Re-tagging quadrant routes in Pennsylvania, USA from `ref` -> `ref:penndot`
Posted by oini on 19 January 2016 in English.Quadrant routes in Pennsylvania have 4-digit route numbers prefixed with SR
. OSM recommends that these route numbers be tagged with the ref:penndot
key rather than the ref
key in the following manner: ref:penndot=SR 6000
- Total incorrectly tagged ways in Pennsylvania: 6819. Of these:
- Incorrectly tagged ways in Pennsylvania excluding routes with no space: 3132. Of these:
I’m looking into re-tagging these incorrectly tagged ways into ref:penndot=SR ****
to prevent any problems with mappers and data users getting confused by the mention of a reference highway that isn’t normally meant for the public being in the ref
The work-flow I’ll be following is listed below:
- Load overpass turbo link and run the query
- Export the results into JOSM
- In JOSM, find objects with the filter
- Rename key for selected objects from
- The changeset comment i’ll be using is
Changing key of quadrant routes in PA which are not signposted from ref to ref:penndot as per OSM Wiki guidelines
For further details on the progress please refer to this repository.
Comment from Minh Nguyen on 19 January 2016 at 17:18
See also this talk-us thread from a year ago.
Comment from jonwit on 19 January 2016 at 17:52
The Keystone State thanks you!
Comment from bhousel on 19 January 2016 at 21:43
This looks great! Will definitely improve the maps in PA.
Comment from GeoKitten on 28 January 2016 at 13:26
As someone who lives in and maps the Pittsburgh area, I agree with this proposed mechanical edit. Strangely, there are very few of these mistagged refs around where I live; most of them are in central and eastern PA.
Comment from rickmastfan67 on 5 February 2016 at 02:57
GeoKitten, that’s because whenever I saw them over here in the Pittsburgh area, I fixed them. ;)
Comment from rickmastfan67 on 5 February 2016 at 03:17
Also, there might be a few ‘quadrant’ routes hidden in the regular ref tags with another ‘normal’ route. Is there an easy way to find these as well and fix them too?
For example, if a ref is ‘ref=US 22 Business;SR3006’, would you be able to find that hidden ‘SR3006’ and move it to the ‘ref:penndot=’ tag?
Comment from rickmastfan67 on 5 February 2016 at 03:35
Plus I hope you will fix any ‘ref:penndot=Sr *’ tags to ‘ref:penndot=SR *’ that were done in the ‘test’ period. ;)