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Finding SEO spam in OSM

Great initiative!

I think you can remove amenity=telephone as false positives. Someone copy and pasted the same description to 1500 (!) public telephones in Germany which contains “comfort” and matches the query.

Analyzing OSM's Tile Logs

Oh no, the pictures are gone.

For me this was Firefox’ fault and I had to disable activity tracking on this site.

Mapping 360,000 buildings in Germany

Thanks! The third round of this effort is still ongoing at MapRoulette – Germany: Add missing buildings in residential areas. Join us if you would like to cover the last missing villages!

Floor plans, wall generation and labels

Hey @Aury88,

for me Firefox blocked the Overpass requests to If you’re using Firefox as well, you could try to turn off tracking protection for the site – shield icon in the URL bar.

How to detect "strange" OSM imports? Check the special keys on taginfo

Many imports use some variant of “id”, “…:id” or “uuid”.

Doesn’t imply they are “strange”, though.

Find facilities which are missing an opening_hours tag but have a website tag

This could be a nice “Wochenaufgabe”.

Schilderkennung – erster Erfolg

Es gibt extra OpenCV4Android: . Das klingt doch geradezu ideal. (Du selbst wirst es vermutlich schon gesehen haben, aber ich dachte ich erwähne es für die interessierten Mitleser.)

Methods to Lose 5 Pounds in 1 Week With Diet – Brief and additionally Nourishing?

SPAM with invalid links. How annoying and ineffective at the same time!


There is amenity=embassy and it also has a flag icon on the map.

Maps on HTC Desire

Yes, there is quite a selection for Android based phones:

Now your choice is whether you just want to display the map at your position, or if you need offline search or navigation, how much you’re willing to pay, and so on.


Nice try, but links are with "nofollow" anyway.


Geht auch härter :-) Tiergartentunnel in Berlin:

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