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Oromia My Country

Posted by Oromia My Country on 2 April 2024 in English.

Oromology is the study of history and cultural heritages of great Oromo nation Oromo nation is one of the Cushitic groups in Africa_ Oromo Country - Oromia is a reliable síte and dedicated to sharing history and culture of Oromo people. Oromo Country - Oromia aslo aims at promoting tourism across Oromia. Please note that, this page doesn’t encourage or share biased information and hate speech to our viewers We don’t claim any of the Pictures ownership “Gadaa is an indigenous African democracy. This centuries-old, innovative, egalitarian and meritocratic system of governance has been studied extensively by various scholars. Jalata sees it as “*the totality of Oromo civilization’ [Jalata2012]. Plowden said “of all republican systems, Gadaa is superior” [Plowden1868] Donald Levine wrote that Gadaa is “one of the most complex systems of social organization ever devised by the human imagination” [Levine1974]. Asmarom the Legesse. system a is “one of the most astonishing renowned Gadaa scholar, said and instructive turns the evolution of human society has taken” [Legesse1973]. Legesse has applied Claude Lévi-Strauss structuralism to come up with a structural model of the system. In his 1973 book Gadaa: Three Approaches to the Study of African Society, based on his Harvard PhD dissertation, he describes how he succeeded in simulating the evolution of Gadaa on a computer over a period of 400 years, saying “Perhaps for the first time in the history of anthropology the evolution of a social system has been replicated experimentally` ygg BitGadaa

Location: Megenagna, Yeka, Addis Ababa, 2310, Ethiopia


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