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My progress on Mapping.

Posted by Obianinulu on 4 July 2023 in English.

In my quest to know more about mapping, I took some courses on the Youth Mappers platform. It was worth it. Although I already know how to do some of the things taught, but it helped finetune my mapping skill. I look forward to taking other courses, especially on how to validate a task.

Upskill Upskill Upskill Upskill


Comment from KingVik on 4 July 2023 at 10:24

Congratulations, I am proud of you Nulu

Comment from Laura Mugeha on 5 July 2023 at 15:57

Congratulations! I would recommend keeping tabs on when registration re-opens for the YouthMappers Academy Track 2: Advanced Mapping with YouthMappers

You can also check out the following open resources: *Learn about JOSM on LearnOSM *Missing Maps resources on validation:

Incase you prefer videos, you can find: * JOSM & Validation webinar recordings by YouthMappers *More videos by HOTOSM

Comment from Obianinulu on 6 July 2023 at 08:51

Thank you for sharing these links Laura Mugeha.

Comment from stephnwakonobi on 30 September 2023 at 13:37

Congratulations dear Nulu, will be joining you soon.

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