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Changeset viewer plugin for JOSM

Posted by Rub21 on 9 February 2018 in English.

A long time ago when I was starting the mapping in OpenStreetMap, I always wondered how I could see all the changes that have been made in a map in my area or another place where I worked, and have those changes in the JOSM background, and at the same time to make editions or verify according to the objects changed.

OSMCHA + Changeset-map are good tools to visualize the changeset, the plugin is consuming those API services to display the changesets. I am a fan of JOSM for faster editions with the high quality. Having these changesets in JOSM background helps to visualize the changes and edit the objects whether is necessary according to the made changes. image

How it works?

Set the map view in the place where you interest, pressed the button Get Changeset in the area, it will get the changeset, you can display more than one changeset.

If you want to display a particular changeset you can set the changeset id in the text field and pressed the button Display changeset

Check the Legend for each object!!



Any questions or suggestions just drop a ticket 👉

Linting the open map of the world

Posted by Rub21 on 12 May 2016 in English.

The data team at Mapbox have built tools that allow detecting and cleaning these issues as they happen on the map.

Detecting issues with OSMlint

To detect issues, we run spatial analysis on the map data of the whole world everyday using OSMlint. This is made possible be leveraging the power of tile-reduce to analyze OpenStreetMap vector tiles using javascript. OSMlint consists of a set of validators which check the data on each tile for common issues in geometry and tags. An example validator is crossingHighways which detects roads that cross each other without an intersection.

Each validator produces a GeoJSON output of the OpenStreetMap geometries that are invalid and needs review.

Fixing issues with To-fix

To-fix is a micro tasking tool that helps us create tasks of issues to fix on OpenStreetMap. The issues collected with OSMlint is loaded into to-fix, each of which is then reviewed by a member of the mapping community or the Mapbox data team. Over 500,000 issues have been fixed so far using to-fix.

To-fix also allows marking issues as false positives. These are later investigated and used to improve the validator algorithm in OSMlint.

The linting pipeline

We’ve implemented an architecture that automates the detection of issues using OSMlint and loading them into to-fix on a daily basis.

This helps keep the map free of basic data errors that would otherwise cause connectivity issues during routing and navigation. You can currently access the output of the following validators in to-fix for review:

As always, we are constantly looking for issues in our systems and how it can better serve the needs of the OpenStreetMap community to create a truly open map of the highest quality. You can contribute by creating new validators, improving our current ones or just reviewing the issues on to-fix. Feel free to hit me on twitter or OpenStreetMap if you have ideas to share.

Osmlint to detect errors in OSM

Posted by Rub21 on 2 March 2016 in English. Last updated on 3 March 2016.

We have been developing OSMLint as a tool identify common geometry and metadata problems OpenStreetMap data. OSMLint processes vector tiles with turf.js and TileReduce to produce geojson files of detected data errors.

In this post, I will demonstrate using OSMlint with OSM-qa-tiles to detect errors in OpenStreetMap.

  • Clone my sample repository and install required software.

git clone

cd run-osmlint


  • To run this for your country, run the The requires 2 parameters:
  • input vector tiles, get them from the OSM-QA tiles website,
  • boundingbox of your area.

sh ./ "[-73.975067, -34.108073, -34.512177,5.5056583]"

The script runs all the available linters and produces a gist file that you can visualize.

screen shot 2016-03-01 at 16 41 19

If you want to run a specific linter, check out sample commandes here:

We are continuing this work by adding more linters, if you have any suggestions, check out the code or open a ticket.

Mapbox data-team are working on realigning major highways in Japan, together with OSM Japan Community. This is a collective effort to improve the quality of OSM maps in Japan. For all of us who worked on Japan this is a very difficult task, because many roads are split into several parts with the same version, tags and direction.

To solve this problem I created a script to use in josm-scripting-plugin,that allows us to combine highways which are:

  • Highways with version =1
  • Highways which use tags (motorway,trunk,primary,secondary,tertiary)
  • Highways with the same direction
  • Highways with the same tags
  • Highways which are not part of a relation
  • Highways intersections with an angle of > 150 && < 210 degrees

You can find the script and documentation here.


If you have the chance, feel free to modify the script, add support for Residential roads or other roads, and for any type of roads

I would like to know from community if there is a official repository to add this kind of script to share with whole community. If it exist, let me know.

The new To-Fix JOSM plugin makes working on OpenStreetMap micro tasks much faster. Usually, when working on micro tasks with To-Fix, users switch between the To-Fix web interface and their OpenStreetMap editor software. This plugin avoids the switch and allows editors to work with To-Fix tasks directly within the JOSM power editor for a smoother workflow. We use this plugin every day in our mapping activities like updating OpenStreetMap from Runkeeper routes.

Installing the plugin

If you’re not using JOSM yet, download and install it from To install the plugin, open JOSM, open the “Preferences” dialog, select “plugins”, click “update plugins” and select “tofix” from the list of plugins. Now confirm with OK and restart JOSM.

Working with the plugin

Once restarted, select “To-Fix” from the “Windows” menu (note that at least one layer must be enabled to select any options within “Windows”). Now you should see the To-Fix panel in your sidebar. Select a task from the drop down and you’re ready to go.

The plugin has three options for handling tasks:

  • Skip: Click to select a new task at any time.
  • Not an error: Click if a task does not require any editing.
  • Fixed: Click when you are done editing a task. This will automatically start the upload process. Fill in a descriptive comment and confirm. After uploading, the plugin will download the next task.

For convenience, you can customize the extent of the area that is downloaded with each task on the “Config” tab.

Just like working with the web interface of To-Fix, you can view task statistics in the To-Fix statistics panel and the activity page.



If you’re a developer, you may want to take a crack at the code too. Both the To-Fix JOSM plugin and To-Fix itself are open source and on GitHub. If you want to learn more about developing plugins for JOSM, check out the JOSM web site.

Try it for yourself

Take the plugin for a spin. Install as described above and pick any task available on To-Fix. I’m curious how it goes, drop me a line if you have questions or ideas for improvements.


En septiembre, el equipo Mapbox-Data se centró en el rastreo satelital de Ayacucho y la inspección de la cuidad, con el objetivo de tener en esta ciudad el mejor mapa en el Perú y América Latina. Éste es un impulso importante para el equipo de datos de Mapbox; completarla nos enseña acerca de las complejidades de los datos de OpenStreetMap y a su vez nos hace mejores cartógrafos.

screenshot from 2014-09-29 22 36 49

Estos fueron nuestros trabajos en el mapeo

### Fijación y mapeo de las calles Alrededor del 95% de las calles en Ayacucho ya están nombradas. En Algunos lugares en Ayacucho las calles no tienen nombres, estos sitios son descritos por nombres de bloques, como aquí.

Nosotros realizamos Walking Paper para obtener los nombres de los bloques, fue muy divertido. richman2 ### Agregar Puntos de Interés Añadimos alrededor de 700 puntos importantes en las principales calles de Ayacucho, un gran logro para nosotros. Añadimos entidades públicas, financieras, educativas, restaurantes y mucho más. Al igual que con los nombres de los bloques, hemos reunido la información de estos puntos realizando walking paper. screenshot from 2014-09-29 22 00 36 ### Detalles en el mapa Añadimos la mayor cantidad de detalle posible. Usando imágenes de satélite y el conocimiento local. Nosotros mapeamos muchos senderos, parques, estadios, universidades, aeropuertos y otros detalles más. screenshot from 2014-09-29 22 05 01

Progresos hechos en Ayacucho el mes pasado

aya ### Comunidad Hemos creado una página en Facebook donde continuamos alentando a otros a añadir su conocimiento a través de notas o por medio de ediciones en OpenStreetMap:

Los prĂłximos pasos

  • Estamos proponiendo importar edificios de la ciudad y las direcciones. Hasta ahora hemos procesado los datos, y vamos a presentar esta importaciĂłn para revisiĂłn. AquĂ­ está la página wiki que juntĂ© para la importaciĂłn:
  • Vamos hacer un geo meetup en Ayacucho para reclutar mappers. El objetivo será reclutar cartĂłgrafos locales para mejorar la ciudad.