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Displaying important peaks before others

@akirmse My best compliments for hard work! Kudos!

The first OpenStreetMap Meetup in Serbia

RicoElectrico sorry, I did not get your question was about

The first OpenStreetMap Meetup in Serbia

RicoElectrico, I see no reason for high costs for meetings. It should not be hard to get meeting space even for free as this is non comercial event.

Displaying important peaks before others

Here is list of SOTA peaks so far mapped in OSM:

Displaying important peaks before others

Prominence is very hard to calculate.You need lots of computations to get there and only if you have solid data. SRTM unfortunately is not near good enough for most of the planet.

Unfortunately, SOTA program does not show exact prominence, but each peak points are valued from prominence, so it might be useful as it points out which peaks do have significant prominence.

Displaying important peaks before others

Ham radio SOTA program uses prominence to sort peaks in ten groups. Some SOTA peaks are designated in OSM database. Maybe that could be used.

Check (it is UK site but data covers number of countries).

Displaying important peaks before others

This should be default in OSM rendering.