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Mapping for Open Historical Map

Posted by Sunfishtommy on 1 November 2015 in English. Last updated on 2 November 2015.

Hello I know this is a little off topic here, but i could not find another place to ask this question.

I stumbled across Open Historical Map ( Which is basically OSM but for historical stuff. Super cool and totally what i am in to. The problem is when i tried to create my account i never received my confirmation email. Does anyone know who I talk to over there to get my confirmation email so I can start contributing to OHM?

Also here is the info page for OHM if anyone is interested

Edit: I hit the resend button again just now and it finally sent me the email more than 12 hours later ohh well.


Comment from chippy on 2 November 2015 at 13:44


welcome to OSM and also OHM!

There is a mailing list that is the primary way of getting help. This is at

The list is quite active and you can find good discussions there on a wide variety of things.

There is also an IRC channel on #ohm at which may give quicker assistance, but there’s only a few people there at the moment.



Comment from Sunfishtommy on 2 November 2015 at 20:22

I just subscribed to the mailing list, hope i start to get emails, but they also sent me the password i used in the clear :S

Comment from Sunfishtommy on 2 November 2015 at 21:00

What is when i put that in the website is not there.

Comment from Sunfishtommy on 2 November 2015 at 21:00

I think i figured it out it is at now.

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