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Public transport map of Managua

Posted by andrewsh on 10 January 2016 in English.

Holger Levsen of Debian writes about the public transport map of Managua, Nicaragua, which is, according to him, the first detailed map of Managua’s bus network:

If you haven’t been to Managua, you might not be able to immediatly appreciate the usefulness of this. Up until now, there has been no map nor timetable for the bus system, which as you can see now easily and from far away, is actually quite big and is used by 80% of the population in a city, where the streets still have no names.

Having had a look at the map they produced, I have to admit I quite liked it:, Rutas de Managua y Ciudad Sandino

MapaNica, the community behind said map, are raising funds to make lives of locals easier by publishing a printed version of the map and distributing it. They have already raised more than $3300 of their $7500 goal. Every further donation will help them print more maps.

Please go to and support their initiative!

Словацкий маппер из Кошиц Мартин Ждила, известный своим умопомрачительным вкладом в карту Словакии, подготовил две карты, демонстрирующие детальность данных туристических трасс OpenStreetMap в стране, и одновременно иллюстрирующие, как пользоваться картографическим тулкитом от Mapbox.

Первая карта показывает туристические трассы Словакии, раскрашенные в соответствии с их цветовым обозначением. Туристические трассы

Вторая карта демонстрирует те из трасс, которые Мартин прошёл лично: Трассы Мартина Ждилы

Location: Šulpačka, Oblasť Žilinská, Bratislava, okres Bratislava I, Братислава, Братиславский край, 815 63, Словакия

Slovak news website has published an interactive map prepared by Michal Škop which visualises the results of the first round of presidential elections that took place here last Saturday. Quite surprisingly, this map uses OpenStreetMap as the base layer, and Leaflet as its web map library to display nice coloured circles over the map with detailed statistics popping up on mouse click. Andrej Kiska is definitely a winner in Košice

Location: Apollo Business Center II, Ružinov, District of Bratislava II, Bratislava, Region of Bratislava, Slovakia