers complete understanding about the communities they map.

Comment from rtnf on 29 May 2024 at 13:14

That’s a cool visualization.

Is there any technical guide available on how to set up that kind of 3D mesh data by using drone images?

Comment from Raquel Dezidério Souto on 2 June 2024 at 17:03

Congratulations for this initiative! Are these imagens hosted in OpenAerialMap? Another question is if Field Mapping Tasking Manager worked 100% or there was some problem/dificult… Thank you so much.

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