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Posted by Jmapper007 on 16 August 2022 in English.

It has been the 435 days since the start of my OSM days, don’t remember why I started, I just did. It started small with adding minor businesses and fixing road names, then I mapped out large chunks of landuse at a time around my hometown. eventually, this evolved into an ongoing (though slowly moving) project across the Central-Eastern part of Connecticut. Then recently I got involved with the OSM Discord server for guidance. Also recently I began #NoteFreeCT like #CloseTheNotes but we (I) focus on Connecticut as a whole, also started a little micro mapping as well, hopefully all this doesn’t get too out of control.

Until next time, Jmapper007

P.S. next time most likely won’t be any time soon.

Location: Windham Center Historic District, Windham, Southeastern Connecticut Planning Region, Connecticut, 06280, United States


Comment from traveleditor on 17 August 2022 at 13:04


Comment from CharliePlett on 18 August 2022 at 00:35

That’s some nice mapping. I like when some mappers focus on mapping landuse instead of only buildings or roads even though those are important as well. Check out my mapping progress in Belize

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