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Cycleways / Fahrradwege

Posted by 42429 on 25 September 2008 in English.

Many users seem to misunderstand the tag cycleway=lane. Obviously, this tag should also be used for cycleways which are built aside a road.

Viele deutschsprachige Benutzer verwechseln lanes und tracks. Lanes sind nicht nur die Fahrradwege auf der Fahrbahn, sondern auch die parallel zur Straße verlaufenden Fahrradwege, die durch einen Grünstreifen von der Fahrbahn abgetrennt sind. Tracks sind die Fahrradwege, die abseits der Straße verlaufen.

Ein Straßennetz mit straßenbegleitenden Radwegen sieht dann so aus:

Gruß an alle Mapper, die die Karte ihrer Heimatregion verbessern wollen
Greetings to all mappers who want to improve their domestic map

Location: 28790, Hinnebeck, Schwanewede, Landkreis Osterholz, Lower Saxony, Germany


Comment from Christopher on 25 September 2008 at 08:45

Hi, ich weiß ja nicht wie es bei dir ist, aber in meiner Region ist bei den Überland-Radwegen meist nur eine Seite benutzt wo nicht nur ein Grünstreifen sondern: eine Baumreihe, eine Sickermulde für regenwasser, ein Grünstreifen und dann der Radweg sind. Es wird ja so dargestellt, dass auf beiden seiten sowas ist. da müsste es tags für rechte und linke seite geben und die Editor müssten beim drehen der wege das auch berücksichtigen



Comment from Andy Allan on 25 September 2008 at 09:37

No, this statement is incorrect. Cycleways that are not part of the road (e.g. on a pavement, or completely separate) should either be tagged as highway=cycleway on a separate way, or cycleway=track on the same way that has the highway tag. The separate way(s) is generally preferred.

cycleway=lane is only for cycle lanes on roads that are separated from trafffic by a painted line (or similar).

Comment from 42429 on 25 September 2008 at 10:18

It may be incorrect, but it works well and fits cyclist's need to know which roads are equipped with a designated cycleway. Otherwise we need to introduce a new tag like cycleway=separate, cyclewaytrackside=south.

Two or three separate ways on a single road (together with landuse and boundaries) seems to be too much data not only for the database but also for all these mappers who have to add multiple ways. If there is just one cycleway, cyclists usually know where to cross the road.

I wish OpenCycleMap would be able to show not only cycleways on pavement, but also cycleways that are attached to a road.

Yours FK270673

Comment from 42429 on 26 September 2008 at 07:52

Helsinki looks nice, but either the map or the network seems to be incomplete.

Furthermore I wish that a cyclemap would distinguish between paved and unpaved cycleways.

Comment from Waiohua on 26 September 2008 at 21:50

Hey FK270673: The distinction is set out on the wiki page here:
cycleway=lane means Fahrradstreifen (separated by paint from the car lane)
cycleway=track means Fahrradweg (separated by the kerb or parked cars from the car lane).
Despite Andy Allan's comment, I suspect a lot of mappers in Germany do distinguish a third situation - a bikeway five or six metres separate from the roadway - and tag it as highway=cycleway. That makes sense. These bikeways behind thickets of trees are much more pleasant to use, and also safer for children.

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