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Humanitarian Open Street Team’s Community Working Group’s Skillshare Session

The Community Working Group of Humanitarian Open Street Team (HOT) organized a Skillshare Session on January 19, 2024, at 12 UTC. This informative session featured Brazil Singh, the President of YouthMappers at Eastern University, as the speaker. The focus of the session was on imparting excellent skills related to WordPress website creation.

Session Details

  • Date and Time: January 19, 2024, at 12 UTC

  • Session Speaker: Brazil Singh, President of YouthMappers at Eastern University

  • Topic: WordPress Website Creation

  • Session Host: Eka Diweti

Speaker’s Expertise

Brazil Singh, the President of YouthMappers at Eastern University, shared his excellent skills in WordPress website creation. His expertise added valuable insights to the session, providing participants with practical knowledge in this essential field.

Appreciation for the Session Host

The session was hosted by Eka Diweti, who demonstrated excellent hosting skills. Her proficiency in managing the session contributed to its success, creating a positive and engaging learning environment.

Session Support

The entire session was supported by HOT (Humanitarian Open Street Team) and Arnalie, highlighting the collaborative efforts to make this knowledge-sharing event possible.

Poster Design

The eye-catching poster for the Skillshare Session was designed by Md. Atikuzaman Limon, adding a creative touch to the event’s promotion.

This Skillshare Session not only provided valuable insights into WordPress website creation but also showcased the collaborative spirit within the humanitarian and mapping community.


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