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Working on Las Margaritas

Posted by Sunfishtommy on 23 July 2015 in English.

Got a little bored of mapping the back country of Chiapas so i began mapping Las Margaritas which i had started about a year ago but only placed a few of the many streets. I have now finished 2 out of the 4 main street quadrants. I am choosing to map it like this because the street names are divided into 4 quadrants. Once I complete the main streets within the city I plan to move to map the surrounding area and towns from Las Margaritas.

I may return to the Backcountry of Chiapas before I completely finish the Las Margaritas area. staying in one place too long can get boring.

Las Margaritas

Backcountry area of Chiapas I have been mapping


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