Teaandkale's Comments
Post | When | Comment |
Too much global warming | I can't take credit for it most it but thanks! Someone went out recently and mapped the section I'd planned to do on Monday. Glad I didn't go out in the end. Doesn't leave much more to map at all. Time to prepare an announcement that Shrewsbury is complete! |
Addressing addresses | I'm afraid I won't be able to do it yet as I've actually started on an online editor, partly for the reason of this entry and partly because I've found pubs in OSM that have no name. If I can lower the barrier for people who can supply the names of these places then that's a win, IMO (as long as their information is not based on a copyrighted source, of course). After that if you've not done it... :) |
Addressing addresses | I'm afraid I won't be able to do it yet as I've actually started on an online editor, partly for the reason of this entry and partly because I've found pubs in OSM that have no name. If I can lower the barrier for people who can supply the names of these places then that's a win, IMO (as long as their information is not based on a copyrighted source, of course). After that if you've not done it... :) |
terrified by Google maps | Agreed, Google Maps is awful! I see many roads and places marked that are in the wrong place or don't exist! Yet people insist on using it even when I tell them to use OSM, sadly. |
Addressing addresses | I was mainly looking at adding postcodes and other addr:* tags, to things like pubs, shops, etc. There are many applications where this sort of data could be of use without dealing with boundaries. Also some where just a small set of postcodes are enough to complete the task. There are so many postcodes, at least here in the UK, that it's impractical to map the boundaries of each anyway. Of course, the situation may well be different elsewhere in the world. :) |
Lamp posts (tagging question) | Thanks all for comments. Yes, there is the key lit=* but I think this applies more to the highway the street light is on. Wiki says it can be applied to nodes but I'd guess this applies to a statue, for example, rather than the street light itself. Cheers! |
Got a bike... | Thanks. I've not done much cycling since but did 9.5 miles the other day no trouble at all (except the hill, which I gave up on). How was the bike ride? Just got back from Birmingham still holding a valid return ticket. May well do NCN81 to one of the stations (Wolverhampton if I can manage it) and get the train back to Shrewsbury... |
Bike recommendations | There's only 60kg of me to start with, can't afford to lose much :D 3.5 miles is only my daily commute. Mapping is probably 1-3 miles additional with the occasional 15 mile outward trip to my favourite watering hole :). |
Bike recommendations | Thanks both. Nicest of 3 bike shops I went to yesterday stocks mainly Giant, as such I ended up with Giant catalog. Almost considering not eating for a month and spending the extra on CRS 2.0 City. Will look at the Ridgebacks, though... |
Navigating on OSM | Sorry, meant hadn't tried it until now. |
Navigating on OSM | I'd heard about this but haven't tried it. Rather awsum! Unfortunately it fails a bit on bicycle routing. Try 'network house, shrewsbury' to 'berwick avenue, shrewsbury' and you'll see what I mean... Car routing seems accurate, though! Excellent work! |
New BGT-31 GPS | without gaps, that should say... |
Waiting for GPS | Hey, thanks for your entry! I've been waiting for these and ordered one last night. I've always found StorageDepot to be very helpful. My GT-11 packed up some time ago and they replaced it, no fuss. Sent over the difference and got a BGT-11 in return. Hope you get your device before you leave. |
Copyright Easter egg | You're not the only one. Try searching 'carpal way' on the OSM homepage. ;) |
Shrewsbury mapping | a) I mean I have a job in Shrewsbury
I'll be going to the Armoury (pub), on Victoria Avenue not far from Welsh Bridge, for lunch (if they do food, if not it'll be Subway and a park bench). Plan may be subject to change, depending on whether anyone wants to meet up. |
Worcester | Noticed you filled in a few gaps I'd left so thanks for those. I quite enjoyed it despite the hills. Let me know when you're heading back to do some mapping and I'll try and join you. |