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I will pay one cake, beverage or even send a T-shirt if somebody teach/give me code to identify changesets where street names were inserted.

ie, there was a lot of already traced highways and then somebody modified them, inserting names.

What I would like to do:

  1. identify every changeset where street names were inserted in a specific area (Brazil, for example); sorting by the number of affected ways in each changeset would be nice
  2. filter by a specific username
  3. filter where street names were inserted and some specific value is not present in changeset’s source, source:name or imagery_used

I can host a postgis database with the data if needed (I guess that some SQL black magic will solve this)

Cake, beverage, T-shirt and US$ 100 via paypall if somebody gives me all these 3 features.


Comment from ImreSamu on 17 March 2017 at 02:20

Hi naoliv,

I have started ..

I have created a simple sheet for 2017-01.

maybe the 1.,2. requirement is not hard , [ for a v3. I need to add the changeset values )

Comment from naoliv on 17 March 2017 at 03:10

@ImreSamu I will need it since the beggining :-)

It also needs to be continuously updated (so some code/script/etc will be necessary here).
Or at least be able to generate the data on demand (for a specific user, or date range, if possible).

And it seems to be going the right way here.

Comment from ImreSamu on 19 March 2017 at 16:11

status: [1]

Now :

  • the input:
  • Now I am using “osmium tool” + minimal python code.
  • the result can be load to Postgres / Sqlite / google sheet / Excel / Libreoffice
    • see Goole Spreedsheet link [1]
  • The current algorithm:
    • The actual version has key:highway + key:name and the previous version has not key:name


  • Need some formating / testing / tunning
  • Need recreating brazil.osh.pbf ( for up to date )
  • “filter where street names were inserted” - this is the (nearest) city or region name?
    • this is not so easy .. need some geocoding + database :(
  • Check alternative solutions ..


  • What is your technical background ( python ? sql? linux scripting? )

( next status report : maybe end of the next week )

Comment from KVLA-HRO-Mei on 23 March 2017 at 07:15

Same here, a tool for dealing with new / altered / removed streetnames would be pretty useful for QA :)

Comment from jinalfoflia on 24 March 2017 at 09:27

naoliv I’d suggest the same tool as andygol suggested. Here’s how you can filter changesets using OSMCHA.


It also provides a way for you to monitor changesets for a particular bounding box.

Comment from SomeoneElse on 24 March 2017 at 09:32

@jinalfoflia - OsmCha, while useful, doesn’t actual do what is requested here, does it - “identify changesets where street names were inserted”?

If it does, perhaps you could explain how?

Comment from naoliv on 24 March 2017 at 09:41

@ImreSamu I will send you a message

@andygol @jinalfoflia Yes, I already took a look at
While it gives some related results with what I need, it’s necessary to post-process/scrap the data from it.

Comment from jinalfoflia on 24 March 2017 at 09:44

@jinalfoflia - OsmCha, while useful, doesn’t actual do what is requested here, does it - “identify changesets where street names were inserted”?

Yes, at this point the filter identifies all the objects whose name tags are changed, but @SomeoneElse - one can write a compare function to detect a street with a new name, and then we can flag those changesets in osmcha.

Comment from jinalfoflia on 24 March 2017 at 09:50

@andygol @jinalfoflia Yes, I already took a look at While it gives some related results with what I need, it’s necessary to post-process/scrap the data from it.

@naoliv you can try writing a compare function and that should make it easy for you to filter these changesets/streets.

Comment from andygol on 24 March 2017 at 09:55

@naoliv If you need to get data for post-processing just add render_csv=True to osmcha URL
☝️don’t run without adding some extra filters due to big amount of data.

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