OpenStreetMap data in action: earthquake response
Posted by pedrito1414 on 19 February 2023 in English.Since 06 February when the first earthquake struck Turkey and Syria, more than 6,500 mappers have mobilised to contribute to the response through the creation and improvement of OpenStreetMap data.
On 09 Feb, I wrote a diary post about whether the OSM data being contributed by mappers and validators in Turkey and Syria was helping anybody. This one builds on that theme…
Below is a selection of maps and map products being used by responders that incorporate OpenStreetMap data (gathered through searching data sources on maps and data products on ReliefWeb, the MSF Geo Centre and through what people are reporting on the HOT disaster-mapping slack channel). Click through the links to explore the maps yourself…
☝️Map from REACH: Northwest Syria — Earthquake Exposed Communities
☝️ Map from REACH: Northwest Syria — Earthquake Exposed Dams
☝️ Maps and infographics from CrisisReady: Population Density Change Report
☝️ Map from MSF: North East Syria Reference Map
☝️ Map from MapAction: Damaged Buildings and Needs Assessment
☝️ Map from AKUT (photo): being used for coordination in the field
☝️ Map from AFAD (photo): being used for coordination in the field
Big shout out to Yer Çizenler for continuing to lead this ‘activation’ (HOT word for disaster response) and a huge thanks to all of you mappers and validators who are contributing. Please keep going — there are still many unmet needs in terms of open geo data!
In case it’s useful to anyone reading, there are >40 key datasets, related to the earthquake response, on HDX from UNOSAT, OCHA, HOT (mostly OSM data) and more…
Want to map to show solidarity with those affected by the quakes? Head to the HOT tasking manager.
Comment from harrymahar on 20 February 2023 at 01:55
Insightful diary.. Thank you Pete!
Comment from janabau on 1 March 2023 at 16:24
Nice collection. Btw. you have MSF for the MapAction North East Syria Reference Map.
Comment from pedrito1414 on 1 March 2023 at 19:40
Hey Jana, it’s got an MSF logo in the corner - have I misunderstood?