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POI nodes with over 100 tags

Posted by baditaflorin on 18 September 2015 in English.

Ever wandered how many POI over 100 tags ? Now you can know.

There are 33 nodes that have over 100 tags, mostly if not all being lighthouse

I am not able to save the list with the tags also, at least not in OpenJump ( SHP will truncate at 255, other extension does not work ) , QGIS ( Error after the forth value ) ( filled bug request ) Pgadmin (don`t know how to save directly so that i could open it

[Update] A list with all the nodes tags that have over 50 tags



Comment from Sanderd17 on 18 September 2015 at 09:23

It’s easy to convert a list of node ids into an overpass query to query the actual tags: (the actual json is under the data tab).

I did it with some search-and-replace operations, but you could also have a script that reads your geojson and just outputs an overpass query. As overpass can’t count tags (yet), it’s not possible to use overpass to get your original list of ids AFAICS.

Comment from escada on 18 September 2015 at 13:59

Seems like you can add a lot of tags (126) to a lighthouse: :-)

Comment from mmd on 19 September 2015 at 09:20

As overpass can’t count tags (yet), it’s not possible to use overpass to get your original list of ids AFAICS.

That’s correct. At this time, there’s only a GitHub issue as feature request:

Feel free to comment, if you like.

Comment from hakan on 25 September 2015 at 13:35

Those ligthouses seem to be edited by the openseamap editor. That project puts lots of machine readable metadata on the nodes to create really useful sea maps.

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