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Brazil Singh's Diary

Recent diary entries

Hello, Openstreetmap community! I’m Brazil Singh, Open Mapping Guru, and I’m excited to share the highlights from my recent training session at Jahangirnagar University. As an Open Mapping Guru under the Open Mapping Hub - Asia Pacific, this experience was both enlightening and thrilling, filled with dynamic discussions, insightful training sessions, and endless fun. Here’s a summary of our amazing day together!

Event Highlights

The session began at 2 PM with a vibrant atmosphere. We were honored to have several distinguished guests who contributed immensely to the event:

Chief Guest: Dr. Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Professor at the Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS, Jahangirnagar University
Special Guests:
    Md. Munir Mahmud, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS, Jahangirnagar University
    Sawan Shariar, Regional Ambassador at YouthMappers and President of OSM Bangladesh

Session Details

OpenStreetMap Training:

Al Jubaer led the session with a detailed overview of the fundamentals of OSM using the ID Editor. Participants learned how to edit and enhance maps on the OpenStreetMap platform, gaining valuable skills for contributing to global mapping efforts.

Mapillary App Training:

I conducted the session on the Mapillary app, providing participants with practical training and guiding them through a hands-on survey of the Jahangirnagar University campus. This allowed everyone to apply their newly acquired skills in a real-world context.

I also trained them through the theoretical session that how to use mapiliary and where to use mapillary. I also showed them the mediums how we can use mapillary.

Hands-On Experience and Survey

The practical survey was a highlight, as participants used the Mapillary app to capture images and contribute to the mapping database, reinforcing their learning through direct application. So we selected an area in Jahangirnagar University campus, and then we went for field mapping. We captured the selected area and then we get back to the classroom again.

Insights and Future Guidance

After the survey, Krishna Prosad Mondal offered valuable guidance on upcoming events and the application of various GIS technologies. This session broadened the participants’ understanding of the potential uses of geospatial data. Inspirational Speeches

Sawan Shariar shared insights about the opportunities within the YouthMappers community, encouraging participants to make the most of these opportunities. Our honorable mentor, Dr. Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, concluded the session with an inspiring keynote, motivating everyone to continue exploring and utilizing geospatial technologies for positive impact.

A Heartfelt Thank You

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Sawan Shariar Bhai, Sarafat Islam Sohan Bhai, Faisal Bhai, Krishna Prosad Mondal Dada, and Noman Bin Hossain for their exceptional contributions to this unforgettable experience. Your enthusiasm and dedication were key to the success of this event.

Moving Forward

This training session was a resounding success, thanks to the enthusiastic participation and commitment of everyone involved. Let’s continue to explore and utilize geospatial technologies to make a positive impact on our communities and the world.

About Open Mapping Guru fellowship:

The Open Mapping Guru Fellowship is an initiative by the Open Mapping Hub - Asia Pacific, designed to support and develop the skills of individuals in the field of open mapping and geospatial technologies. This fellowship aims to create a network of mapping experts, known as “Mapping Gurus,” who can lead and inspire mapping communities, conduct training sessions, and promote the use of open geospatial data.

OpenstreetMap Bangladesh Mega Mapathon Experience

Posted by Brazil Singh on 25 May 2024 in English. Last updated on 27 May 2024.

On May 24, 2024, OpenStreetMap Bangladesh Community organized a mega mapathon in Dhaka at ICMAB Training Center, Annex Building, Nilkhet Road, Kataban, Dhaka . OSMBD MEGA MAPATHON LOCATION

It was an amazing day. The event started at 09:00 am and ends at 4:00 pm with so many workshop, quiz, mapathon.A team from Rajshahi University joined with us virtually.

RU Team

The event was supported by Bkash and Bangladesh Open Innovation Lab. We started with snacks and our Youthmappers’ Regional Ambassador, Amena Rashid Bania, started the event with a new and exiting game. We separated into two lines and communicated with new participants, asked them about there hobbies, when did they join OSM, why they are interested and so many questions. It was a really fun and we learn so many things from this game. Actually how to interact with others and also how to express ourselves.

After that our main part started, which was mapathon, where we have given a project to map in HOT Tasking Manager. And the top contributors will get prize. Absolutely an amazing competition. During this competition we have had lunch and after lunch we again participated in Mapathon. And after that another interesting game which was Quiz competition. In the beginning I was in 53th number but from 7th round i was answering right and before last round i was in top position but the last question , I couldn’t answer that and end of the result I was in 4th place. But the game was really amazing. After the game, we learned so many things from precious speakers, who really gave us so many interesting and knowledgeable information.

Image of OSMBD

After the closing ceremony, we gathered in group Infront of the venue and took group photo. Lastly, it was my first mapathon with OSMBD community and I heired before Covid-19, this type of event often happened. Again it’s starting, and I hope we will Experience so many events and new things in future. So, East and West, OSMBD community is best!

Asia Pacific Hub and World Vision Bangladesh Field Mapping and Data collecion Experience.

Open Mapping Guru, Brazil Singh in a field visit and data collection in Mirpur and Duaripara, Dhaka. Open Mapping Guru, Brazil Singh in a field visit and data collection in Mirpur and Duaripara, Dhaka.

On Thursday 21 March 2024, I received invitation from Open Mapping Hub Asia Pacific & also brilliant Mikko Tamura, Community Manager for Asia and the Pacific at Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, for the coordination of OM Guru for Dhaka Field Visit & Data Collection. I was so much exited, and I accepted the invitation instantly. And then I got the news about the guests who are coming to Bangladesh and they were Can Unen, Senior Manager for Community & Partnerships, Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team , Honey Grace Fombuena, GIS AnalystGIS Analyst, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team and Harry Mahardhika Machmud, Senior Program Manager for Asia-Pacific at Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

On 27 March 2024 I went to World Vision Bangladesh and there i met with other OM Gurus and also with World Vision Bangladesh’s staff members and with vouleenters. So basically we divided into three teams. Where I was leading the mapiliary with Harry and other two GURUS are in ODK with Miss Honey and Field Paper with Can Unen. We selected two areas in Mirpur for field visit and data collection. First on was Duaripara and second one was Milat Camp. So first I trained the voulenteers and my team members about mapiliary and how to collect data. Then we went to the field visit. So, in the field, we mapiliary team divided into two groups, one group went inside the slum and collected data and another one group collected data from outside. We collected data in 1.30 hours and it was an amazing experience. Like from the field, collecting street level images. It was really amazing.

So after completing the field trip, we come back to office, and we discuss the problems, weakness, strength and opportunities of that area. We also talked with local people to know which main things basically they need. The ODK team also detected so many problems and also the field papers, which was superb. And after finishing the work, we were invited for the dinner near office. So after the office, We went to the restaurant which was also in MIrpur. The restaurant was in a beautiful place with metro rail area. So the iftar dinner was also amazing, where we 12 gurus and 3 AP Hub Members and also Tasauf A (Ribin) Baki Billah bhaiya, Executive Director at Bangladesh Open Innovation Lab (BOIL), and SM Sawan Shariar, Regional Ambassador of Youthmappers were present. After finishing the iftar dinner, we went for coffee. And there we spend quality times and discuss a lot of things about OpenStreetMap and also the traditions of our country. And after that we take a group photo and leave the resturant. When I am writing this diary, I am missing them so much.

AP Hub members met together and share an Iftar with the Open Mapping Gurus in the OpenStreetMap Bangladesh Community

Now I am going to share some funny moments Which I will never forget. That is our OM guru Khan Mohhamad reached office before me and met with Miss Honey and fun part is that Miss Honey thought that is Brazil. And when I met with Miss Honey, she thoughts that I am Khan. And she started giving me some tasks of ODK. At that moment, we both didn’t know that she didn’t recognize me. So when Harry comes and told that he is mapiliary, Miss Honey is saying, “No, he is Khan, ODK one. Then I told that no, I am Brazil. Then she was laughing and said, then why you agreed to the task. Hahahaha, then I told that I love tasks. And funfact is that before knowing me like when she didn’t know that I am Brazil, we have had lunch togther and discussed so many things. And another moment is when we were in break, Can Unen, challenged me for 8 Ball pool, but the issue was Wi-Fi problem, and we played game togther. Also, I played Mobile legends with Miss Honey. And also so much memory created when we were dicusssing so many things. Soon I am going to launch something better for the OSM community with HOT and Open Mapping Hub.

This is directly translated from Arnalie’s Blog.

২০২৪ সালের OpenStreetMap ফাউন্ডেশন মেম্বারশিপ ক্যাম্পেইনে স্বাগতম!

আজ, ওপেনস্ট্রিটম্যাপ ফাউন্ডেশন (ওএসএমএফ) বোর্ডের সদস্যরা এবং বেশ কয়েকটি ওএসএমএফ ওয়ার্কিং গ্রুপের সদস্যরা একটি বিশ্বব্যাপী ওএসএমএফ সদস্যতা প্রচারাভিযান শুরু করছে। যেখানে ওএসএমএফ সদস্য নেই বা খুব কম এমন অঞ্চলে ওএসএমএফ সদস্যতা বৃদ্ধি এবং বৈচিত্র্যময় করার লক্ষ্যে।

আপনি এই মানচিত্র থেকে দেখতে পাচ্ছেন, এরকম অনেক অঞ্চল রয়েছেঃ A visualization of OSMF membership by country, worldwide ওএসএম একটি বিশাল, বিশ্বব্যাপী ম্যাপার, পেশাদার জিআইএস, কমিউনিটি বিল্ডার, ডেভেলপার, ইঞ্জিনিয়ার, প্রশিক্ষক ইত্যাদি দ্বারা নির্মিত হওয়ার জন্য পরিচিত, যা ম্যাপের অস্তিত্বের বিগত বিশ বছরে তাদের স্থানীয় জ্ঞানে অবদান রাখে এবং উন্মুক্ত এবং বিনামূল্যে ভূ-স্থানিক ডেটা বজায় রাখে।

OSM ফাউন্ডেশন, OSM এর প্রযুক্তিগত সিস্টেম এবং ডেটা তত্ত্বাবধান করে OSM তৈরির পরিচালনা এবং সমর্থন করে। এটি দীর্ঘমেয়াদী কৌশল এবং মানচিত্রের মঙ্গল পরিচালনা করতে সহায়তা করে।

সুতরাং, OSM ফাউন্ডেশনের সদস্যপদ তার সম্প্রদায়ের বিশাল বৈচিত্র্যের প্রতিফলন হওয়া খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।

কেন আমাদের একটি #OSMFMembership ক্যাম্পেইন দরকার?

OSMF ওয়েবসাইটে শিরোনাম হিসাবে, OpenStreetMap ফাউন্ডেশন বিনামূল্যে ভূ-স্থানিক ডেটার বৃদ্ধি, বিকাশ এবং বিতরণকে উত্সাহিত করার জন্য এবং যে কেউ ব্যবহার করতে এবং ভাগ করার জন্য ভূ-স্থানিক ডেটা প্রদানের জন্য নিবেদিত৷

এটা মনে রাখা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ যেএ একটি প্রোফাইল তৈরি করতে এবং OpenStreetMap সম্পাদনা শুরু করতে আপনাকে OSM ফাউন্ডেশনের সদস্য হতে হবে না। এমনকি আপনাকে স্থানীয় সম্প্রদায় বা একটি ওয়ার্কিং গ্রুপের জন্য স্বেচ্ছাসেবক হওয়ার জন্য সদস্য হতে হবে না, বা ম্যাপ ইভেন্টের রাজ্যে যেতে হবে বা ম্যাপিং পার্টিতে অংশগ্রহণ করতে হবে না।

যাইহোক, যদি আপনি OSM এর সামগ্রিক ভবিষ্যতের মধ্যে একটি পার্থক্য করতে চান, তাহলে OSMF সদস্য হওয়া একটি ভাল ধারণা। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, ওএসএমএফ সদস্যরা বোর্ডের সদস্য নির্বাচন সহ ফাউন্ডেশনের বিষয়ে ভোট দেওয়ার অধিকারী। OSMF সদস্যরাও বোর্ডের জন্য স্ব-মনোনয়ন করতে পারেন। আপনি এর সনদ থেকে দেখতে পাচ্ছেন, OSM ফাউন্ডেশন OSM অবদানকারীদেরকে মূল্য দেয় এবং OSMF সদস্যপদটি নিবেদিত অবদানকারীদেরকে কীভাবে ফাউন্ডেশন পরিচালনা করা হয় সে সম্পর্কে একটি আওয়াজ দেওয়ার জন্য বিদ্যমান।

যাইহোক, 16 জানুয়ারী 2024 এর মধ্যে মাত্র 1,929 OSMF সদস্য রয়েছে। এটি OSM-এ সক্রিয় ম্যাপারের সামগ্রিক সংখ্যার একটি ছোট শতাংশ। (প্যাসকেল নিস অনেক সংস্থান সরবরাহ করেছেন, এটি সহ, যা হাজার হাজার লোকের ডেটা দেখায় যারা যে কোনও সময়ে ম্যাপিং করছেন এবং লক্ষ লক্ষ যারা গত 20 বছরে ম্যাপ করেছেন।)

মাত্র 1,929 OSMF সদস্য থাকার মানে হল যে OSM’ersদের মাত্র একটি ক্ষুদ্র শতাংশ বোর্ড নির্বাচন করছে এবং OSM কৌশলগত পরিকল্পনা এবং অর্থায়নকে গঠনে সাহায্য করছে।

আরও, এখানে 1,929 OSMF সদস্যদের আঞ্চলিক বন্টন রয়েছে: OSM সম্প্রদায়ের স্বার্থের প্রতিনিধিত্ব করার লক্ষ্যে সফল হওয়ার জন্য, OSMF-কে অবশ্যই এমন অঞ্চল এবং দেশগুলিতে সদস্যপদ বাড়াতে হবে যেখানে OSMF সদস্য নেই বা খুব কম।

The only way this will happen is if many thousands of OSM users decide to join the OSM Foundation as a member–TODAY!

OSMF এর সদস্য হওয়ার সুবিধাগুলি কী কী?

১. OSM ফাউন্ডেশনের নেতৃত্ব নির্বাচন করার ক্ষেত্রে আপনি সরাসরি ভূমিকা পালন করতে পারেন। OSMF সদস্যরা প্রতি বছর বার্ষিক সাধারণ সভায় ভোট দেয়, সাধারণত ডিসেম্বরে অনুষ্ঠিত হয়, যারা OSMF বোর্ডে স্বেচ্ছাসেবক হিসেবে কাজ করে তাদের নির্বাচন করতে। গুরুত্বপূর্ণভাবে, আপনাকে নির্বাচনের 90 দিন আগে ভাল অবস্থানে সদস্য হতে হবে, তাই যোগদানের সময় এখন।

২. আপনি যদি সাধারণ সভার 180 দিন আগে একজন সদস্য হন, আপনি OSMF বোর্ডের সদস্য হিসাবে কাজ করার জন্য স্ব-মনোনীত করতে পারেন। এটি আপনাকে কৌশলগত পরিকল্পনা, OSM-এর কিছু অর্থ এবং শাসনের অন্যান্য বিষয়গুলিকে প্রভাবিত করতে দেয়।

৩. আপনি মানচিত্র এবং সম্প্রদায়ের জন্য আপনার সমর্থন দেখান।

এখানে অতিরিক্ত কারণ আছে: অনুগ্রহ করে OpenStreetMap ফাউন্ডেশনে যোগদান করে OSM এর ভবিষ্যত গঠনে সহায়তা করুন

আমি #OSMFMembership ক্যাম্পেইনে সাহায্য করতে চাই

১. একটি প্রচারাভিযান রাষ্ট্রদূত হতে!

  • প্রচারাভিযান সম্পর্কে আপনার নিজের সামাজিক অ্যাকাউন্ট এবং কমিউনিটি চ্যানেলে পোস্ট করুন! আপনি #OSMFMembershipCampaign কমিউনিকেশন প্ল্যান উল্লেখ করতে পারেন।

  • আপনি যদি ইতিমধ্যেই একজন OSMF সদস্য হন, তাহলে শেয়ার করুন কেন OSM ম্যাপারদের সদস্য হওয়া উচিত এবং OSM অবদানকারীদেরকে OSMF সদস্য হিসেবে যোগদান করতে উৎসাহিত করুন! প্রশংসাপত্রের নির্দেশিকাl ব্যবহার করুন এবং আপনার প্রশংসাপত্রগুলি OSM কমিউনিটি ফোরাম থ্রেডে আপলোড করুন অথবা arnalie.vicario [at]এ ইমেল করুন.

২. দলে যোগ দিন! OSM কমিউনিটি ফোরামে স্বেচ্ছাসেবকদের থ্রেডের জন্য আহ্বানের বিষয়ে মন্তব্য করুন।

আমরা বিশেষভাবে স্বেচ্ছাসেবক অনুবাদক খুঁজছি যারা আমাদের বিভিন্ন ভাষায় অনুবাদ করতে সাহায্য করতে পারে, বিশেষ করে:

 * ফরাসি
 * স্প্যানিশ (জুয়ান)
 * আরবি
 * পর্তুগীজ
 * সোয়াহিলি
  • আমরা অন্যান্য স্থানগুলি অন্বেষণ করার জন্যও সাহায্য খুঁজছি যেখানে আমরা ওএসএম সম্প্রদায়ের সদস্যদের কাছে পৌঁছতে পারি, উদাহরণস্বরূপ ওয়েবিনারের আয়োজন করে, স্থান গবেষণা করে যেমন পডকাস্ট যেখানে আমরা প্রচারণার প্রচার করতে পারি এবং সোশ্যাল মিডিয়াতে লাইভ করতে পারি (যেমন Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, ইত্যাদি)।

OSM উইকিতে OSMF মেম্বারশিপ ড্রাইভ 2024 প্ল্যানটি এখানে রয়েছে।

যেকোনো অতিরিক্ত প্রশ্ন এবং মন্তব্যের জন্য, OSM কমিউনিটি ফোরাম থ্রেডের মাধ্যমে আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন।

আমরা আপনার সাহায্যের প্রশংসা করি এবং আপনার সাথে OSMF সদস্যতা বৃদ্ধি এবং বৈচিত্র্যময় করার জন্য উন্মুখ!

OSMF মেম্বারশিপ ক্যাম্পেইন টিম

ওপেনস্ট্রিটম্যাপ ফাউন্ডেশন হল একটি অলাভজনক সংস্থা, যা OpenStreetMap প্রকল্পকে সমর্থন করার জন্য গঠিত। এটি যে কেউ ব্যবহার করতে এবং ভাগ করার জন্য বিনামূল্যে ভূ-স্থানিক ডেটার বৃদ্ধি, বিকাশ এবং বিতরণকে উত্সাহিত করার জন্য নিবেদিত৷ OpenStreetMap ফাউন্ডেশন OpenStreetMap প্রকল্পের অবকাঠামোর মালিক এবং রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ করে, সদস্যতা ফি এবং অনুদান দ্বারা আর্থিকভাবে সমর্থিত এবং বার্ষিক, আন্তর্জাতিক স্টেট অফ দ্য ম্যাপ সম্মেলনের আয়োজন করে। আমাদের স্বেচ্ছাসেবক ওয়ার্কিং গ্রুপ এবং ছোট মূল কর্মীরা OpenStreetMap প্রকল্পকে সমর্থন করার জন্য কাজ করে। OpenStreetMap ফাউন্ডেশনে যোগ দিন মাত্র £15 বছরে অথবা বিনামূল্যের জন্য যদি আপনি একজন সক্রিয় OpenStreetMap অবদানকারী হন।

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‘Connecting with Community: Let’s Switch to Mapping’

YouthMappers at Eastern University recently organized a dynamic and engaging day-long session focused on the theme ‘Connecting with Community: Let’s Switch to Mapping.’ on 07 February 2024. It was an amazing Experience, where we learned The Butterfly Effect… Play and Learn-What an outstanding concept of teaching. In the context of community building, leaders play a pivotal role as catalysts for change and progress. Their actions, no matter how small, can set off a chain reaction of positive transformations within the community. For instance, a leader who takes the time to listen to the concerns of residents and actively involve them in decision-making processes can foster a sense of empowerment and unity among community members. This, in turn, may inspire individuals to become more engaged and invested in the betterment of their community.

YouthMappers at Eastern University recently organized a dynamic and engaging day-long session focused on the theme ‘Connecting with Community: Let’s Switch to Mapping.’ The event, held on February 07, 2024, at Eastern University, brought together students, and community members to explore the power of mapping in community development and engagement. The session featured a diverse range of topics, including Community Development, Leadership Training, Women’s Participation, Problem-Solving, Kobo Toolbox, Data Collection and Analysis. Led by Youthmappers Regional Ambassador, Amena Rashid Bania, the session provided valuable insights and practical skills for participants to enhance their understanding of mapping technologies and their applications in community initiatives. In addition to the informative sessions, the event also included hands-on workshops on Mobile Mapping conducted by regional ambassador Nishan Ariyal, and Mapping Techniques led by Brazil Singh, President of YouthMappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh chapter. Brazil Singh, a prominent figure in the OpenStreetMap (OSM) community, is recognized as an Open Mapping Guru Fellow in the Asia Pacific Region, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to the session. Guest Speaker Sawan Sahriar, regional Ambassador of Youthmappers, graced the event with his presence and delivered an inspiring talk on OpenStreetMap and Mapping Tasks. His insights and knowledge added a valuable dimension to the session, inspiring participants to explore the possibilities of mapping in community engagement.


Humanitarian Open Street Team’s Community Working Group’s Skillshare Session

The Community Working Group of Humanitarian Open Street Team (HOT) organized a Skillshare Session on January 19, 2024, at 12 UTC. This informative session featured Brazil Singh, the President of YouthMappers at Eastern University, as the speaker. The focus of the session was on imparting excellent skills related to WordPress website creation.

Session Details

  • Date and Time: January 19, 2024, at 12 UTC

  • Session Speaker: Brazil Singh, President of YouthMappers at Eastern University

  • Topic: WordPress Website Creation

  • Session Host: Eka Diweti

Speaker’s Expertise

Brazil Singh, the President of YouthMappers at Eastern University, shared his excellent skills in WordPress website creation. His expertise added valuable insights to the session, providing participants with practical knowledge in this essential field.

Appreciation for the Session Host

The session was hosted by Eka Diweti, who demonstrated excellent hosting skills. Her proficiency in managing the session contributed to its success, creating a positive and engaging learning environment.

Session Support

The entire session was supported by HOT (Humanitarian Open Street Team) and Arnalie, highlighting the collaborative efforts to make this knowledge-sharing event possible.

Poster Design

The eye-catching poster for the Skillshare Session was designed by Md. Atikuzaman Limon, adding a creative touch to the event’s promotion.

This Skillshare Session not only provided valuable insights into WordPress website creation but also showcased the collaborative spirit within the humanitarian and mapping community.

Open Mapping Guru Fellowship: Navigating the Path to Excellence

Unveiling a New Chapter: Open Mapping Hub Asia Pacific

The journey to mastery in the field of open mapping has taken a significant turn for the better as I proudly announce my achievement of the Open Mapping Guru Fellowship conferred by the esteemed Open Mapping Hub Asia Pacific. Brazil

Location: Nijhum Residential Area, Jigatola, Dhaka, Dhaka Metropolitan, Dhaka District, Dhaka Division, 1209, Bangladesh

Joined HOT OSM Community Meeting

Posted by Brazil Singh on 12 December 2023 in English. Last updated on 26 January 2024.


HOT Community Meeting Recap

Hello community! Today I joined for the first time a meeting and shared my skills with the guests.

Host: Dara,

Attendees: Brazil, Mahjabin, Ralph, Pete, Arnalie, Nicole, Eden, Hawa, Daniel, Franco


The recent HOT community meeting brought together passionate individuals from various corners of the globe, united by a common goal - humanitarian open mapping. Led by Dara, the meeting featured insightful introductions, icebreaker moments, and shoutouts to commendable efforts within the community. As we reflect on the highlights, it becomes clear that the spirit of collaboration and dedication is alive and thriving in the HOT community.

Icebreaker Moments:

The icebreaker question, "What’s your best memory with HOT this year?" revealed a tapestry of experiences, showcasing the diverse contributions and achievements within the community. From memorable mapathons to successful activations, each member had a unique story to share, reinforcing the sense of camaraderie that defines the HOT community.

Shoutouts and Highlights:

The shoutouts section served as a platform to acknowledge and celebrate outstanding work within and beyond the community. From successful webinars by the Training WG to the State of the Map Ethiopia event, the community members took a moment to appreciate and recognize the efforts of their peers. Notable mentions included the achievements of Charles Chilufya, Ruben, Kingsley, and Feye, as well as the call for proposals for SotM US.

Community Milestones and Achievements:

The meeting also highlighted significant milestones and achievements, such as the YouthMappers Bangladesh Summit and the commendable work of the Eastern University chapter. Notably, YouthMappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh, was recognized for being one of the first university chapters to have its own website, a development attributed to the efforts of Brazil Singh.


Brazil: Skill share session on designing website.

Pete: Discussion on the ‘open mapping movement’

Record-breaking Dam Activation:

A special mention went out to OSM Ghana and all mappers involved in the Ghana dam activation. The astounding speed at which the project reached 100% validation and mapping was described as a world record, showcasing the effectiveness of collaborative efforts in humanitarian mapping.


The HOT community meeting was not just a gathering; it was a celebration of achievements, a platform for recognition, and a testament to the collaborative spirit that defines the humanitarian open mapping community. As we move forward, let this blog stand as a chronicle of the dedication, passion, and collective impact of the HOT community.

Youthmappers Bangladesh Summit 2023

Posted by Brazil Singh on 12 December 2023 in English. Last updated on 26 January 2024.

Brazil Brazil Singh Rittik

I had the incredible opportunity to serve as one of the primary organizers for the inaugural YouthMappers Bangladesh Summit 2023 in my role as the Executive of the hosting chapter, YouthMappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh. Amazing experience with great instructors.

After a productive meeting with local chapter leaders in Bangladesh and a successful community gathering in September, the official announcement of the summit was made, and December 2, 2023, was marked as the date.

As October commenced, the call for participation resonated across chapters, resulting in an overwhelming response. With a capacity for 140 participants from 14 chapters, the 4 local chapters – Eastern University, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul University, and the University of Rajshahi – served as co-hosting partners.

The inauguration, led by myself, featured esteemed guest speakers and keynote speakers, including Mr Tasauf A Baki Billah, Executive Director of Bangladesh Open Innovation Lab; Mr Azizul Alam, Vice-president of Geo-Informatics, Product & Technology Division at bKash Limited; Prof. Dr. Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Director of Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS at Jahangirnagar University; and Prof. Dr. Md. Mahfuzur Rahman, Dean of Faculty of E & T at Eastern University. The summit special guest and key speaker was Mr. Mohammad Ali Azzam, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Eastern University and Mr. Prof. Dr. Shahid Akter Hossain, Vice-chancellor of Eastern University.

The summit’s middle phase showcased renowned global resource persons such as Professor Taichi Furuhashi from Aoyama Gakuin University (School of Global Studies and Collaboration), Dr. Can Unen, Nirab Pudasaini and Honey Fombuena from Open Mapping Hub - Asia Pacific, alongside valuable Bangladeshi resource persons Mr Azizul Alam, Fazle Rabbi, Atikur Rahman, and Samsul Arafin. Workshops covered diverse topics, including democratization of maps, backend web mapping for beginners, hazard exposure mapping, OSRM, innovation with open mapping, geodata collection, and advanced mapping tips and tricks. Chapters presented annual reports, and participants shared insights in lightning talks.

The summit’s climax featured a keynote address by Pete Masters, Special Projects Lead of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, delivering a powerful speech to boost the YouthMappers Bangladesh community. The closing remarks were delivered by the Lead Coordinator of OpenStreetMap Bangladesh and the Executive Director of Bangladesh Open Innovation Lab, Mr. Tasauf A Baki Billah, outlining future initiatives.

I extend my sincere appreciation to Dr. Patricia Solis, Director of YouthMappers, and Marcela Zeballos, Managing Director of YouthMappers, for their steadfast support.

State of the Map Asia 2023 Community Champion

Posted by Brazil Singh on 12 December 2023 in English. Last updated on 26 January 2024.

Brazil I am delighted to share that I have received the “State of the Map Asia 2023 Community Champion Awards” as a recognition for advocating the use of OpenStreetMap and community-building across different groups, spaces, and regions in the Asia-Pacific region and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusivity within the community. I am grateful to the SOTM Asia team, my colleagues, mentors, family and friends and everyone who has been part of this amazing journey.