
Germany - Nordrhein-Westfalen - Hückeswagen - Bever- und Neyetalsperre

Posted by JND on 25 May 2009 in English. Last updated on 4 August 2009.

Last (extended) weekend I was at a camp site close to the Bever reservoir and did some running and walking in that area. There are a lot a walking ways missing and the extend of the woods and waters are not really alaborated. I had to adjust some of my records in JOSM to fit them together with the existing stuff. I also had to omit many points of interest as I could not remember what a way point mark was meant to Garmin Forerunner only allows lap-mark, which I use as a mean to mark waypoints. But after 10km or more of running You do not remember everthing...was it a gate or kissing gate or just the junction with another way... so feel free to correct my errors.

Location: Neuhückeswagen, Aue, Hückeswagen, Oberbergischer Kreis, North Rhine – Westphalia, 42499, Germany


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