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SotM 2024 my first time: what I learned

Posted by Muluba on 26 September 2024 in English.

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I really wanted to participate in the State of the Map 2024 in Kenya to broaden my horizons, understand what is happening under other skies and exchange with members of other communities to draw from their experience: How they are organized and how they stay dynamic. My illusions found a dazzling light, from the moment the scholarship team accepted my application. I was so happy like my wedding day. 😃

The 3 days were each particularly better, the different subjects selected were breathtaking

SotM2024 Group PhotoWith many people we knew each other by face only through video conferences. I had the privilege of meeting exceptional people full of good qualities. The smiles, the mutual respect, the solidarity, the brotherly love, the sincerity, the courtesy among the participants was exceptional. I really appreciated the social cohesion of the Community it is the result of community engagement which has already fostered this feeling of belonging and solidarity. Fortunately, this community engagement has already created a solid social fabric, strengthened interpersonal relationships and promoted collective well-being. Well done to anyone who worked on online community engagement.

During and after these 3 days of joy and discovery.

The second day, I had the privilege of serving as a volunteer to take care of the Micro-player in the room MAASAI MARA. I also found the opportunity to develop skills, self-confidence and leadership through volunteering. take care of the Micro-player in the room MAASAI MARA

When the Big manger, the community Project Lead Geoffrey Kateregga did a briefing with all the volunteers to reassure themselves of the same understanding of the principles so that everything goes well in the different conference rooms. At the end of this briefing, I realized that the success of a major conference requires the involvement of everyone. I encourage volunteering on days like this, because it allows you to feel effective by making yourself useful while developing self-esteem. Texte alternatif

Many thanks Zachariah Muindi And Laura Mugeha fo having thought to this: A Replicable Model for OpenStreetMap Training Programs in High Schools This approach is power for a sustainable community. Texte alternatif

SĂ©verin MĂ©nard and Michael Montani, thank you also for this workshop on data validation: Hands-on data validation on OSM: best practices and tools. Personally I used OSMOSE for quality control and for online validation workshops, I was reinforced in technique and skills by your presentation. SĂ©verin MĂ©nard

The particular situation of the DRC required a lot of effort, Thank you Claire Halleux for developing this theme: Improving data homogeneity across a country, in the context of the DRC. I think this model is ok, it can work in the DRC, this approach here: A Replicable Model for OpenStreetMap Training Programs in High Schools. Texte alternatif

The open questions session OSMF Board AMA, allowed understanding of the close collaboration between the OSM foundation and the board of directors. I followed with great attention the question about the local chapters of the OSM foundation. If I understood correctly, for a local community to be a local chapter, there is conditions to be met Texte alternatif

Another session I was looking forward to attending on HOTOSM Voting Member Meet up. In this meeting, the President of the Voting Member spoke about VM’s involvement in HOTOSM activities and recalled the role of VM. We had the joy of meeting physically to discuss HOTOSM Living Strategy. To this I say a big thank you to all the VMs who participated in the session, in the debate, the location question was the hot point.Texte alternatif

Somewhere I heard this term The stylish HOT Voting Members Chair apply to me, I don’t know how this came about, but hey, it doesn’t break the tiles.đŸ€© Texte alternatif

I say thank you to the organizing team of this global event in Africa and to all the partners, as well as everyone who, directly or indirectly, made the success of this conference possible.

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Well, if it were up to me, I’d like to be regular at State of the Map.

La collecte de la donnĂ©e avec KOBO, facilite l’obtention de beaucoup d’information sur l’objet Ă  collecter et cela dĂ©pend de ce qu’on veut avoir comme information. La localisation du lieu de la collecte est encore mieux quand on veut faire les analyses spatiales sur les informations.

En effet, l’insertion du langage OSM dans le paramĂ©trage de Kobo, simplifie largement la marche Ă  suivre pour placer les informations sur le point collectĂ© dans OSM. Jusqu’ici on convertissait les donnĂ©es en XLS ou CSV, puis on faisait des tris sur les colonnes utiles, on ajoutait les tags osm et en fin on envoyait Ă  osm.

Avec le tĂ©lĂ©chargement des donnĂ©es dans le langage OSM, ça facilite l’envoi Ă  OSM aprĂšs quelque contrĂŽle qualitĂ©, parce qu’envoyer les donnĂ©es Ă  OSM, nĂ©cessite toujours une vĂ©rification pour Ă©viter la duplication avec les donnĂ©es existantes. Je pense que KOBO va ainsi nous aider Ă  gagner le temps de travail.

Ma curiositĂ© a finalement Ă©tĂ© Ă©clairĂ©e lors de la dĂ©monstration faite par Zack et Peter lors de « State of the map africa » le 20 novembre dernier sur l’utilisation du langage OSM dans KOBO, j’aimerais bien essayer ça moi-mĂȘme dans la communautĂ© pour voir le succĂšs de cette facilitation. Si quelqu’un l’a bien compris c’est cool pour moi qu’on Ă©change lĂ -dessus. Ne l’oubliez pas, je suis plus Ă  l’aise en français qu’en anglais.

Using Kobo Toolbox for OSM mapping

Collecting data with KOBO makes it easier to obtain a lot of information about the object to be collected and it depends on what you want to have as information. The localization of the place of collection is even better when we want to make spatial analyses on the information.

Indeed, the insertion of the OSM language in the Kobo settings greatly simplifies the process of placing the information about the collected point in OSM. Until now, we converted the data into XLS or CSV, then we sorted the useful columns, added the osm tags and finally sent them to osm.

By uploading the data to OSM, it makes it easier to send it to OSM after some quality control, because sending the data to OSM always requires a check to avoid duplicating existing data. I think that KOBO will help us to save time.

My curiosity was finally enlightened when Zack and Peter demonstrated the use of OSM in KOBO at the “State of the map africa” event on November 20th, I would love to try this myself in the community to see how successful this facilitation is. If anyone understands this, it’s cool for me to share it. Don’t forget, I’m more comfortable in French than in English.

Location: Vutetse, Butembo, Kimeni, Butembo, Nord-Kivu, République démocratique du Congo