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Posted by ODULANA OLUWATOYIN on 2 December 2022 in English.


My name is Odulana Oluwatoyin Abosede, a Geographer with a keen interest in sustainability. A Graduate of the Department of Geography, University of Lagos, It has been an experience-filled OpenStreetMap journey since I joined in 2019 through the Youthmappers initiative at the University of Lagos. Also, Served as the Youthmappers president of YouthmappersUNILAG in 2021.


Some of my mapping experience includes; 1. Sustainableenergy4all Mapathon by NESP 2. United Nations Training in partnership with the University Of Lagos 3. Imagery4SocialGood 4. Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Data Quality Internship 2022 (HOTDQI2022). 5. Some Mapping Projects on OpenStreetMap Asides the openstreetmap contributions, i have had experience going to the field to collect data that can be mapped and also created some maps.


My course of study as an undergraduate gave me more exposure to field activities and mapping as well as the use of remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) that have contributed to my interest in mapping-related activities. I also love taking landscape images, it is usually amazing to see some fantastic natural landforms, the pattern and the aesthetic wiki common wiki common


Among several mapping tools, some tools I have been able to utilize for mapping using applications and some on field includes; * JOSM * IDeditor *Kobocollect *GPS Essential Mobile application * OSMGo *RapID *ArcGIS, etc. Some additional upskilling i have gained in the course of my ongoing dataqualityinternship includes; advanced knowledge on the use of JOSM *QGIS *OSMCha *ExportTool *Disaster Ninja *Mapillary *OSmose *OSMinspector, etc.


While Mapping, Quality should come come first, we are to provide data that is useful, reliable and authentic. ‘Quality over Quantity’


I look forward to more contributions to OpenStreetMap and be a part of humanitarian acts by mapping, engaging with mapping projects towards a sustainable future and making impact in the best way possible.

Location: AlakIa, Egbeda, Oyo State, Nigeria


Comment from Mercy14846 on 2 December 2022 at 06:46


Comment from janabau on 2 December 2022 at 18:17

Nice first entry! I love how you ended with your aspiration. I really wish you to be able to contribute to humanitarian action in the future.

Comment from KingVik on 2 December 2022 at 18:43

Beautiful, Great 👍 diary and strong Aspiration

Comment from pedrito1414 on 5 December 2022 at 12:06

Thanks for sharing!

Comment from tshedy on 6 January 2023 at 09:59

A good read hun! Keep doing what you do best!

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