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On May 24, 2019, the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) of the Republic of Paraguay published Resolution No. 1090/19, which “Categorizes and Classifies National Routes”, whose last update was made in the year 1,962.

Within the framework of Law No. 5552/2016, 10 new national routes were created and the routes of historical routes were redefined as national routes No. 2 and No. 7, as well as the criteria for references as PYnn .

This decision led to the organization of a task with the OpenStreetMap Community of Paraguay, and on the OSM-Py Telegram channel the criteria for the designation and classification of existing roads that became part of the road network were discussed and agreed upon of national routes.

Based on the maps published by the MOPC (, during the months of July and August 2019, members of the communities of OSM Paraguay and OSM Argentina, intervened the map by editing and re-labeling the existing ways to adapt it to Resolution No. 1090/19.

Thanks to the work and dedication of a group of committed users, after an arduous task, the map of the Republic of Paraguay is displayed in OSM as established by the Law and the relevant Resolution.

“In the Eastern Region of the country, 3,494 km of national routes now have 5,502 km of paved routes, while the Paraguayan Chaco adds 4 more routes to its road heritage, totaling 3,554 km, which bet on the development of the entire Western Region. ”(

The new map of national routes of Paraguay can be seen here: and the descriptive information, as well as all the relations are in the OSM wiki:

Location: Centro, Centro de Integración Territorial Centro, Posadas, Departamento Capital, Misiones, Argentina


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