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터널 및 교량 mapping 시 주의해야 할 부분

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Miten voi aloittaa muokkaamisen (oon unohtanu)


I think it is a very interesting topic.
I think it would be good to introduce the discussion of good topics to the Asian region or the ‘OSM Cultural-spheres Group’ so that the Asian region is not left out of the overall discussion.

For the love (and fun) of maps - My Journey with OpenStreetMap.

I support your activities and the beautiful hearted people of Myanmar. Some countries in Southeast Asia have difficulty exchanging information because they do not have a regional community.
In particular, it was difficult to find the information needed to map the Laos region recently.
I hope your mapping activities can invigorate regional mapping.
Also, if you have the time, I would appreciate it if you could join the ‘OSM Asia Facebook Group’ to help with integrated mapping of the Asian region.

Ideas of changes in OpenStreetMap

I think it would be great to add a little more to it, and then propose it to the community to discuss and flesh out.

What is OpenStreetMap, really?

@L’imaginaire, Thank you for your permission. The article translated into Korean can be found at the link below. Here!

Unfortunately, this space (the OSM diary) is not the right place for discussion. I hope that more people will translate and discuss in other languages. Thanks for the good food for thought.

What is OpenStreetMap, really?

I think that’s a very meaningful comment. I would like to translate it into Korean, if you don’t mind, so that more people can think about it together.





Places that mimic terrain or are shaped like something. (지형을 본땄거나 어떤 것을 형상화한 장소들)

@seav, @InsertUser, @Koreller, @captaininler, @sabas88, @AgusQui, @waldyrious, @LuxuryCoop, @CjMalone, @Johnbo
Thanks for sharing with us.

Places that mimic terrain or are shaped like something. (지형을 본땄거나 어떤 것을 형상화한 장소들)

@sabas88, Excuse me, what does ‘Sardegna in miniatura’ symbolize?

The story of agricultural groups

As I understand it, the Taiwanese 農會 is similar to the Korean farmers’ association(農民會).
Farmers’ associations(農民會) were created to promote the rights and interests of farmers, and while they do have some economic benefits and cooperation, they are not their primary purpose.
Agricultural cooperatives(農業協同組合), on the other hand, are created for the purpose of economic benefits and cooperation.
In Korea, farmers’ associations do not conduct financial business, while agricultural cooperatives do.
(However, it would not be impossible for a farmers’ association to establish a new legal entity to engage in financial services).

The story of agricultural groups

It’s pretty cool!
There are a few things I’d add, but they’re not major, and you seem to have come to the conclusions I expected.
Also, I think you might want to add a “cooperative=agricultural” tag for “agricultural cooperatives” under “cooperatives”.
I’d like to add a couple things, but I’ll do so in the Telegram group.

Places that mimic terrain or are shaped like something. (지형을 본땄거나 어떤 것을 형상화한 장소들)

@rtnf, @maning, @Danysan95, @InsertUser.
Thanks for sharing your favorite places with us.

Who is OSM for?

Please contribute your awesome ideas to this post.

Places that mimic terrain or are shaped like something. (지형을 본땄거나 어떤 것을 형상화한 장소들)

@Jochen Topf, Thank you. It’s Cool! I almost didn’t find it because I’m always looking up at north. :D

Places that mimic terrain or are shaped like something. (지형을 본땄거나 어떤 것을 형상화한 장소들)

@solenoid jam, I’m sorry.
There are no special criteria here. However, it should be clearly distinguished on the surface so that even those who do not know the place will be able to identify it.
Whether it is divided into water and land like other places, or it is identified as a ‘relationship’ in OSM…
However, the place you told me is not identified as a ‘feature’, and even looking at the satellite map, it is not distinguishable.
(Nevertheless, Belarusians will recognize it.)

Places that mimic terrain or are shaped like something. (지형을 본땄거나 어떤 것을 형상화한 장소들)

@solenoid jam, Thank you, but I’m sorry.
People in other countries don’t know exactly what the Belarusian landmass looks like.
Therefore, unless the terrain is identified, it is difficult to know what it represents.

On-demand bus services

How are you?
I’m relying on machine translation, so I’m not sure if I’ve understood your intentions correctly.
However, if I may add my two cents, I don’t think it makes sense to show inconsistent coverage on the map either. (I think it’s the same reason why you can’t show a taxi’s service area).
Nevertheless, I’m very interested to see how and up to what line this could be marked, as this type of bus service is also emerging in my country.
Maybe you could discuss this more extensively in the forum?

Never ending task..

I agree.
And there have already been similar discussions in various places, I’ll try to consolidate them and propose a consensus.