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Address Import Ready

Posted by Sunfishtommy on 22 February 2016 in English. Last updated on 23 February 2016.

So I have completed all the steps required for the Iredell County Address Import, and I am now waiting to hear back form two users in the area that I contacted. As of now everything is go, I have even created the user account for the upload, NorthCarolinaAddressImport. I plan on continuing onto other counties in North Carolina and uploading address data for them as well which is why i made the name North Carolina address import, and not Iredell County Address import, because i did not want to have to deal with 100 different user profiles.

Any thoughts? Anything i have forgotten?

I feel like this upload is pretty simple as there is practically no address data in Iredell county right now, and the address points will be able to be uploaded independently of other data already in the map.

Edit: I have followed all the steps on the Import guidelines page to the best of my knowledge. Some people were bringing this up.


Comment from Sunfishtommy on 22 February 2016 at 20:14

89098 addresses total.

It sounds like more than what it actually is, if you would like to look over the data, there is a link to the .KML file in the import description page. If you download it and open it in JOSM you can see everything that will be getting imported.

Comment from lyx on 22 February 2016 at 20:32


please have a look at the import guidelines before uploading the data. They can be found at To make a “good” import is surprisingly hard, and the guidelines will help you to avoid at least the well-known problems.

Comment from Sunfishtommy on 22 February 2016 at 20:54

Hello lyx

I already read the import guidelines page and have followed all the steps it said to do.

Comment from jumbanho on 24 February 2016 at 05:32

It is generally good form to inform an appropriate mailing lists. Probably in this case, and There are many experienced importers (and some critical of all imports) who will examine your import wiki page to ensure that everything is copacetic.

Comment from maxerickson on 25 February 2016 at 14:41

Did you subscribe to the imports mailing list and start a discussion of the import?

Note that this is necessary, discussion on talk-us or imports-us is not enough.

Comment from Sunfishtommy on 25 February 2016 at 18:32

I sent a message to imports-US i did not realize i needed to send a message to imports as well ill do that.

Comment from jumbanho on 26 February 2016 at 18:59

I’m on imports-US and imports and have not seen an email about this.

Comment from Sunfishtommy on 26 February 2016 at 19:39

I think something got messed up because i sent the email before i was a member of the mailing list, i will resend it.

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