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The Asia Foundation :: Bohol Tourism Mapping

Posted by GOwin on 25 November 2015 in English. Last updated on 26 November 2015.

Crowd-sourced Mapping workshops by The Asia Foundation via [Umap](


The crowd-sourced mapping activity held in Panglao, Bohol on 13th November is the fifth of a series of workshops being carried out by the Coalitions for Change (CfC), of the Coordinating Roads and Infrastructure Investment for Development (CR+ID) project meant to promote the mobilization and development of interest by formal organizations, local volunteer groups, and informal associations to identify and map their communities and other areas of interest using the OpenStreetMap platform. In this particular case, the activity is focused specifically in teaching the participants the rudiments of mapping establishments, infrastructure, and other points-of-interest (POI) that relate to the tourism industry.

Working partners and participants

The activity was organized by the Bohol Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the support of The Asia Foundation, Philippines, and in coordination with the staff of the Bohol Planning and Development Office. Around forty participants, majority of which represented the municipal and barangay LGUs of Panglao and Dauis, the tourism staff of the Bohol LGU, other municipal LGUs, and a few representatives from the private sector. The following organizations were represented in the workshop:

  • Anda LGU
  • Calape LGU
  • Dauis LGU
  • Loon LGU
  • Panglao LGU
  • Tubigon LGU
  • Philippine Agriculture Land Development and Mill, Incorporated (PALM), Sagbayan, BOH
  • Holy Name University, Tagbilaran, BOH
  • Bohol Tourism Office

OpenStreetMap Workshop

Prior workshops focused on the use of OsmAnd for adding data to OpenStreetMap, and for field data collection. This time, the revised workshop program was intended to provide hands-on learning for editing OSM data from a computer, using the iD editor, and how to extract data from the OSM database for use in Geographic Information System software, like QGIS.

It was unfortunate that some of the topics had to be shortened because of the late arrival of majority of participants. The expected hands-on training was also dropped due to limited number of laptops (of the forty participants, only five brought along a laptop) and the very limited Internet access in the venue (Internet access was meant for all customers of the establishment, and not exclusive to workshop participants.)

In lieu of the expected hands-on activity, the morning session topics were delivered as a presentation and demonstration. The few participants with laptops managed to follow the exercises on their own computers.

Activity results

OpenStreetMap edits during the workshop, via [Overpass-Turbo](

An Overpass-Turbo query repored the following edits made by the participants during the workshop day itself: pois: 157, lines: 276, polygons: 74

Post-workshop mapping activities

Several users were noted for continuing to map their neighborhoods after the workshop:

  • MelizzaDawn of Libaong, Dauis
  • ericdel of the PPDO, who mostly works around Dela Paz, Tagbilaran. Eric is also a participant of the Tagbilaran workshop held earlier this year, and had been an actively contributing edits in Bohol
  • Calape of Calape, BOH
  • jcars of Loon, BOH
  • Mpdcanda of Anda, Dauis

Post workshop edits of Bohol via [Achavi](

Between the 14th and 20th of November, a total of 2,628 edits (nodes, ways, closed ways, and relations) were made by workshop participants. Of these objects, 1,910 were new objects, while 676 were modifications or updates to already existing objects.

Noted, too, were users’ preference for the iD editor for adding map data, despite the limited hands-on exercise opportunity for said tool during the workshop.

Panglao participants group shot More photos are here

Location: Tawala, Panglao, Bohol, Central Visayas, 6340, Philippines


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