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This is how it all started...

Posted by Letwin on 21 December 2022 in English.

2022 PART 01

#Welcome to OpenStreetMap Community

It was just 3 students, ambitious about a pathway they were not even so sure about. They accepted the challenge and got ready to roll.

So, we started our YouthMappers Chapter just as a Students OSM Community at our University. We didn’t know much but we were willing to take the risk. So, one thing we knew and we did was hold Africa Monthly Mapathons.


This we knew and actually followed and for a time it was the only activity we knew. Fortunately for us, we had the unwavering support of our mentor Dr Prestige T Makanga and Dr Charles Paradzayi and of course Geoffrey Kateregga (our Mr OSM)! Later on, light came, and thanks to Regional Ambassador Laura Mugeha; we registered our small community as a YouthMappers Chapter and things started getting better and brighter. On this day, we launched our Chapter with an introduction to OpenStreetMap and YouthMappers.


We are so grateful to OSM Zimbabwe - Tafadzwa Bere and Clifford Tarerwa who dedicated their time to walk us through this day. And yes, we launched the chapter with a regalia already!


I admit it was not at all smooth but trust me it was worth it. In short, this is how YouthMappers Midlands State University came to be…

Kudos to Kumbirai N. Matingo, Ruvimbo D. Supiya and Letwin Pondo.

youthmappers_msu youthmappers_msu


#osmzimbabwe #osmafrica #hotosm


Comment from arnalielsewhere on 21 December 2022 at 14:35

Congratulations, Letwin and to your team for the Youthmappers chapter launch! Building maps and mappers, our leaders of today! ❤️‍🔥✊🏼

Comment from pedrito1414 on 21 December 2022 at 15:14

Lovely to hear your story :D

Comment from Laura Mugeha on 21 December 2022 at 21:09

Proud of you, Letwin! You have done so well with the YouthMappers chapter and OSM Community in #Zim! I can’t wait to see more next year :-)

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