High intensity OSM data capture just driving about..
Posted by bob3bob3 on 15 February 2023 in English.I have just spent the last 2 months “intensely” making observations around lesser populated areas in WA’s southwest almost solely from the vehicle drivers seat. I then enter that data into OSM ID most afternoons/nights.
The tools;
- Forward looking 8.3MP/4K dashcam 2FPS
- Left facing (270 degrees) old Samsung 8MP phone 0.3FPS
- Left rear facing (225 degs) 1.3MP webcam 1FPS
- The dashcam records audio (my voice) in one minute chunks
- All photos and audio are geo-referenced to their current location
- The Garmin navigation GPS has a current OSM based map, a POI set of all WA stopping places from MRWA and any OSM FixMe’s.
The methods;
Most of the data is by voice prompts that are reviewed afterwards, but a small proportion come from only viewing (mainly) the 270 camera images of shop etc fronts and signs. It is surpising how useful the multiple camera views are.
Voiced items;
- Every road surface change paved vs unpaved on route. (incl concrete bridges)
- Any road calming objects (humps and chicanes) and gates on existing roads
- Any one-way road situations and associated signage.
- Road surface left and right of track (surprising how many are not currently valid)
- Verify road names signs vs Garmin GPS and voice differences. (including missings)
- Verify waterway names signs vs Garmin GPS and voice differences. (including missings)
- Voice any obvious missing public cross etc roads or major private ones (eg sealed mine roads)
- Voice all bridge names (if they exist)
- Respond to FixMe’s (many an unknown water crossing!)
- Respond to any WA stopping places. (The Garmin will show “Parking” if it is already on OSM, so could be ignored)
- Voice any obvious informal parking areas (like stockpile/gravel pit areas) plus any formal not in the MRWA POI’s
- Voice any farm/property names/type
- Voice as many town/other objects as possible, priority to Fire, Police, Ambulance, Post Office & Telstra but try to get all shops, parks, recreation grounds, playgrounds, toilets, camp areas, dump points, water points/tanks, fuel stops, rest areas, touristy things, information boards, welcome signs, comms towers, windpumps, large dams etc as possible.
- The photos (with certain filtering) are also uploaded to Mapillary, but I don’t actually use the current set with ID.
- How I enter/edit is covered in previous diary posts. The basic flow though is to scroll each 1 minute segment of the forward dashcam ONLY at the active audio point. Then use all camera views, the overhead imagery and what I have voiced to edit ID.
I now need a rest and throat/larynx recovery!
Comment from CloCkWeRX on 16 February 2023 at 11:57
I quite enjoy seeing your edits, particularly in the more remote areas of SA!
Comment from bob3bob3 on 17 February 2023 at 04:40
Going to be very quiet for a while then! My intended route back through remote-ish SA has mostly already been covered.. Might be doing something south of Clare then east into Ouyen Vic in a few weeks..
Comment from watmildon on 17 February 2023 at 07:05
Love love love to see this. Incredible work.
Comment from Didz on 11 November 2023 at 16:33
Been amazing to see how much you travel and contribute over the years.