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Simple F9P (rtk) howto

@kucai: the price is indeed steep if you compare to a phone; if you compare to a professional RTK GPS ($15000) it’s not that bad. :-)

I would say you won’t be able to use a phone, first because it has a really bad antenna and second because you probably won’t get raw GPS data from the hardware. Some models may let you, but I’d guess most won’t. Also I haven’t found any free and working app to actually make something useful even if there was data available.

You can create a base station, costs a bit more, and it will cover about 25-70 km with more or less usable fix quality. StephaneP have linked some webpage for one based on the same F9P chipset.

Simple F9P (rtk) howto

@Marcos I am not sure what you mean. The schematics is “plug in the usb power, connect the antenna plug and start walking”.

power bank —usb—[BOARD]====external antenna

I am extremely incapable of doing hardware, I was the one and only kid around who actually succeeded burning through a circuit board with a soldering iron. ;-) [Not on purpose.] The above config needs no intervention, apart from the box, where I was similarly careless so it’s actually thrown into a 10x8 cm plastic box with some sponge remnants and two holes; I wouldn’t dare to share it’s image. (=You should do what I say and not what I do.)

My product is C099-F9P-1 board but I guess any F9P based board will do.

Real Time Kinetics

@StephaneP excellent, thank you! I will see what can I do about it. :-)

Is there any pointer to the open gnss network streams?

Real Time Kinetics

This is a C099-F9P-1-03 board directly from Switzerland, u-blox AG. It came with a fine external antenna (ANN-MB-00 [SMA]), a (little impractical) metal reflector and some USB cable; I had to get a box and the power to get it working. I am pretty sure any source would do as it’s the chip that matters.

Base station seems like a great idea, especially if you’re skilled enough to get it working! :-) Unlike me. This is one reason that I use it the simplest way possible. Technically I could [and maybe should] record the raw signal then fix it up later from the historical base station data, but honestly, it would need way more involvement than I can spare. (RTKlib isn’t particularly user friendly, and I don’t readily see a way to easily save raw data, apart from writing the app by myself.)

The powerbank is extremely enough: the board can run probably 24+ hours on it, a normal 5-6 hours hike uses up less than 25%. The phone needs more [due to network traffic]. There were bsically no problems, apart from areas where there isn’t a public base station nearby or there is no network coverage.

The cost is not prohibitive but definitely not cheap, was about $300, give or take. I simply use it on the top of my backpack, so I have no holding pole, horizontal level, etc. If one needs precision measures these may cost a bit more.

Bye bye, mapping

I can only judge what I see. If he repeatedly not responding to polite requests (or respond with no real information) it’s the same as non-communication, and if it happened to me I would politely remind him to respond, stop reverting or be reported to DWG. (And I would already have plenty of changesets with discussion requesting explanation and getting none.)

I see one recent mistake:

And more than one intentional removal of objects against the community:

Since it seems to be going on for long time I’d say the local community shall be notified (if there’s any) and try to talk to the person, and failing that it should definitely reported to DWG. (Or alternatively reverted immediately, but preferably not by the same person of the community.)

In my opinion.

Bye bye, mapping

@arlas I don’t believe @fayor is doing it in bad faith:

It seems that he is busy updating buildings and sometimes, possibly by mistake, lose hous numbers.

The right way would be to politely and descriptively telling him/her in the changeset description, and let either to explain or to correct it. No need to get angry.

Bye bye, mapping

I don’t think the problem is who’s right.

I think the problem is that revert shall be the last resort of conflict resolution. I would say that (apart from the obvious, bad faith, repeated edits; and these shall be present at once, not just any of them) the first few steps in case of a “suspected bad” edit is to discuss it with the editor.

I would tend to say that if an editor got into the habit of reverting without discussion s/he has to be warned that s/he will be suspended unless resort to some cooperative mode of work, and if fails to do that should be preventively banned for a short warning period.

Non-communicating editors are bad for community health.

Veresegyház Fürj utca nyomvonala rossz!

A műhold szerint sem 2000-ben, sem 2005-ben sem pedig 2010-ben nem. Picit törtem egyet a nyomvonalán, hogy egyezzen a műhóddal de az balra tör, nem jobbra, és nem vzet át a Rigóba. Feltettem pár házat is, hogy lásd hogy mi a gondom: ott nincs hely egy utcának. Illetve ha van akkor végig kell rajta menni GPS-szel mert nem tudjuk merre mehet.


Hello Mapper! :-)

OSM Seminar in the heart of Africa

Hello Jotam!

Nice work! It’s great to hear that people could meet OSM there since it can really help them.

I was wondering whether do you have more recorded GPS tracks around? Could you upload them to OSM as well?

There is Bing coverage on the area but to be able to see whether there’s an offset there should be more overlapping tracks. There is also MapBox coverage but it seem to divert from some roads you’ve drawn and I wonder whether there’s been a change on the area or the mapping was not precise enough (like Way: 343666238 is 10+ meters off the sat imagery while others [like Way: 303510149] exactly cover it). (I don’t see how old the imagery is, by the way.)

I wish there’d be more such successful seminars around.


Ortofotós rajzolási érdekesség (a perspektívikus torzítás)

Brief: the images are not satellite but aerial (airplane) photos [orthophoto], and the perspectivic distortion is unexpectedly high for the unaware eyes: we usually draw buildings by tracing the top and moving it to cover the bottom; in the above case it resulted 5-6 meters difference due to the distortion, and the top had to be shrunk by 5%.

utak durva hibáinak kimutatása

(listáról ide is bemásolom) Kitaláltad gondolom hogy ezt mi okozza: amikor valaki egy nagyobb területen offsetet javít akkor végig kell menni a határvonalon és minden kilógó szakaszt egyenként átnézni, nehogy Zorro legyen benne. Láthatóan még maradt bőven. Sajnos míg nem sikerül kiirtani a Bing00 részeket addig ilyenek lesznek.

Nagyon hasznos ez a keresés egyébként bármilyen útra vonatkoztatva is.

OSM Node Density 2014

Beautiful, thank you very much!

Android GPS navigáció magyar hanggal (offline)

Valóban, az SVOX egy azon kevés program közül amiért fizettem, és megérte. Kár, hogy csak mariska van, nem szeretem ha egy nő akar navigálni…. ;-)


Vannak újak… néhány pont nélkül is.

Semmibe tartó kerékpáros útvonalak

Reality beats paper every fucking time! :-)

Ma regisztráltam

Ha aggódsz a privát dolgaid miatt és azért nem publikus a track akkor érdemes a privát dolgokat levágni az elejéről, végéről, mert a teljesen publikus és azonosítható trackek jelentősen jobban használhatóak.

Andorid - OSM mindenhol :-D

Leírom akkor, hogy nálam milyen GPS-t használó cuccok figyelnek a telefonon:

  • Locus Pro, ezt séta közben sokat szoktam használni, mert szépen rajzolja az utat, képes szükség esetén még copyrightos térkép kijelzésére is, ami néha életet ment ( ismeri az összekötő utat, mi meg nem)
  • OSMand+ értelemszerűen, ezzel autóban is navigálok
  • GPS essentials - a dashboardja verhetetlen
  • GPS status - a legjobban átlátható status progi, a Locus is ezt használja belül
  • GPS averaging - kiegészítendő pár sw azon problémáját hogy a gps ugrál

  • Vadonleső - nem használom nagyon de hátha valaki…
  • Vespucci - ezt sem de leírom….

Számos bajom volt régebben vele, leginkább az, hogy nem ment Linux alatt rendesen sem magában, sem a yahoo része, a slippymap meg nem is volt, így az egész lógott a semmiben, nem volt viszonyítási alapom, ráadásul a hátterek nélkül nem lehetett rájönni, hogy azért néz ki extrém gagyin, mert az alapbeállítás vetülete torzít (nekem legalábbis).

A potlatchet meg lehet szokni, de nyilván több száz objektumot csinálni vele nem túl vidám; de ha megnézed, én inkább kicsiket szerkesztettem, javítgattam.

Ennek két oka volt:

1) nem nagyon volt trackem, mivel nem volt időm sétálni és nme volt biciklim ;-)

2) semmiféle módon nem tudtam használni az OSM térképet, sem GPS-re se navigációra sem semmire. így nem sok értelme van energiát ölni bele. de most már terjed a slippymap használata, majd be akarom operálni a wikipédiába is, így érdemes szerkeszteni.

Anonymus a Hős

A Névtelen Hős vélhetően a Szuperhős.