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The OSM community is made up of volunteer contributors from different countries around the world, who are dedicated to improving the world map. To contribute to OSM it is required first to have an OSM account and to be trained on how to contribute. These contributions are subject to validation in order to censor errors that may have crept in during the mapping process. Through this data quality internship, we had the opportunity to be trained on how to do the validation process.

Frequently observed errors

During the validation practice, for the tasks that were validated so far, here are the common mistakes made by the contributors that we noticed: - Buildings with non-square corners. However, the instructions for the projects always give clear directions for this! - Not completely mapped spots, especially in rural areas where there are circular buildings; - The use of some inappropriate tags, especially for circular buildings like “building=hut”.


Here are some recommendations we make: - Always remind contributors to a mapping project right at the beginning, especially beginner mappers that before locking a task into a project for mapping, first read the project instructions carefully; - Validate the tasks in time, so that the given remarks help the cartographers to improve; because a remark given after 1 or 2 years in my opinion has lost its meaning. Thanks again HOT for this good opportunity where we are being trained and informed a lot.

Location: Ngere, Butembo, Kimeni, Butembo, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo


Comment from arnalielsewhere on 1 December 2022 at 08:05

Wonderful! Please feel free to add your learnings here eg update/improve the OSM Wiki page: :)

Comment from janabau on 5 December 2022 at 07:20

Nice observations on validation.

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