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The end of the party - Operation Cowboy

Posted by !i! on 28 November 2012 in English.

I guess now it’s unnecessary to explain to you, what “Operation Cowboy” was and what we did the last weekend.

So just a short summary of the second global map action. We got even some local meetings running (Canada, London and in Germany of course) and a lot of people contributed from home. The results are quiet impressive:

  • 162 users contributed esp. for OPC2012 (so >300 users were active during this period in America which is 1/3 more than usual)

  • 3 times more data edits than usually in the US
  • the number of routing errors was reduced from over 17.000 down to 11.000

If you have a look at the map it’s really amazing that so much areas were covered. Personally I put my energy in Bowling Green (Ohio), that was in critic a few weeks ago. Well, I guess now it’s state of the art and ready to get some more POI informations :)

All that had just been possible by a lot of people, that assisted on this party:

  • local organisators
  • technical assistants as Ken (logo), Pascal (stats), Techlady (pr), …
  • wiki translators, cake bakers, …

But most important, it was YOU ALL that spend hours in tracing details for the other end of the world!


For me, it seems to be the last time in organizing such an event. It’s not because of it’s getting boring or anything else, but a lack of time. I will try to writeup my experiences that I collected on managing such worldwide map actions like OPC and NOTLM, so everyone of you is invited to start the next virtual mapping party. If you like, I would happy to assist you as good as I can :)

Location: Beaverhead County, Montana, United States


Comment from lxbarth on 28 November 2012 at 23:25

O, the town of Thank you, Montana :D

Thanks to you for setting this up!

Comment from hobbesvsboyle on 29 November 2012 at 14:39

Thanks for organizing, it was a lot of fun!

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