
Last sunday I rode my bicycle along some nodes of the cycle node network. I tried to cycle from just at the other side of the canal to all the way out of the city. I got stuck at the end, because some roads were closed. First there was the construction of a new railroad viaduct and when I got past that, a whole section of road was removed for a new housing development.

Getting past the railroad construction gave me the opportunity to map the new cycleway along the newly constructed Vleutensebaan. While creating that cycleway in JOSM, I used the Yahoo aerial imaging to mark which sections of the railroad are now on an embankment and which ones are on a viaduct.

Just north of the railroad was an area where someone had drawn the streets ... in a way. The (straight) streets were all drawn crooked and none where connected at the intersections. I cycled all those streets and walked the footpaths. I didn't need to make as many pictures as I normally do since the streetnames were already in OSM. While I was in that area, I also added the landuse and some POI's.

Location: Terwijde, Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht, Netherlands


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