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Every day OSM editing fail

Posted by Baovola on 20 February 2023 in English.

This year, I promised myself to contribute every day in order to catch my absence since my registration in 2015.

I really enjoy mapping and I take even just 5 min every day to edit in OSM.

Yesterday, I totally thought, I had already mapped. Since we are dealing with electricity on this rainy season (yes, in my city, when it rains, sometimes there is power failure which turns off our wifi :D ). So, I broke my daily activity.

I hope for the coming day to contribute more.

PS : don’t know how to import image here :D


Comment from arnalielsewhere on 21 February 2023 at 01:43

I am also trying to map everyday! But there are circumstances that happen so don’t be too hard on yourself!

On adding an image, use the format (I added space so it shows): ! [Alt text] (URL)

Example: ![My Image](myimage.jpg]

Get image url: right click on your github image and click “copy image address” I got this:

Baovola image

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