Coordinate added to Taiwan Power Company power pole
Posted by Supaplex on 29 January 2021 in English.The one who solved the mystery of Taiwan Power Company grid, Dan Jacobson noticed that the dataset of Taiwan Power Company’s power pole is added with an additional field of coordinates. He announced his findings in OpenStreetMap Taiwan Facebook Group and Talk-TW mailing list.
But the data is released with TWD67 coordinates with special parameters, could not transform directly into WGS84. Thanks typebook for the help to transform the dataset into WGS84. It will make further works much easier.
Jacobson asked Taiwan Power company about the coordinates. He said that Taiwan Power Company will add the dataset with TWD96 coordinates. But we don’t know the exactly update date.
There are many dataset with coordinates released on Taiwan governments’ open data portals. These dataset includes police station, freeway ETC toll gates location, YouBike station is imported into OpenStreetMap. But for foundational dataset like address, there are only Tainan and Taichung address available. We Taiwanese Mappers want the whole country’s address dataset is released in the future.