The history of HOT US Inc governance - not to be replicated in OSMF
Posted by SeverinGeo on 10 December 2017 in English. Last updated on 10 January 2019.(EN automatic translation below)
Durant la campagne pour les élections 2017 au board de l’OSM, je suis intervenu par trois fois sur la liste de discussion OSMF :
ce premier courriel en anglais dans lequel je montre la faible implication de Heather Leson dans OSM depuis 2011.
ce deuxième courriel intitulé “ Language, tone and their explanations - why I resigned from HOT US Inc”, rédigé en français et traduit en anglais, pour expliquer le ton employé dans le premier via notamment ma lettre de résignation de HOT US Inc en 2016, que j’ai publié dans mon précédent billet de blog
ce troisième courriel intitulé “The history of HOT US Inc governance - not to be replicated in OSMF” qui contient le lien vers un document, lui aussi rédigé en français et traduit en anglais, retraçant les graves soucis de gouvernance dans le board de HOT US Inc pendant la période durant laquelle j’en étais membre (mars 2014 à janvier 2016)
During the campaign for the 2017 elections on the board of the OSM, I spoke three times on the OSMF mailing list:
[this first email] ( in English in which I show the weak involvement of Heather Leson in OSM since 2011.
[this second email] ( titled “Language, tone and their explanations - why I resigned from HOT US Inc.” written in French and translated into English, to explain the tone used in the first via including my letter of resignation of HOT US Inc in 2016, which I published in my [previous blog post] (https: //
[this third email] ( titled “The History of HOT US Inc Governance - not to be replicated in OSMF” which contains the link to a document, also written in French and translated into English, tracing the serious governance concerns in the board of HOT US Inc during the period during which I was a member (March 2014 to January 2016)
Comment from Mateusz Konieczny on 10 January 2019 at 09:28 link is not working