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Leveraging PostGIS to Write Your FlatGeobuf Files

Posted by spwoodcock on 7 December 2023 in English. Last updated on 21 February 2024.

To GDAL or not to GDAL

GDAL is an incredible geospatial library and underpins so much of what we do, including our databases (PostGIS).

However, sometimes it might be a bit heavyweight for what we are trying to achieve.

Installing it as a base system dependency inevitably installs everything - there are no options.


Install size is especially important when building container images, that we want to be as small as possible for distribution.


PostGIS uses GDAL for most of it’s geospatial processing, including reading and writing various geospatial file formats.

FMTM is starting to use FlatGeobuf format for various purposes (OSM data extracts, storing submissions).

It also uses a PostGIS database as part of the software stack.

So today I thought: why not just use the geospatial processing built into PostGIS for reading and writing flatgeobuf data?

The solution was surprisingly painless!

Database Access

First we need a way to access the database.

FMTM is using FastAPI and SQLAlchemy, so ideally we want to pass through and reuse the database session created when an endpoint is accessed.

To make this standalone, I also added functionality to create a database engine from scratch.


The nitty-gritty SQL


The function requires a FeatureCollection geojson.

Now I’m sure this is a much more efficient way to write this by nesting SQL SELECTs, but I was too lazy to debug and I find this approach quite readable, albeit slightly less efficient.

Using the code

An example of using in FastAPI:



There is one glaringly obvious limitation of this approach: if reading the FlatGeobuf is implemented in the same way then we lose the benefit of it’s ‘cloud native’ encoding.

Reading requires downloading the entire file, passing to PostGIS, and returning a GeoJSON.

However, that was not the intended purpose of this workaround.

FlatGeobuf is primarily a format meant for browser consumption. With excellent support via the npm package.

So while the backend API can write data to FlatGeobuf without requiring dependencies, the frontend can then read the data if it’s hosted somewhere online (i.e. an S3 bucket).


Apologies for the code screenshots: OSM Diaries does not support code syntax highlighting, nor spaces in code blocks.

Database code

from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase, Session

def get_engine(db: Union[str, Session]):
	"""Get engine from existing Session, or connection string.
	If `db` is a connection string, a new engine is generated.
	if isinstance(db, Session):
		return db.get_bind()
	elif isinstance(db, str):
		return create_engine(db)
		msg = "The `db` variable is not a valid string or Session"
		raise ValueError(msg)

SQL code

from geojson import FeatureCollection
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

def geojson_to_flatgeobuf(db: Session, geojson: FeatureCollection):
	"""From a given FeatureCollection, return a memory flatgeobuf obj."""
	sql = f"""
		DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.temp_features CASCADE;
		CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.temp_features(
			id serial PRIMARY KEY,
			geom geometry
		WITH data AS (SELECT '{geojson}'::json AS fc)
		INSERT INTO public.temp_features (geom)
			ST_AsText(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(feat->>'geometry')) AS geom
		FROM (
			SELECT json_array_elements(fc->'features') AS feat
			FROM data
		) AS f;
		WITH thegeom AS
		(SELECT * FROM public.temp_features)
		SELECT ST_AsFlatGeobuf(thegeom.*)
		FROM thegeom;
	# Run the SQL
	result = db.execute(text(sql))
	# Get a memoryview object, then extract to Bytes
	flatgeobuf = result.fetchone()[0].tobytes()
	# Cleanup table
	db.execute(text("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.temp_features CASCADE;"))
	return flatgeobuf

Usage code:

from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase, Session

def get_engine(db: Union[str, Session]):
	"""Get engine from existing Session, or connection string.
	If `db` is a connection string, a new engine is generated.
	if isinstance(db, Session):
		return db.get_bind()
	elif isinstance(db, str):
		return create_engine(db)
		msg = "The `db` variable is not a valid string or Session"
		raise ValueError(msg)
Location: Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC), Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur, 50088, Malaysia


Comment from mmd on 8 December 2023 at 08:54

Spaces in code blocks work just fine, see


def what?

Comment from spwoodcock on 8 December 2023 at 14:07

Ah, I didn’t realise it was kramdown, different to fenced blocks in markdown.

I will update it 👍

Comment from spwoodcock on 16 February 2024 at 08:23

I ended up writing the reverse query: flatgeobuf –> GeoJSON FeatureCollection. It was slightly more complex that the previous.

There are two steps required. - First a table must be created with fields representing the field types in the flatgeobuf. - Then the data is extracted from the file, using the table type as reference.

This wasn’t very intuitive to me & the PostGIS docs are really lacking here, so I hope this helps someone!

async def flatgeobuf_to_geojson( db: Session, flatgeobuf: bytes ) -> Optional[geojson.FeatureCollection]: “"”Converts FlatGeobuf data to GeoJSON.

    db (Session): SQLAlchemy db session.
    flatgeobuf (bytes): FlatGeobuf data in bytes format.

    geojson.FeatureCollection: A FeatureCollection object.
sql = text(
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.temp_fgb CASCADE;

    SELECT ST_FromFlatGeobufToTable('public', 'temp_fgb', :fgb_bytes);

    SELECT jsonb_build_object(
        'type', 'FeatureCollection',
        'features', jsonb_agg(feature)
    ) AS feature_collection
    FROM (
        SELECT jsonb_build_object(
            'type', 'Feature',
            'geometry', ST_AsGeoJSON(fgb_data.geom)::jsonb,
        ) AS feature
        FROM (
        SELECT *,
            NULL as properties
            FROM ST_FromFlatGeobuf(null::temp_fgb, :fgb_bytes)
        ) AS fgb_data
    ) AS features;

    result = db.execute(sql, {"fgb_bytes": flatgeobuf})
    feature_collection = result.first()
except ProgrammingError as e:
        "Attempted flatgeobuf --> geojson conversion, but duplicate column found"
    return None

if feature_collection:
    return geojson.loads(json.dumps(feature_collection[0]))

return None

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