mmd's Diary Comments
Diary Comments added by mmd
Post | When | Comment |
Testing data upload | It seems all your users are doing changes on behalf of a single collective account (similar to how Wheelmap works). Please note that this is usually discouraged. Perhaps SomeoneElse can provide a bit more background on this topic. |
Testing data upload | I would also encourage everyone to start with the dev/test instance first before running any scripts against the production OSM API. |
Trying out new "Communities" feature | I have created a new community “Friends of Null Island” with 3 fake members so it will show up in the communities list. Feel free to join and play around with it. |
Introducing Communities: A Proposed Feature for OpenStreetMap | Looks cool. We’re trying to get you more testers by evaluating single sign on for dev instances (link) … stay tuned. |
OSPP 2024 Project: Frontend technology based OpenStreetMap PT relation editor — Biweekly Report #2 | Since you’re using Javascript, you could maybe check out the respective JSON versions of OSM API endpoints. These should be easier to work with in your case. has some more details, in addition to the OSM API 0.6 wiki page. |
Road Watcher - a simple Python bot to monitor road class changes | You could probably achieve something similar by using - The query only returns ways which have changed since a cut off timestamp (newer:…), and then returns the same ways again at the cut of timestamp itself. As a result, you don’t need to store the previous query result anymore but only the last processing timestamp. Also, the query result should hopefully be much smaller, like a few hundred ways instead of more than 200k. There’s one caveat: the way the retro statement is used here might change in the future (see ) |
OpenStreetMap NextGen Development Diary #2 | Thank you for the update. As before, I did some local testing here on my box, to better understand how user interactions look like (screenshots are not that good at that). I think the Profile picture part looks cleaner and easier to understand, and I can see some benefits in splitting up the current “My Settings” page in smaller pieces. I’ve noticed some small details like restricting the permitted file types to images, which helps to improve user experience at essentially zero development effort. Of course, there are still some rough edges, such as this interesting Internal Server Error: “PIL.Image.DecompressionBombError: Image size (204615540 pixels) exceeds limit of 178956970 pixels, could be decompression bomb DOS attack.”, but that’s ok at this point in time. I also managed to create some notes via the API 0.6 endpoint, but not on the map itself. Here’s what I could capture in the browser console: “POST /api/0.6/notes HTTP/1.1” 422 Unprocessable Entity –> input is null It looks like the payload is lacking some relevant details here. I’m pretty sure I’m missing some pipeline step here. Any sort of documentation would be much appreciated.
Also the single click Debug Login didn’t work here, it just doesn’t do anything, not even a message on the browser console. Manually logging in with “user1” and password “openstreetmap” did the trick, though. I’ve also noticed Cython-build being a bit unstable at the moment, but didn’t spend time to investigate it. I will try this again in a few weeks maybe. By the way, setting up users on Rails and registering apps could be fully scripted. Registering a new OAuth2 application is essentially a one-liner:
Results could then be used to automatically update settings.local.yml. My guess is that all preparation steps, including user creation and app registration could be done in about 20 LOC without any hidden magic involved. Nobody bothered enough to do it so far, still it’s fairly easy to do. |
OpenStreetMap NextGen Benchmark 1 of 4: Static and unauthenticated requests |
I cannot confirm this. When running the Rails server in development mode, you will notice a similar increased runtime even without Docker in place. This is expected behavior as mentioned before. Rails developer mode is not suitable for performance testing. |
OpenStreetMap NextGen Benchmark 1 of 4: Static and unauthenticated requests |
The openstreetmap-website project has no dependency on Docker, and it’s also not used in production. Someone contributed a Dockerfile a while ago with the idea to facilitate local development. It is completely optional, meaning you can easily set up your local development (or production environment) without Docker. By the way, I don’t use Docker for my local Rails set up either, like a good part of the other contributors. The Rails app on production is managed through the Chef repository, which you can find here: It includes all the steps to set up a production environment. I still find it easy enough to read and go through. The number of configuration settings may seem a bit daunting at first, so plan some time and don’t be afraid to ask questions if something is not clear to you. I do this all the time. Regarding performance testing, I would assume that |
OpenStreetMap Website Vulnerability Report | Thanks a lot for looking into this and disclosing the issues in a responsible manner. A few comments on some of the remaining open ones:
By the way, I’m a bit surprised not to see any Javascript of CSRF issues (we’ve been fixing some of these in the past). Is this still to come? |
OpenStreetMap NextGen Benchmark 1 of 4: Static and unauthenticated requests | First of all, I find it difficult to make some sense of these figures, since measurements were done on different boxes with fairly different hardware specs. For “Ruby official” and “Ruby test” one can refer to : spike-0[6-8] are the production frontend servers, faffy is the development/test server, all of which are running openstreetmap-website as a Rails application. “Python” measurements were presumably performed on a private box with unknown hardware specs.
Dockerfiles are mainly aimed at local development, and are not suitable for performance measurements. They’re starting up a Rails application in development mode, rather than production mode. It is expected that runtimes in development mode are much higher. I would assume that “Ruby (local)” runtimes were collected in this mode. As an outlook: I expect to see some nice speedups for these types of micro-benchmarks when using Ruby 3.3.0 with YJIT enabled (currently not yet enabled on servers). To get an idea about the relative speed difference, I did a very quick test run on my laptop: Without YJIT:
With YJIT enabled:
Local server started as:
OpenStreetMap NextGen Takes Shape! (screenshots) |
I’d say at this point in time, it’s basically not possible to run the Python code against the same production APIDB instance, like we do for CGImap, or osmdbt for minutely diffs, or the weekly planet dump. To be fair, as far as i can tell, the idea was always to migrate the current db to the new schema, and run it on a separate database instance. I don’t recall any post or announcement, which claimed to be compatible with the existing schema. So what has changed? The 16 database tables currently used for nodes, ways and relations have been replaced by a single “element” table in which each single object version is stored. So one table for everything. As a result, the code is written in such a way that some concepts are now more generic (e.g. tags behave in the same way regardless of their object type). It remains to be seen how this will affect the performance of our 11 TB database. Way nodes have been replaced by the member concept already known from relations. That means, a way looks a bit like a relation where every member is simply a node. I recall seeing such ideas on the API 0.7 proposal page, where someone suggested that “everything is a relation”. It’s probably the first time, this idea has made it in any sort of real implementation. Tags are stored in JSONB fields, and for node coordinates a new dependency on Postgis has been introduced. As far as I can tell, this is used for nodes only, to enable polygon based node queries. There are many more changes in place which I will skip for now, since I cannot comment on them without some more in depth testing. Reference: |
OpenStreetMap NextGen Takes Shape! (screenshots) | I tried to run the code locally, and took a few screenshots like this one: It’s still a bit bumpy to get this up and running w/o any sort of documentation, but hey, that was kind of expected at this point in time. Nix Shell was a huge pain on my system with issues due to incompatible GLIBC versions and random /nix libraries being injected to LD_LIBRARY_PATH that made some programs fails, while others weren’t working without it. Obviously, I was more interested to see a bit of API stuff in action. For some reason http://localhost:3000/api/0.6/node/1 would return this nice error message. This looks like a topic for another time.
Small Towns in Europe |
I believe one reason for this long runtime could be your pre-filtering on certain areas (not exactly sure if this how you’ve done it). When using to analyze all place nodes on a global scale, the runtime should be less than 1.5 hours. It returns about 401k place nodes that would need some additional filtering by location as a post-processing step. If you like to try this out, I have uploaded the query result here: (file size: 21M) |
A minute of facts about the duration of changesets | 5 years ago we’ve already discussed to add an optional “close_changeset=true” attribute to the osmChange header. This would, as the name says, close the changeset as part of the upload, without the need to send an additional changeset close message. Unlike the proposed API 0.7 changes, it wouldn’t introduce an incompatible change, since it’s an optional attribute only. Link: |
OAuthtung! | Yes, that’s just a normal OAuth2 Bearer Token, which doesn’t expire, like all other OAuth 2 tokens at the moment. The actual generation happens here: Doorkeeper…find_or_create_for is the relevant bit here to trigger the generation on the backend for a given application/user/list of scopes (assuming the token hasn’t been created yet, otherwise the existing token is retrieved). |
OAuthtung! | FWIW: The “OpenStreetMap Web Site” OAuth2 application is also officially documented here: -> To allow Notes and changeset discussions to work, follow a similar process, this time registering an OAuth 2 application for the web site […] Check boxes for the following Permissions ‘Modify the map’ and ‘Modify notes’. |
OAuthtung! | It’s kind of funny that you’ve went the extra mile and blurred the OAuth token on the webpage, then pasting it in plain text and clearly visible in your terminal window. I hope you’ve revoked that token in the meantime ;) |
OpenStreetMap Service Availability (2023-12-20 - 2024-01-20) | Yearly database re-indexing was running on the weekend of 01-14, with periods of fairly high load on the database server: This might have impacted some queries to take longer than usual, or even time out. By the way, the CGImap link points to an outdated mirror. It should be instead. |
Future deprecation of HTTP Basic Auth and OAuth 1.0a | So yes, you can do all this in a few lines of shell script, by using only curl and jq, without any external libs, local HTTP server, or anything: Before trying this out, be sure to sign up on the dev instance (you already knew this). Bonus points for storing the access token in a local file, so you don’t need to go through the authorization each time you’re running the script. I was too lazy to implement that. If you’re also too lazy like me, you can also use the access token, and treat it as some kind of Personal Access Token. Line 14 shows you how to use the access token to call an API endpoint. Disclaimer: This is only meant for personal scripts and local testing. Also, please register you own app and replace client id and client secret with your own values. Use urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob as redirect URL. |